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The Life of Jason Jackrabbit

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Another Jazz 2 fan

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Mar 21, 2002, 11:15 AM
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The Life of Jason Jackrabbit

Maybe a few people remember the story that I began on the Epic MMB, and also posted on the JMMB. It never got very far. Anyway, I have decided not only to continue it but also to completely rewrite what I had from scratch (it is loosely based on what happened in the old version, but I like this one much better). So, hopefully I will continue it further this time. And now, without further ado I present to you .... The Life of Jason Jackrabbit!!!!!!


The War Tavern was unusually dull that evening. The rabbits had heard all the stories, some even twice. They were chatting amongst themselves. Would anything happen that day? They were totally unprepared for what did happen.

There was a loud sound outside. Then the door practically blew off the hinges. As the dust cleared, they made out the form of a rabbit. He entered, and the rabbits' gaze followed him. He was crimson red, and wore a black headband. He was holding a smoking white gun. They were startled when he smiled.

"Always liked a grand entrance! RFs can work wonders. Sorry, let me introduce myself. I am Jason Jackrabbit."

The crowd's ears perked up. The bar tender spoke, "Jackrabbit, huh? Last Jackrabbits I knew of were Jazz, and his brother Spaz." He added under his breath, "Now HE sure started a riot in here!"

Now the crowd was interested. Why had they never heard of Jason?

"My brother and I are cousins of Jazz, you know. Come from Deserto."

"Tell us your story!" The crowd pleaded.

"Have a drink." Offered the bar tender.

"Thanks, I'll take a Muckamock ale. Nothing like a good Muckamock ale! Oh, you want to hear my story? Well, It'll be long. Alright, I'll tell you." He takes a swig of ale and clears his throat.

"Let me see now..." He takes another swig. "This IS good ale!" He gulps down the rest. "I'll take another for the story," Jason tells the bar tender.

"Comin' right up!" The bar tender slides it down the counter. It lands with a resounding crach on the floor. "Darn! That's the sixth time this week! I never was real good at that..." The bar tender pours another mug of Muckamock ale and hands it to Jason. "Here you go. It's on the house, we always have free drinks for the storytellers! But you're still paying for the first one you got."

Jason accepts his drink. "Thanks."

The bar tender begins to mop up the mess, and is aided by some very drunk rabbits, eager to get more ale in their systems. They were attempting to lick it up.

"Get away, you! Or no drinks tomorrow!" The bar tender yelled. They reluctantly attempted to return to their seats, but most of them ended up landing painfully on the floor. "I knew you all had too many drinks!" They just grinned.

"AHEM!" Jason Jackrabbit clears his throat. The rabbits turn their attention back to him. "Before I begin, I will introduce you to my brother, Alex!"

The rabbits looked around, but no one stood up.

"Where is he?" One rabbit asks.

Before anyone can answer, the room is filled with a bright light. An ice blue rabbit with an orange headband appears in the middle of the tavern. Right on top of a table, in fact, with one of his paws in another rabbit's carrot beer. He quickly jumps down, and looks at the barkeep sternly.

"You HAD to put that table right under the warp target, didn't you!"

"I thought nobody knew about that warp, any more! It hasn't been used for the longest time." Replied the bar tender.

"Forgiven. Give me a Diamondus Porter, barkeep!"

"Right away! Here you go!" He is about to slide it down the counter. Jason takes it from him before he gets the chance to, and hands it to Alex.

"I don't think you should try that again." The drunk rabbits look disappointed. "Well, now, the story!" Everyone cheers.

"It all began long long ago..."


Another Jazz 2 fan
Jason Jackrabbit LP

Proud to be an old-timer! Rarely active, but Jazz Jackrabbit will always be in my heart.

Check out my War Tavern story, The Life of Jason Jackrabbit! [UPDATE - yeah, it died in 2002, but it was fun!]
Current Projects: Devan's Secret Weapon - yes, I still intend to release this some day. Got a lot of really great stuff done, it's going to be awesome!
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Mar 21, 2002, 12:59 PM
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Add another cousin to the list.. sigh. This is one very extended nuclear family Jazz has.

Funny. Quite so.
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Mar 21, 2002, 01:03 PM
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Hmm? Who else is in his family? I will remind you that my character dates back to the origin of JJ2, so if anyone else is a cousin, I am not copying them.

More to come of the story.


Proud to be an old-timer! Rarely active, but Jazz Jackrabbit will always be in my heart.

Check out my War Tavern story, The Life of Jason Jackrabbit! [UPDATE - yeah, it died in 2002, but it was fun!]
Current Projects: Devan's Secret Weapon - yes, I still intend to release this some day. Got a lot of really great stuff done, it's going to be awesome!
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Mar 22, 2002, 02:25 PM
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The Life of Jason Jackrabbit
---Part One

"My parents came to Deserto with the first colonization from Carrotus. The native lizards of this planet were friendly, and welcomed the rabbits. This was before Devan Shell came to power."

A few rabbits cringe at the mention of Devan. Jason takes a swig of ale, and continues.

"My brother Alex and I were born there, on Deserto. The colony was thriving. We had adapted to the extreme heat. We grew carrots in plowed fields. We traded with the lizards. Life was good, I tell you!

"However, we were growing distant from Carrotus. They stopped sending new colonists, and the flow of imported goods faltered. They had discovered Diamondus, and had lost interest in our hot, mineral-poor planet. Diamondus had a nice climate, and was an excellent site for mining. Before long, we were forgotten." Jason takes a drink.

"But we still prospered, and formed our own government to rule over us. And we thrived under it.

"Everything changed when Devan came. He had already conquered several other planets, unknown to us. We were so oblivious! I remember, my brother and I were playing in the carrot fields when he came. The colony quickly fell, and we were enslaved and forced to work for him. The lizards were quick to flock to Devan's side." Jason pauses for a breath, and a deep swig of ale. The tavern is silent. The rabbits had forgotten their drinks.

"And so, my brother and I grew up in slavery. Carrotus wouldn't help us, we had no way to communicate with them. I didn't know that my own cousin Jazz had been hired to defeat Devan Shell as a last resort. We did not know that the rabbit empire was on the verge of collapse, and all that could save it was my own cousin! We were slaves.

"My mind often thought of ways to escape. I longed to be free. I hated the hard work and poor treatment of us. They whipped my father to death! As for me, I toiled on. I would never forget the cruel gaze of the Schwartzenguards, and the pleasure they derived from beating us!" The red rabbit is choking up. He pauses to regain himself, and takes a long swig of ale.

"There was nothing I could do. Nothing!" He pauses.

"We were overjoyed when the turtles left, leaving the lizards in charge of us. But we did not realize how thoroughly they had been brainwashed. They were just as bad, if not worse than the Schwartzenguards." He takes another swig.

"We needed to be free, but we could not free ourselves. We were in serious need of help, but how could we contact the other rabits? It seemed they had forgotten us. I will remind you that we had no knowledge that Devan had kidnapped Princess Eva Earlong! We could not know that Carrotus had its own problems."

Jason finishes his drink. The tavern is silent, except for the chirping of a few crickets, who soon, ashamedly, stop. Shafts of light come through the window blinds.

"Well," concludes Jason, "I've kept you up all night! If you'd like to hear more, come back tomorrow."

The rabbits seem disappointed, but soon realize how tired they are. Even the drunk rabbits have become sober. They all slowly file out, anticipating the continuation of Jason's story.


Proud to be an old-timer! Rarely active, but Jazz Jackrabbit will always be in my heart.

Check out my War Tavern story, The Life of Jason Jackrabbit! [UPDATE - yeah, it died in 2002, but it was fun!]
Current Projects: Devan's Secret Weapon - yes, I still intend to release this some day. Got a lot of really great stuff done, it's going to be awesome!

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Mar 23, 2002, 09:28 AM
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Ish good! Continue! ^__^

~Talec LP
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Mar 23, 2002, 06:55 PM
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I like it, continue.
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The March Hare

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Mar 25, 2002, 07:24 AM
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Dude, that is one of the best stories I've read in a while. Sounds like you just might have a winner here.


-The March Hare
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Mar 25, 2002, 05:49 PM
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Part two is coming up.... It's a little short, but part three will make up for that!


Proud to be an old-timer! Rarely active, but Jazz Jackrabbit will always be in my heart.

Check out my War Tavern story, The Life of Jason Jackrabbit! [UPDATE - yeah, it died in 2002, but it was fun!]
Current Projects: Devan's Secret Weapon - yes, I still intend to release this some day. Got a lot of really great stuff done, it's going to be awesome!
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Mar 25, 2002, 06:28 PM
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The Life of Jason Jackrabbit
-- Part Two

The red rabbit reenters the tavern the next day. The entire original crowd had returned, as well as a few more rabbits. They had been eagerly awaiting his return.

“I’ll take another Muckamock ale, please.”

“Sure thing!” The bar tender remembers to hand him his drink.

“Goood barkeep!” Jason taunts.

The bar tender blushes, “Th-the story!” He reminds Jason.

“Ah, yes. Y’all want to know what happens next?”

He is greeted with much cheering.

He takes a drink before beginning. “Let’s see... now where was I? Oh, yes I remember. We were Devan’s slaves.

“We served Devan for many years, and had just about given up hope of being rescued. No rabbit had come for us. All of our own previous attempts to escape had failed miserably. The leaders of these rebellions would have been put to death, but Devan had other plans. They were transferred to Scraparap, to serve as garbage collectors. No rabbit desired such a punishment, so further thoughts of rebellion went to Scraparap with the leaders.

“Then, after all those years, our rescuer arrived. How surprised I was that it was my own cousin, Jazz! He shot a lizard, and used his key to remove the chains that bound our numb paws. We defeated a few lizards and took their guns. I got a nice one, it was in excellent condition. Turns out that it was of rabbit craftsmanship and had been stolen from a Carrotus armory.” Jason takes a drink.

“Still have that gun today, you know!” he remarks, and then continues. “So we talked to Jazz, and learned about the troubles of Carrotus. ‘You should be glad I ever found you,’ he told me, ‘I got lost, you know. That’s the only reason I’m here... So you’re my long lost cousin!’ I introduced him to Alex, and the important rabbits there. We held a discussion, and came up with a plan.” Jason takes another swig of ale.

“We realized that we could not return to out old homes, or the remains of them. That was obvious. We had to decide where we would stay. Some place where there would be shelter enough for a few hundred rabbits, yet would remain hidden from the lizards. We concluded that the only place that fit the credentials was Shady Cave. It was near the old village, but no rabbit had explored it before.

“So we went to the cave, passing our former village. We saw our houses in ruined, all our belongings had been pillaged years ago. The unplowed carrot fields were now dying, for lack of water on a desert planet. We managed to salvage a few carrot seeds before continuing to the cave.” Jason takes a sip of ale.

“All the rabbits entered the cave. It would be a great place to gather our strength for the final battle with the lizards. We would be able to start a small carrot garden where a shaft of light filtered down. We all settled down. There were not words to describe our feelings. At the moment, it was quite hard to accept that we were free! In short, though, we were exhausted. This became remarkably evident as several rabbits fell asleep.” A pause and more ale.

“We hadn’t explored the depths of the cavern yet. We were all asleep, the cave was peaceful and quiet. Out of the depths of the cave emerged a lone lizard. We bolted up, fully awake.”

Jason Jackrabbit finishes his ale.

“And if you want to hear more, come back tomorrow!” He grins at the rabbits around him, suddenly jolted back into awareness. Then the red rabbit walks out of the tavern into the night.


Proud to be an old-timer! Rarely active, but Jazz Jackrabbit will always be in my heart.

Check out my War Tavern story, The Life of Jason Jackrabbit! [UPDATE - yeah, it died in 2002, but it was fun!]
Current Projects: Devan's Secret Weapon - yes, I still intend to release this some day. Got a lot of really great stuff done, it's going to be awesome!
The March Hare

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Mar 26, 2002, 06:49 AM
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You know what you could do... it sounds like the story would make a good level pack, it kind of reminds me of Another Story.

Continue, oh great one!

-The March Hare
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Mar 27, 2002, 07:43 AM
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remember? (:

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Apr 8, 2002, 02:42 PM
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spoy :P

Interesting...;P I suppose I'll wait some more :P
Another Jazz 2 fan

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Apr 9, 2002, 11:54 AM
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I've already got part three written, I'll type it up soon and post it.

Proud to be an old-timer! Rarely active, but Jazz Jackrabbit will always be in my heart.

Check out my War Tavern story, The Life of Jason Jackrabbit! [UPDATE - yeah, it died in 2002, but it was fun!]
Current Projects: Devan's Secret Weapon - yes, I still intend to release this some day. Got a lot of really great stuff done, it's going to be awesome!
Flint LP

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Apr 14, 2002, 09:25 AM
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Heh heh. I have read part 3 and you haven't. Its kinda nice having my bro as the storyteller. Also its cool being in the story.
Don't worry, part 3 will be typed soon(or so he assures me).

Formerly known as: Alex Jackrabbit
Flint LP out

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Apr 20, 2002, 12:07 AM
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Thumbs up Yeah.

Yeah, great story. Please continue.
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May 8, 2002, 10:48 AM
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Sorry to keep you all waiting so long. Here's the next part.

The Life of Jason Jackrabbit
---Part Three

The rabbits let out a cheer as Jason and Alex reenter the tavern.

“I’ll take the usual,” Jason casually tells the bartender.

“Diamondus Porter,” requests Alex.

“One Muckamock Ale, one Diamondus Porter, coming right up!” The bartender hands them their drinks.

They sit down at a table, drinking and conversing. After a while, the rabbits of the tavern are annoyed.

“What about the story?” they ask.

Jason responds, “Sorry, I was comparing my recollection of events with my brother’s. I will now continue.” He stands up to resume his story.

“Well, when the lizard came we were all very startled. Had we been found already? Were we about to lose our newfound freedom so soon? Not even a chance that we might enjoy our freedom? Would WE be sent to work at Scraparap?

“Then we realized he was alone. We took out our guns. ‘Don’t move, lizard!’ we shouted. He put his hands up and responded, ‘What are you doing?’ I yelled back, “I’ll tell you what we’re doing, lizard scum. We aint goin’ back, and neither you nor any of your friends can make us. We outnumber you.’

“He wore the face of puzzlement. ‘What are you talking about? Why have you come here?’ I responded, ‘Listen up, reptile! If you want to live, you will tell us everything you know. What are Devan’s plans?’

“The lizard did not understand. I was getting angry. ‘Are you lizards really THAT stupid? MUST I SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU? You all really were eager to side with the enemy, some friends you lizards were. Abusing our trust and making us slaves! Cowards! Now tell us about Devan. You know, Devan Shell, your boss!’

“He still didn’t follow. ‘They sided with the turles? What happened?’

“I had to tell him about the turtle invasion, the rabbit enslavement, and the lizards joining Devan. ‘You are THAT oblivious?’ I asked, a little annoyed.

“‘I am an old hermit, I keep to myself in these caves,’ he replied. He seemed to be telling the truth. We lowered our guns. ‘I can’t tell you why the other lizards joined the turtles, but I might be able to help you out.’

“‘And what might you do for us?’ asked Jazz, the sole rabbit that still had his gun drawn. Having fought many lizards, and never knowing them when they were friendly, he still did not trust him.” Jason pauses to take a drink.

“The lizard replied to the point, disregarding Jazz’s threatening. ‘I am a lizard, right? I might not know what Devan is doing, but I can find out for you. I will pass for one of them.’

“‘You would spy for us? Why would you do that? You wouldn’t betray your kind for a bunch of rabbits, would you? As soon as you’re out of this cave you’ll report us and we’ll be executed or re-enslaved, coward that you are. I know you lizards too well.’ Jazz challenged.

“‘You forget. I was not brainwashed by Devan. I may be a lizard, but I am not one of them. I have hated Devan Shell my whole life, and it is dire news indeed that he has taken over our planet. I am as angry as you all are that the lizards surrendered to him so easily. I want payback, so I will help you any way I can. I am no warrior, but I am the only one who can spy for you, so you had better trust me.’

“Jazz was satisfied. He settled down, but still glared suspiciously at the lizard. Everyone was relieved. We now had a small rebellion in motion. We never thought that we could do much about our predicament. We thought we would have to remain in hiding. Now we understood that we would have to fight! And we would do just that, we would fight Devan and his minions, we would chase him away from our little planet, we would reunite all of the enslaved rabbits!” Jason takes a swig of ale.

“We sent the lizard, his name was Buptup, to spy for us. We set about making the cave more habitable . We planted the carrots, we concealed the entrance, and we generally made the place more comfortable. Alex and I set out to explore the cavern. As we went, my brother drew a map of the place. The cavern was immense; after a while we went back to the other rabbits.

“Anyway, the next day we all said farewell to Jazz. He would love to stay and help the rebellion, but he said he had important work to do, such as defeating Devan and rescuing Eva. He took his gun and promised us that he would do as much damage as he could. We wished him luck. He left us some TNT that he said we needed more than he did, and we stowed it away for future use.” Jason takes another swig of his ale.

“So Jazz went on his way; our rescuer, my cousin. We understood that he could not stay with us forever.

“A few young rabbits were allotted guns to defend themselves, and sent out to scavenge for food. My brother and I continued our exploration of the cave, and then joined them. It would take awhile before we could live off of the garden we had planted. Until then we had to leave the cave every day, armed with our guns, to scavenge for the colony. It was dangerous, but necessary. We were lucky, and were never caught.

“On our explorations, Alex and I found a fresh water spring deep in the cave. Every rabbit rejoiced. We could use it for drinking water, and we could water the garden. Best of all, we could bathe. In went brown rabbits, covered in mud caked on during years of slavery. Out came barely recognizable clean rabbits, with shiny coats of various colors. We were starting to enjoy our freedom. Hidden in the caves, we began to prosper once again.” Jason pauses and has some ale. No rabbit dares interrupt him.

“Finally the time came to choose a leader. The leader of the old colony was on Scraparap. We needed a new governing system. We called all the adult leaders together. My brother and I were now among their numbers, having grown up while in slavery.

“Anyway, we decided that the elders would serve as judges. They were the wisest rabbits there, and they were unbiased. They came to be known as the Council of Elders, or just The Council, as many rabbits called them.

“Second, we needed a chief. Someone who was strong, intelligent, responsible, diplomatic, and capable of leading warriors into battle. We held a vote. I was shocked at the results. I, one of the younger adults, had been chosen. They said that it was because I still had my youth, and they were impressed with how I handled the lizard. They were confident that I could lead the colony to victory. I was sworn in, and all the rabbits swore their allegiance to me.” Jason sips his ale. All the rabbits are in awe.

“Finally, we needed rules. We decided that all rabbits would submit proposals for rules they felt were necessary. Every month the colony would meet and the proposals would be discussed and voted on. Then I would put the rules into effect. Everyone liked the new system, and it worked well.” Jason finishes his ale.

Jason looks up at the windows, and notices light filtering through the blinds. “Oh, I’m sorry. Once again I’ve kept you all night. I will continue tomorrow!”


Proud to be an old-timer! Rarely active, but Jazz Jackrabbit will always be in my heart.

Check out my War Tavern story, The Life of Jason Jackrabbit! [UPDATE - yeah, it died in 2002, but it was fun!]
Current Projects: Devan's Secret Weapon - yes, I still intend to release this some day. Got a lot of really great stuff done, it's going to be awesome!

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Jun 15, 2002, 07:45 PM
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Nice. When will it continue?
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Jun 21, 2002, 08:29 AM
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When I get some more replies, and when I write some more. :P


Proud to be an old-timer! Rarely active, but Jazz Jackrabbit will always be in my heart.

Check out my War Tavern story, The Life of Jason Jackrabbit! [UPDATE - yeah, it died in 2002, but it was fun!]
Current Projects: Devan's Secret Weapon - yes, I still intend to release this some day. Got a lot of really great stuff done, it's going to be awesome!
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Jun 22, 2002, 06:09 AM
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Lookee! A reply!
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Jun 23, 2002, 10:18 AM
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more. Nuff said.
remember? (:
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Jun 23, 2002, 05:41 PM
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Alright, alright. I know I'm getting behind. Happens to all War Tavern stories. I'll try to write some more. (I hand write it all first, then type it and post it here.)


Proud to be an old-timer! Rarely active, but Jazz Jackrabbit will always be in my heart.

Check out my War Tavern story, The Life of Jason Jackrabbit! [UPDATE - yeah, it died in 2002, but it was fun!]
Current Projects: Devan's Secret Weapon - yes, I still intend to release this some day. Got a lot of really great stuff done, it's going to be awesome!
Flint LP

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Jun 23, 2002, 08:42 PM
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Hurry up and write the thing. Its the summer, come on!
Flint LP out

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Jun 25, 2002, 01:40 AM
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You no' wat Jason, that story is impressive!
I can't wait for continuing.. especially I am eager to no' wat
rules the colony set and how things with the lizard spy go..
Wazz Wackrabbit

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Jul 21, 2002, 11:45 PM
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I finaly found time to read yea story.

Originally Posted by Disguise View Post
Another Jazz 2 fan

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Jul 22, 2002, 11:07 AM
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I'll get on with writing the thing. Sorry it is taking so long, that is just how Tavern stories are, I guess. They slow over time.


Proud to be an old-timer! Rarely active, but Jazz Jackrabbit will always be in my heart.

Check out my War Tavern story, The Life of Jason Jackrabbit! [UPDATE - yeah, it died in 2002, but it was fun!]
Current Projects: Devan's Secret Weapon - yes, I still intend to release this some day. Got a lot of really great stuff done, it's going to be awesome!
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Aug 16, 2002, 10:03 AM
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yes, it has slowed to a... HALT!

well, maybe when he gets back from vacation he will have part 4 ready!
or, maybe not!

Flint LP out

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Aug 16, 2002, 11:01 AM
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I know what you mean

Sometimes you get an inspiration to write, then sometimes it leaves. Annoying, really
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Oct 11, 2011, 10:37 PM
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So, is this going to continue? You know, since you're back now? I like this story so far. *Ginormous hint* *ginormous hint*
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Oct 12, 2011, 03:08 AM
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Dude, this thread was more than 9 years old. It's been loooong dead.
drop by my SoundCloud or something if you want, it's my life's pride
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Oct 12, 2011, 01:24 PM
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Jazz has been(Just about) dead for around 10 years(By dead, I mean the developers have left it alone as if it's some kind of horrid monster), and there's a possible revival and developer interest(Apparently, Epic are working on a few games(I think 5?), and none of them are Gears Of War. And I don't think that any of them are Unreal).
This story has been dead for about 9 years(Creator left it alone), and the creator's back, and still links to it(Possibly a sign of interest?), therefore, there is a possibility for a revival. Anyway, can AJ2F answer my question(My question is: Will this be revived)?

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