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Power of Katalym - by Kovu aka Alec

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Jan 18, 2001, 12:40 PM
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Kovu aka Alec

Member posted December 28, 2000 10:03 PM

Hey! Like I promised, here's my new story,

and I'll need around six or so people.

It takes place in the same universe as all

of my old stories(i.e. same geography, same

history, and ofcourse, the fact that I recall

all of the carachters, see prolouge.) but beyond that is detatched. Here goes nothing...

Power of Katalym

Prolouge: Destiny Foretold

I hate the cold. Blashmeous cold. It chills me to the core and spreads through my annexes.

But hate is the strongest weapon in you're arsenal. As such, I must use the cold to

focous...I must find the Katalym.

Turning, I see a town baring the same name below me.

"How long has it been?" I thought...let's see, fourty years since the invasion of the Simptar, since the Kovu half of me arrived,

since the death of clan TLK.

Hhhm, Thirty six years since the Simptar struck, since my two halves united.

Thirty years since the war between the war between the Hisect and Grnome.

Twenty years since the second coming of Zygot. Twenty years since the massacre of

Thersay. Sixteen years since my last adventure.

Mmmh, Aldan is fourty, Kayle is thirty nine, Tyio and Ducky are...missing, have been for atleast fiveteen years.

As for me? I'm sixty nine, but ofcourse, that doesn't matter.

We where breathed life by magic, the magic of Sparif, as such I doubt we'll ever grow old, atleast not for a long while.

Hhm, in that time, the council was restablished, and now the myriad provinces

are ruled by Dukes, all falling under the


Much has happened, but all thease adventures pale in comparision to what will

transpire now.

I'm looking down at the tiny village, overlooking the great plateau.

Nothing will be the same, once I find the Katalym. I'm setting out walking, through sheets

of snow and ice, torward the tiny town.

Remember, I musn't let them in on anything they needn't know...the prohecy will

come to pass.

I hate the cold. I hate everything about it.

But what I hate even more is about to come.

-Last Known Entry of Kovu Alec Easgi, 2817, Feburary 9th.


And so it begins...

YaY! Replies, I'm happy! You'll all be in

it, and will each have one chapter for your

introduction. And don'na worry, Ducky, you'll

all be getting equal parts.

Yes, my muse speaks...on with the story!

Chapter 2: Kallis

"Watch the flame..." Kovu said, staring into a amorphus fire, the sky just on the

threshold of night.

"What?" Kazooie asked, who was munching on

some rations beside the tent.

"I said watch the flame." Kazooie, intriguied, came over and sat beside Kovu.

"Uh, Kove? What are we watching, exactly?" The former questioned.

"Everything can be seen in flame..." Kovu stared intently at the fire, then seemed to

pop as he jumped back, arms behind his head.

"Haha! Was that out of charachter or what?"

Kazooie fluttered up a bit, getting a look at Katalym.

"So? What exactly do you want in Katalym?"

Kazooie descended back down beside Kovu.

"Haha! You don't really want to know, do ya?" Kovu looked back into cold green, dead serious eyes.

"*sigh* Alright, about a thousand years ago, there was a Gerenpfpssh, you remember the Gerenpfpssh, right?" Kovu said, remembering just how long it had been since

Aldan in co. ventured to Skops.

"Uhm, no." D'oh. Kovu mentally slapped himself, Kazooie wasn't around during the

Human War.

"Okay, it's a long story, the Gerenpfpssh where an ancient race, from them spawned the

rabbits, as well as the myriad other mammal races. But the main stream, pure blood Gerenpfpssh where rare, so they banded together and moved to Carrotous,

to the city of Akael on the north side of the Bourn River, just apposing the channel and the Anguish Lagoon."

"What? You mean thease Gerenpfpssh are the demons?"

"Not entirely, you see the Akael, what the

Gerenpfpssh surviors called themselves, means 'Survior, or one who fights with great fierceness to survive.' It also means monster, in Gerenpfpssh.

Scholars branded them as monsters. Soon, they

took the name to heart, and began mutilating

thereselves in the grotesue images of Demons.

Only in the past twenty years have they learned the truth of the past."

"Uhm, what does this have to do with Katalym?"

"As I was saying, about a thousand years ago, several Gerenpfpssh left Akael and moved here, to focous there pyshic and

physical powers enough to be able to crush

the racist Rabbits. There might became so great that when they attempted to attack

the Castle, they turned themselves into stone. The council had them buried under this

small, out of the way town, there they could

never be revived. They called themselves the Katalym." Kovu explaiined.


"I sense that someone is trying to find and harness there might, and we have to beat them

to it."


Kallis looked over the infinte waters. His eyelids were threatining to shut, but he had

a soft smile on his face. The otherwise serene scene of a golden, afternoon ocean with

soft water spray and the call of seagulls was dirsupted. A large throbbing noise, somewhere

above and behind the rocky platform where Kallis stood. He admired the beauty of

this world, the way the second moon seemed to come out of the first moon in the sky.

The way the sun seemed brightest before it set. The way the waves crashed, as they had form

billions of years, futiley aginst the hard rock. He savored this, knowning that too soon it

would end. Forever. This thought was futher provoked when he saw a soft grey cloud quickly

fly infront of the sun. At any other time and under any other circumstances, this would mean

nothing. But this was no ordinary cloud. He watched, as he knew it would, the cloud increased

in size. A familair beating of wings. In no time he could make out individual Clursers and

hovercraft, all radiating from a large object in the center. Teross.

To get a head start, he picked up is thin, cedar walking stick and slowly ascended the

natural stairway around the pillar. The throbbing intensified as he got closer.

As did the beating, the trashing, the cries for war and the lust for blood.

The cloud, a multitude of flying beasts and shiny, round hovercraft with cloaked figures

on them, arrived at the pillar in the middle of the ocean. The horrifying screams and the

throbbing noise drowned out the natural spledor of the place. Kallis looked up to a glowing,

blue energy core, the source of the throbbing.

"Kallis, you've gone to far, and I have been too forgiving. You have openly disobeyed the legion,

and commited blashempy." A voice came from the horde of -things-. It was booming, but itself

had no loud qualities. Obviously the affects of a loudspeaker.

"No, you Teross, have disobeyed our people, and commited blashemy against the true God."

Kallis replied, coldly, still looking into the nexus of energies.

"You will not surrender, even when you're closest bretheren have accepted the legion's rule?"

"It doesn't matter now what happens, I will never give up the fight." Kallis said, mimicing the word of his mentor, Tyio.

"Then let that be you're epetath." Teross said, and the swarm of strange, twisted monsters

and hovercraft descended apoun Kallis. He then jumped in the air, as a volley of laser

fire crashed into the high pillar, causing it to fracture. A few more evasions in the fashion

and the pillar was falling apart, crashing into the ocean.

"Die!" The voice of Teross could be heard. But Kallis was winning. Just as he expected, the

core fell from it's original location, down into the water. Kallis, from on a large boulder,

jumped at the object.

And blip. The nexus, and Kallis, where gone.


Kovu and Kazooie walked down the streets of Katalym. The calm town was not so calm.

Last night a comet had been spotted crashing into the mountain.

Not a normal sight.

"Kovu, how do you propose we find where the Katalym are buried?" Kazooie asked.

"We ask around ofcourse, and theres best place to start, the local Tavern." Kovu sprinted

torward it, with Kazooie flying behind.

"It's never a good idea to enter a Tavern before Two o' clock, you know." Kazooie lectured.

"Yeah, sure."


To be continued...

Thankie, Blacksheep.

And now...Part 2, in which we meet Calie and

Blacksheep, yay.

Chapter 2: Kallis, Part 2

The small Tavern was filled with charachters of the roughest sort.

Weasels, bears, lizards, Hisect, and Rabbits where crowded into the Tavern, drinking and

telling stories.

"Keep an eye out for anyone you know, if we don't get any info we may yet get some warriors." Kovu gave final instructions to

Kazooie and the two separated into the seething mass of bodies. At one table, a interesting story caught Kovu's intrest,

being told by a strange, gold colored rabbit.

"And then he absorbed the gem and became this wierd, bug like thing."

"Yeah?" Another, blue rabbit asked.

"Then he went up and killed Kayle!" Kovu nearly jumped out of his boots hearing that,

this rabbit was telling the story of Zygot's

first 'death.'


"Yeah, but then I was surrounded by this wierd energy, in one final blast I destroyed

Zygot once and for all!"

"Wow! You're great, tell us again, Aldan." A green rabbit exclaimed.

"Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear you're story." Kovu walked up to the table.

"Yeah? Well, that's great, everyone should know of the great Aldan's achivements." The gold rabbit said.

"Who are you, stranger?" The white rabbit asked.

"Me, I'm Kovu."

"Kovu? No way, you're faking." The red rabbit returned. Kovu chuckled, then outburst.

"You aren't Aldan!" The Tavern was silent.

The gold rabbit stood up.

"Excuse me?"

"You aren't Aldan, I know him, personally."

"I am Aldan! The greatest fighter in the universe! You wanna question ME!?"

"Yeah." Kovu unseathed his sword. In mere moments, the tavern erupted into a massive

brawl. When the front wall fell out, Kovu

was amonsgt those who went flying out.

"Rgg!" Kovu growled and wiped a river of blood from his mouth when he felt the hum of

a energy barrier around his hands, drawing them behind his back.

"You are under arrest."

"What?" Kovu protested to the rabbit behind him.

"For enticting a fight and distrubing the peace." Kovu turned around to see Blacksheep?

"Black?" Kovu asked. Blacksheep felt as though there was a shockwave and jumped back.

"Kovu?! It's you! Sorry." She unlocked the

energy cuffs.

"What are you doing?"

"There was a punk in there who claimed himself to be Aldan."

"How do you know it wasn't him."

"Uh, he didn't know me, and he was gold colored.

"Oh, what are you doing here? I haven't seen you since we where captured by

those turtles."

"I'm here on a mission, what about you?"

"The same, I'm under-cover, y'know all double-O three type." Blacksheep crouched around like a spy.

"Oh that's--eeek!" Kazooie swooped in, grabbing Kovu and Blacksheep in one foot and

another, pink rabbit in the other.

"Kazooie, what do you think you're doing?!!"

Kovu protested.

"No time, we gotta get out of here!"


"Kovu...uhm, is it just me or does STARTING A BAR FIGHT KINDA BLOW OUR COVER!?" Kazooie wasn't happy. It was dark by the time the

got back to the mountain, a safe distance from that mob.

"It's all right, when I told them I was Kovu they didn't belive me, so we have nothing to worry about."

Kazooie sighed.

"Alright. Anyway, who's our new company?"

"This is my friend, Blacksheep, Blacksheep, this is Kazooie."

"Hi." Blacksheep said

"Now, I could ask you the same question."

"Oh, this is Calie." Calie got up from her

position setting up camp.

"Hello." She said rather quickly, then turned to Blacksheep.

"Shouldn't we be getting back to Katalym now?"

"Don't worry, we don't need a ship to get to the War Tavern.

"What's at the Tavern?" Kovu asked.

"Two old friends of yours, Grath and Ducky."

"Ducky? But she dissapeared a long time ago."

"Don't worry, we'll explain it once we get there."

" why don't we need a ship?"

"We've got a bird." Blacksheep looked evilly at Kazooie.

"What? Me? No, uh uh!"

"C'mon, if you can carry a fourhundred pound bear, you can certaintly carry us!"

"No, no, no, no way, uh uh."


"I can't belive you guys talked me into this!" Kazooie said, in the wake of the just

risen sun, high above the Great Forest

"Don't worry, we'll be there in thirty minutes!" Kovu shouted up.

"I swear, I'll get you guys for this!"



YaY! YaY! YaY! I'm so happy everyone says

YaY! Oh, and a apologie, sorry for whats

about to happen to you Kaz, Ducky, Blacksheep, Calie, Grath...everyone.

Chapter 3: Duty and Friendship

"I always loved the Emerald Coast! YaY!" Calie said while examining a strange, reclusive crab that had washed ashore.

"Just remember were not here for R&R, we got to get to the Tavern." Blacksheep told


"Yeah, sure, but the War Tavern isn't even a kilo from here, don't worry about it."

"Hey Kovu, c'mon!" Kazooie shouted down, he was already halfway through the city.

"Alright, hold you're feathers!" Kovu started the walk up, then turned to face

Blacksheep and Calie.

"You guys coming?" He asked.

"Time to go Calie!" Blacksheep dragged Calie away from the multitude of marine life

she had ammased.


They where about half-way through the town, Kovu noticed Dazz's old apple stand, which

still had the quaint little 'Closed' sign on it.

But that wasn't all, jutting up slightly above it, through a crack in the wood, was

a piece of paper. Kovu went off after it.

"Hey Kovu! Where you going?" Blacksheep asked.

"Don't worry, I'll be right back!" Kovu shouted back. Once he arrived, he found that

the paper read: "Zufur, Mal zun Koa'vu Tek."

Or,"Kovu, turn over the page." Compliying, he found a letter from Dazz.

"Kovu, I believe I have tracked him down to Katalym, a number of people saw him there yesterday.

Kallis is still on the run, and Teross escaped to the other world. Aldan doesn't

think you should extend the full scope of our mission to anyone you have accompanying you. Remember if you find Tyio, Ducky, Kazooie, Blacksheep or Calie, capture them.

I will be at the War Tavern on the 12th, have

them there." Kovu, apoun finishing the note, incinerated it with his blaster.

"Will do Dazz...will do."


The foursome sat down at the counter of the War Tavern.

"What can I do ya' for?" One of the newly inagurated bartenders, Night Fire, asked.

"Radish Beer." Kazooie and Kovu said at the same time.

"Hhhm, strong stuff, and how about for the ladies?"

"I'll have a Carrot Sundae." Blacksheep said.

"A Carrot Latte please, shaken, not stirred." Calie responded.

"Radish Beer, if done right, has the ability to give one a temporary burst of energy, I know what I need it for, but what

about him?" Kovu thought, looking over at


"Kovu?! Out there!?" There was a resonating explosion as Ducky whooshed into the Tavern

from the back area and glomped onto Kovu.

"Kove! I'm so happy to see you, it's been so long!" Kovu's eyes welled up and there was a fwoosh of energy.

"Huh?" Ducky found herself coiled in energy cuffs.

"You..." Kovu threw energy discs at Blacksheep, Calie, and Kazooie,"are under arrest."

"Kovu? You're working for Ag'agro too?" Kazooie looked over at Ducky.

"You'd be surprised how many people want to see you dead." Kazooie told Ducky.

"Just as I though Kazooie, you're all working for Ag'agro and Teross."

"So? He's trying to save Carrotous." Ducky asked.

"You're wrong, Teross ordered me to kill you!" Kazooie shouted.

"I work for Teross!"

"You've all been blinded from the truth, Aldan discovered his plan first." Kovu interjected.

"Aldan? But...but..."Ducky was throughouly confused.

"Yes." Kovu said with a smirk.

"Who else is in this manhunt?" Blacksheep asked, squirming in her shackles.

"Only one other person, Kallis." Kovu said.

"Kallis...but..." Blacksheep was about to awnser when Grath jumped out of the crowd to capture Kovu. The latter fired a energy disc at Grath and captured him.

"Tell me where Tyio is! He is the key to this madness!" Kovu ordered Ducky, he was

getting impatient.

"He's dead."

"You're lying, you've been in the other world with him, training, preparing for this!"

"You know me too well, Kovu."


Oh no! This can't be true...Everything is

falling apart...

Maybe, just maybe, everything will turn

out alright...

(Update: Yes, the dialouge was pretty sketchy, it should be a bit better, now)


Thank you, thank you, mwaha.

No, you're not to late Empress, I was still

waiting for one more person to join.

Mwahaaha! The madness unfolds!

Chapter 4: Betrayal and Betrayed

Kovu blindly fired several bullets behind his back. Grath was the first do discover how to deactivate the energy coils, and the others where in hot pursuit. However, when

you have three sides working against each other, nothing will be easy. Grath made a sliding kick at Kovu, the latter spinning above him, unseathing his sword.

Kovu stood in a ready pose but was jostled when Ducky ran in and smacked him. Just as Kovu turned around to face Ducky, Kazooie swept in an knocked her away.

About this time Grath jumped back into the fray and double kicked Kovu into the dirt.

Calie rammed herself into Kazooie and Blacksheep quickly kneed Grath in the face, but Ducky was quick to jump in and split kicked both of them.

Lying on the ground, Kovu noticed a strange, gold colored ship approaching fast...Dazz's ship! He stood up, but was uppercutted about five feet back by Calie. By this time, however, the ship was apoun them.

"Kovu, get in!" It was Dazz's voice. Kovu, using his Mystic powers, jumped high for the

ship, barely snatching the right wing.


"Woo, Dazz! You couldn't have come at a more opprotune time." Kovu, having gotten in the shuttle, turned to see Dazz. What he

saw was a robot.

"What?!" He fired at it with his blast, the shockwave bouncing of a orange shield. Kovu backed away, but was clamped by two large

robotic arms. The Dazz robot's hand fell off,

revieling a hyopdermic needle.

"Whoa! What's going on here, STOOOOPPPP!"


Okay, so it's short, sue me.

More on this chapter later.

(On second thought...better not sue me, kay?)

Thankies Ducky,

Well, the plot is thickening, yes...YESSS.

Chapter 4: Betrayal and Betrayed, Part 2

Kazooie sliced at the metal door with his sword.

"Gah! Who did this? Who would capture us!?" Kazooie shouted angrily, stepping away from the door.

"Teross, probably, he confused all of us so we'd attack each other, saving him the trouble." Grath said.

"Rr, I can't believe I fell for this..." Kazooie sat back down on the floor.

"Don't beat youreself up over this, Kovu was the only one who knew what really was

going on...I hope he's okay." Ducky said.

Kazooie turned to Ducky.

"Fine, we've all been tricked by Teross, but one thing still bugs me."


"Where have you been all this time?"

"That's another story." Kazooie looked at the door, then back at Ducky.

"We've got time."

"Alright then."

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Jan 18, 2001, 12:42 PM
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Mwaha! So...the plot thickens, but is Kovu, erm, I mean am I alright? You won't find out

soon, but you will find out what's been going

on since the last volume of history, find out

in Chapter 5: Backstory, Part 1.


Thanks, all...well chapter 5 isn't finished

yet, but I guess you all must be tired of

waiting. I had two titles but I couldn't decide which I liked better,

so vote and whichever wins will be for the record books. Oh, and the content of the next

chapter may be...disturbing, to some, especially late at night(I know I sure was spooked

when I wrote it ) Nothing to violent or the like, it just involves the afterlife, ghosts,

and demons, amonst other ghastly things. Heed my warning...

Chapter 5: Backstory (I Can't Feel Him)

" you know where you are?" A cold voice said. The aforementioned's eyes

were washed out, but eventually focoused. The room was deathly white...uttlerly white,

with no flaws.

"I said, do you know where you are?" Dispite the fact that he had no idea who this was,

he felt no need to lie to them

"I...I don't know."

"What would you say if I told you that you where dead?" The voice said. Kovu now realised

he was strung out on a rack. Turning to the voice, he saw a figure in a cloak. His face was

disturbing, as it wasn't. Where it's face should've been was a skull. But, like a mask on the

left side of his face, was a mask of Aldan's.

"Whats going on?"

"I told you you're dead."

"Who are you?"

"Don't you recognize me? I'm Aldan."

"Y-you're dead, too?"

"Since when have you accepted that you're dead?"

"I just want to know what's going on here!"

"Welcome to Heaven." Aldan...Aldan's corpse gestured to the wide...white area.

"Not what you expected, hm?" Kovu nodded 'no.' In an instant, the white room transformed

into a tottally dark dungeon, horrible cries could be heard in the background and ethereal

shadows slunked around.

"Does this suit you better." No...filled him with dread. Just then, a burgandy colored

figure swooped in, scythe in tow and slashed at Kovu's throat, time grinding to a errie

hault at the last possible moment. He could feel the icy chill of the corpse's figures on

the back of his head. Colder than, just cold enough...just cold enough.

The corpse spoke into his ear.

"Both Heaven and **** are on Carrotous, you just have to look for them...don't you remember?"

A image of carnage flashed before Kovu for a mere moment, but he sternly replied.


"You're insolent, you know that." The corpse turned to look into Kovu's eyes, something he

wished it hadn't.

"Heaven's to good for you, Kovu, you've killed far too many, but **** is to bad for you, you've

saved to far too many. Carrotous is just bad enough I think." Kovu disliked the cold, he hated

it. But he hated this more. Out of sheer dread, hate, terror, disgust, all thease things and more, Kovu said.

"How did I die?" Kovu shook with rage.

"Does 'needle' ring a bell?" The image of a needle sinking into his flesh.

"What was it?" Kovu felt as though he was getting drunk, loosing perception. The corpse

breathed, onto Kovu's eyes, so that they stung.

"'re dead like Xeno, like Kazooie, like Ducky, like Dazz, like Defalcon,"

"Stop it, stop it, STOP IT!"

"like Blaksheep, like...Simba,"




"Like..." He said the last word to the utmost slowness,"...Kat..."

"SHUT UP!!!" He smacked the demonic thing across the face, trying to dispell his odium.

"Welcome back to the land of the living." It smiled.


"Aldan had invented a portal to the Other World...the future, the land of humans." Ducky


"That's when it all began...a being named Teross came from the Other World, where the Rabbits

where still weak as a race."

"Harnessing the advance bio and nano technology from our worlds, he created a army of

twisted monsters to do his bidding and eventually lay control to all who inhabited the Other

World by focousing his emmense psyhic power. Tyio and I left for the Other World, but we,"

Ducky was interuppted by Calie.

"Uh, excuse me but...who's Aldan, and who's Tyio?"

"I must admit I have wondered." Blacksheep said.

"You mean you don't know?"

"Nope." Calie returned.

"Y'know, that purple rabbit who lead New Ontranaught...?" Kazooie asked.


"Who killed Zygot?"


"Defeated the humans!?"

"Oh yeah! Him! But who's Ziggeot? Is that anything like a 'idiot'?" It finally rung a bell to Blacksheep.

" was the dude who caused all those earthquakes and stuff about twenty years ago,

and who sicced all those humans on us?"

"Ohhh! Yeah...well don't blame me, I've been on Medivo."

"What about Tyio?" Calie asked. Suddenly Ducky jumped up zealously.

"Oh, he's the greatest guy ever! He -under


found ourselves no match for the Legion, that's what Teross called his dark army. Teross said

it would take five years to figure out how to create a nexus back to our world. In that time

we searched for a rabbit with psyhic power that rivaled Teross' a lowly Diamondian named

Kallis. We trained him and had secured a nexus back to our world, so we could prepare for

Teross' arrival there. We got separated when the Legion ambushed us on the way to the nexus."

Ducky's eyes began to well up.

"I made it through, and I know Kallis did but...I..." She broke out in a sob,

"I can't sense Tyio's lifeforce anymore..."

Grath stood up.

"Don't worry Ducky, I'm sure he's alright...but what you see in a demo-" Kazooie made the 'chopping off head' sign.

"Uh...what was I saying?" A moment later, a volley of blaster fire could be heard.

Then, with a 'wsssh' the door fell open.

"Anyone here in need of rescuing?"


Spooky....just spooky. And Creepy....

and spooky...



Chapter 6: Teross' Lies

A beige colored rabbit brandishing a purple energy sword stood in the doorway.

"C'mon!" She shouted over her shoulder into the battle that raged outside.

"Hold on! I'm on a roll!" The beige rabbit turned back to them.

"What are you doing just standing there?" The five rabbits quickly replied and arrived in the hallway just in time to see a brown rabbit chop off a sick, tan colored monster's

head. Then he flipped around and destroyed

a series of robots. That's when they realised

they where in a hallway lined with cells with

a ceiling atleast twenty feet high.

"Lil' help here?" The brown rabbit asked in

a unmistakable voice.

"Kove!But I thought you were-"

"Don't start that again, just help me with thease things!" He returned as he fired through a robots back.

"Kazooie..." The Tanpopo threw Kazooie his sword.

"Blacksheep..." She hurled her the Jello Blaster.

"Calie..." The latter was tossed her sword.

"Ducky..." Was given her staff.

"Grath..." Got his sword back.

"And me..." Tanpopo redrew her energy sword.

Ducky started off the attack by launching a torrent of electricity at a number of the

assualting robots, many loosing limbs.

The one in the center, however, gave a unholy squeal as it's atoms contracted and it polymorphed into toast. Kazooie jumped up in the air and with a sonic boom destroyed several bots. Calie and Grath jumped into the fray at the same time, together X slicing a oncoming bot. Blacksheep drew here Jello Blaster and fired burning balls of rasberry at several robots, there limbs melting.

"Ha! Just like burning armymen, mwaha!" Blacksheep laughed with uncarachteristic malice. Tanpopo used her force power to

knock two of the robots together.

Amid the bodies of his comerades, stood one,

scared robot. After shaking for a few moments, he ran, only to be taken down by

Kovu's blaster a few seconds later.

"Yeah!" Grath said excitedly.

"We did it!" Calie cheered.

"Yeah, yeah, Kovu! What happened! First Dazz comes to save you, then you scream and

all, and now you're here! What's up!?" Kazooie asked. The image of Aldan's corpse flashed across Kovu's mind for a mere instant, but then he said,

"'Dazz' was actually one of Teross' robots. Right now we are in loose Carrotous orbit. This is Teross' ship."

"So what's the plan?" Ducky asked.

"We head back to Carrotous, find Aldan," The image appeared again for a split instant,"we'll explain about you guys and hopefully, he has located or captured Kallis."

"No..." Ducky said.


"No...he shouldn't have, why does he want to capture Kallis?"

"Because he was the one who gave Teross the nanotechnology..."

"Teross' lies are rooted deeper than I thought, Kallis is actually a psyhic of a

magnitude rivalling Teross. Somehow one of

his agents must have tricked Aldan to do

his dirty work. Kallis is the only thing standing between him, and the Katalym."

Kovu contemplated for a moment.

"Kove, after all this time, do you think I would lie to you?"

" many lies, It's not a question of you, but a question of you're information." Kovu paused, then continued,

"We have to get to Carrotous anyway, we'll worry about this later." They took off running torwards the flight deck, and met with no enemies. Finally they arrived at the black colored flight deck.

"That was almost to easy, you suppose this is a trap?"

"If it's a trap, I don't see we have much an option of not falling into it..."

LOL! You all were so entertaining trying to

get me to continue, that I couldn't help

but not interuppt! Ahem, okie, enough tourture, here comes chapter 6!(I think chapter 6)

Chapter 6: Sky Over Diamondus

"You most certaintly are." A white colored rabbit in a red robe stood at the top of a platform several yards away from our heros. With a Cahinck! several of the space-ships there transformed into a array of robots, and several of those

odd monsters succuried into the room.

"Can I call 'em or what?" Kovu asked. Soon the others prepared there weapons.

"No need for that, you have a exit craft right there," Teross pointed to a unguarded vessel, hatch open.

"No need for senseless violence." At the moment, seeing no alternative, they cautiously entered the ship.

"Oh, and one more thing..." Kovu was whisked away by Teross' psychic field.

"What the?" Kazooie reached out to grab him, but to no avail. Teross snatched Kovu by the hair and held a sword to his throat.

"Hey, watch the hair!"

"Silence! Now, get into that shuttle and get off my ship, there is a planet below."

They were hesistant.

"Do it! Or he dies!" Teross pressed the sword. This time, they complied, and the ship iddylically floated out of the dock.


"Welcome back, Dazz." The halfling entered a poorly lit room.

"Thanks, Aldan."

"I trust you're battle on Medivo was fruitful?"

"We rallies fivehtousand Medivans to our side, and the blessings of Lord Vermies."

"Vermies is a fool, and we will destroy him, in the end." Aldan turned to Dazz.

"Any signs of Kallis."

"No, sir, but, uhm, you have someone to, uhm... see you, sir..."




"Chancellor Iaks of New Ontranaught..."



"Ah, Lord Aldan, a pleasure." Iaks, who had been sitting in a bluish chair just outside Aldan's office, rose.

"Cut the formalities, Iaks, tell me why you are here or get OFF my planet!" Aldan drew his sword.

"Calm down, Aldan, as you know a war between New Ontranaught and your, what is the word?"

"Garrison." Aldan said with venom.

"Ah, yes, Garrison, is inevetiable. Thousands will die, but I propose to you now a duel, the loser either dies or is exiled,

and he turns his army, or his next in command, his army over to the victory.

No or very little letting of blood is needed to settle this. Do you accept?"

Aldan smiled,

"I accept."


"So...were stuck on Diamondus...the Dark side of diamondus..." Ducky said sadly.

"Uh...don't you live of Diamondus, Ducky?" Blacksheep asked.

"True, but not on the Dark side."

"Uh...what's the 'Dark' side? It looks bright enough to me."

"The Dark side is a sparsly populated continent, there are no cities, no electricity unless you

channel it youreself, and the ferry, being wind based, takes months to reach the nearest

land mass."

"Teross trapped us here effectively enough, he only packed the ship with enough fuel to

get here and a EMP shockwave to fry the circuitry." Grath said.

"What about Kaz?" Calie asked. Kazooie quickly ducked behind a nearby boulder.

"You can't make me fly you if you can't catch me!"

"Don't worry Kaz, the sea is too great for you to carry all of us across..." Ducky thought.

"This is great..." Grath hopped on the ship-engine-turned-hunk-of-metal,"were stuck on

a island, Teross is about to conquer the world, and Kovu has been carried off to who

knows where!" They stood there for about twenty minutes, until Tanpopo spoke up.

"Wa-waait, Ducky, isn't Birdland on this island?"

"Well yeah...yeah it is...a whole lot of birds..."



Aldan clasped the his leather hilted sword.

He had changed into a peculair white vest while Iaks was clothed with a traditional

New Ontranaught black suit.

"Good luck." Iaks said as there two swords touched tip to tip, a sign of honor.

Without so much as a grunt in reply, Aldan slashed down as Iaks' knee, but the latter

blocked. Iaks then thrust inward, but Aldan

slipped to the side, then slashed across to

Iaks' head, the latter again blocking.


The tiny town of Otomayim. The old groundskeeper sweeping the steps of the rebuilt Fen's Inn.

The manager of the book store quietly counting sums. The wicken, contently sorting potions. A happy place, a happy time, of peace. Well...for a while.

At a precarious cliff stood a lone figure, who was soon joined by a second.

"What have you got for me?"

"Something good Kallis, paperwork is already done, you're name Ala'Ken Juno, age 23, a scupltor."

"Good..." The first figure turned to leave.

"I just can't get who a nice guy like you

would be running from."

"I"m running from the world, I'm running from the world."


Iaks sword sliced Aldan's in half, with a body slam, he knocked Aldan to the ground

and place his sword near Aldan's throat.

"Duel over." Iaks extended his hand to help

Aldan up. Aldan, in turn, snatched it and

hurled Iaks over him, causing him to land on

a falcon shaped narrow balcony like thing.

The sword splashed into a wade pool twenty

meters below.

"You cheated...and I was a fool..." A green sword materialized in Aldan's hand.

"Yep." Only part of Iaks fell to the bottom.


...duh duh daaa

Oh, soooo close, but no Carrot.

Fear not, it will be revieled soon enough... a good percent of the chapter is

nonsensical and comedic, with little plot

value, as if it's MY fault that I wrote it

that way

ShadowGPW ShadowGPW's Avatar

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Jan 18, 2001, 12:42 PM
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Mwaha! So...the plot thickens, but is Kovu, erm, I mean am I alright? You won't find out

soon, but you will find out what's been going

on since the last volume of history, find out

in Chapter 5: Backstory, Part 1.


Thanks, all...well chapter 5 isn't finished

yet, but I guess you all must be tired of

waiting. I had two titles but I couldn't decide which I liked better,

so vote and whichever wins will be for the record books. Oh, and the content of the next

chapter may be...disturbing, to some, especially late at night(I know I sure was spooked

when I wrote it ) Nothing to violent or the like, it just involves the afterlife, ghosts,

and demons, amonst other ghastly things. Heed my warning...

Chapter 5: Backstory (I Can't Feel Him)

" you know where you are?" A cold voice said. The aforementioned's eyes

were washed out, but eventually focoused. The room was deathly white...uttlerly white,

with no flaws.

"I said, do you know where you are?" Dispite the fact that he had no idea who this was,

he felt no need to lie to them

"I...I don't know."

"What would you say if I told you that you where dead?" The voice said. Kovu now realised

he was strung out on a rack. Turning to the voice, he saw a figure in a cloak. His face was

disturbing, as it wasn't. Where it's face should've been was a skull. But, like a mask on the

left side of his face, was a mask of Aldan's.

"Whats going on?"

"I told you you're dead."

"Who are you?"

"Don't you recognize me? I'm Aldan."

"Y-you're dead, too?"

"Since when have you accepted that you're dead?"

"I just want to know what's going on here!"

"Welcome to Heaven." Aldan...Aldan's corpse gestured to the wide...white area.

"Not what you expected, hm?" Kovu nodded 'no.' In an instant, the white room transformed

into a tottally dark dungeon, horrible cries could be heard in the background and ethereal

shadows slunked around.

"Does this suit you better." No...filled him with dread. Just then, a burgandy colored

figure swooped in, scythe in tow and slashed at Kovu's throat, time grinding to a errie

hault at the last possible moment. He could feel the icy chill of the corpse's figures on

the back of his head. Colder than, just cold enough...just cold enough.

The corpse spoke into his ear.

"Both Heaven and **** are on Carrotous, you just have to look for them...don't you remember?"

A image of carnage flashed before Kovu for a mere moment, but he sternly replied.


"You're insolent, you know that." The corpse turned to look into Kovu's eyes, something he

wished it hadn't.

"Heaven's to good for you, Kovu, you've killed far too many, but **** is to bad for you, you've

saved to far too many. Carrotous is just bad enough I think." Kovu disliked the cold, he hated

it. But he hated this more. Out of sheer dread, hate, terror, disgust, all thease things and more, Kovu said.

"How did I die?" Kovu shook with rage.

"Does 'needle' ring a bell?" The image of a needle sinking into his flesh.

"What was it?" Kovu felt as though he was getting drunk, loosing perception. The corpse

breathed, onto Kovu's eyes, so that they stung.

"'re dead like Xeno, like Kazooie, like Ducky, like Dazz, like Defalcon,"

"Stop it, stop it, STOP IT!"

"like Blaksheep, like...Simba,"




"Like..." He said the last word to the utmost slowness,"...Kat..."

"SHUT UP!!!" He smacked the demonic thing across the face, trying to dispell his odium.

"Welcome back to the land of the living." It smiled.


"Aldan had invented a portal to the Other World...the future, the land of humans." Ducky


"That's when it all began...a being named Teross came from the Other World, where the Rabbits

where still weak as a race."

"Harnessing the advance bio and nano technology from our worlds, he created a army of

twisted monsters to do his bidding and eventually lay control to all who inhabited the Other

World by focousing his emmense psyhic power. Tyio and I left for the Other World, but we,"

Ducky was interuppted by Calie.

"Uh, excuse me but...who's Aldan, and who's Tyio?"

"I must admit I have wondered." Blacksheep said.

"You mean you don't know?"

"Nope." Calie returned.

"Y'know, that purple rabbit who lead New Ontranaught...?" Kazooie asked.


"Who killed Zygot?"


"Defeated the humans!?"

"Oh yeah! Him! But who's Ziggeot? Is that anything like a 'idiot'?" It finally rung a bell to Blacksheep.

" was the dude who caused all those earthquakes and stuff about twenty years ago,

and who sicced all those humans on us?"

"Ohhh! Yeah...well don't blame me, I've been on Medivo."

"What about Tyio?" Calie asked. Suddenly Ducky jumped up zealously.

"Oh, he's the greatest guy ever! He -under


found ourselves no match for the Legion, that's what Teross called his dark army. Teross said

it would take five years to figure out how to create a nexus back to our world. In that time

we searched for a rabbit with psyhic power that rivaled Teross' a lowly Diamondian named

Kallis. We trained him and had secured a nexus back to our world, so we could prepare for

Teross' arrival there. We got separated when the Legion ambushed us on the way to the nexus."

Ducky's eyes began to well up.

"I made it through, and I know Kallis did but...I..." She broke out in a sob,

"I can't sense Tyio's lifeforce anymore..."

Grath stood up.

"Don't worry Ducky, I'm sure he's alright...but what you see in a demo-" Kazooie made the 'chopping off head' sign.

"Uh...what was I saying?" A moment later, a volley of blaster fire could be heard.

Then, with a 'wsssh' the door fell open.

"Anyone here in need of rescuing?"


Spooky....just spooky. And Creepy....

and spooky...



Chapter 6: Teross' Lies

A beige colored rabbit brandishing a purple energy sword stood in the doorway.

"C'mon!" She shouted over her shoulder into the battle that raged outside.

"Hold on! I'm on a roll!" The beige rabbit turned back to them.

"What are you doing just standing there?" The five rabbits quickly replied and arrived in the hallway just in time to see a brown rabbit chop off a sick, tan colored monster's

head. Then he flipped around and destroyed

a series of robots. That's when they realised

they where in a hallway lined with cells with

a ceiling atleast twenty feet high.

"Lil' help here?" The brown rabbit asked in

a unmistakable voice.

"Kove!But I thought you were-"

"Don't start that again, just help me with thease things!" He returned as he fired through a robots back.

"Kazooie..." The Tanpopo threw Kazooie his sword.

"Blacksheep..." She hurled her the Jello Blaster.

"Calie..." The latter was tossed her sword.

"Ducky..." Was given her staff.

"Grath..." Got his sword back.

"And me..." Tanpopo redrew her energy sword.

Ducky started off the attack by launching a torrent of electricity at a number of the

assualting robots, many loosing limbs.

The one in the center, however, gave a unholy squeal as it's atoms contracted and it polymorphed into toast. Kazooie jumped up in the air and with a sonic boom destroyed several bots. Calie and Grath jumped into the fray at the same time, together X slicing a oncoming bot. Blacksheep drew here Jello Blaster and fired burning balls of rasberry at several robots, there limbs melting.

"Ha! Just like burning armymen, mwaha!" Blacksheep laughed with uncarachteristic malice. Tanpopo used her force power to

knock two of the robots together.

Amid the bodies of his comerades, stood one,

scared robot. After shaking for a few moments, he ran, only to be taken down by

Kovu's blaster a few seconds later.

"Yeah!" Grath said excitedly.

"We did it!" Calie cheered.

"Yeah, yeah, Kovu! What happened! First Dazz comes to save you, then you scream and

all, and now you're here! What's up!?" Kazooie asked. The image of Aldan's corpse flashed across Kovu's mind for a mere instant, but then he said,

"'Dazz' was actually one of Teross' robots. Right now we are in loose Carrotous orbit. This is Teross' ship."

"So what's the plan?" Ducky asked.

"We head back to Carrotous, find Aldan," The image appeared again for a split instant,"we'll explain about you guys and hopefully, he has located or captured Kallis."

"No..." Ducky said.


"No...he shouldn't have, why does he want to capture Kallis?"

"Because he was the one who gave Teross the nanotechnology..."

"Teross' lies are rooted deeper than I thought, Kallis is actually a psyhic of a

magnitude rivalling Teross. Somehow one of

his agents must have tricked Aldan to do

his dirty work. Kallis is the only thing standing between him, and the Katalym."

Kovu contemplated for a moment.

"Kove, after all this time, do you think I would lie to you?"

" many lies, It's not a question of you, but a question of you're information." Kovu paused, then continued,

"We have to get to Carrotous anyway, we'll worry about this later." They took off running torwards the flight deck, and met with no enemies. Finally they arrived at the black colored flight deck.

"That was almost to easy, you suppose this is a trap?"

"If it's a trap, I don't see we have much an option of not falling into it..."

LOL! You all were so entertaining trying to

get me to continue, that I couldn't help

but not interuppt! Ahem, okie, enough tourture, here comes chapter 6!(I think chapter 6)

Chapter 6: Sky Over Diamondus

"You most certaintly are." A white colored rabbit in a red robe stood at the top of a platform several yards away from our heros. With a Cahinck! several of the space-ships there transformed into a array of robots, and several of those

odd monsters succuried into the room.

"Can I call 'em or what?" Kovu asked. Soon the others prepared there weapons.

"No need for that, you have a exit craft right there," Teross pointed to a unguarded vessel, hatch open.

"No need for senseless violence." At the moment, seeing no alternative, they cautiously entered the ship.

"Oh, and one more thing..." Kovu was whisked away by Teross' psychic field.

"What the?" Kazooie reached out to grab him, but to no avail. Teross snatched Kovu by the hair and held a sword to his throat.

"Hey, watch the hair!"

"Silence! Now, get into that shuttle and get off my ship, there is a planet below."

They were hesistant.

"Do it! Or he dies!" Teross pressed the sword. This time, they complied, and the ship iddylically floated out of the dock.


"Welcome back, Dazz." The halfling entered a poorly lit room.

"Thanks, Aldan."

"I trust you're battle on Medivo was fruitful?"

"We rallies fivehtousand Medivans to our side, and the blessings of Lord Vermies."

"Vermies is a fool, and we will destroy him, in the end." Aldan turned to Dazz.

"Any signs of Kallis."

"No, sir, but, uhm, you have someone to, uhm... see you, sir..."




"Chancellor Iaks of New Ontranaught..."



"Ah, Lord Aldan, a pleasure." Iaks, who had been sitting in a bluish chair just outside Aldan's office, rose.

"Cut the formalities, Iaks, tell me why you are here or get OFF my planet!" Aldan drew his sword.

"Calm down, Aldan, as you know a war between New Ontranaught and your, what is the word?"

"Garrison." Aldan said with venom.

"Ah, yes, Garrison, is inevetiable. Thousands will die, but I propose to you now a duel, the loser either dies or is exiled,

and he turns his army, or his next in command, his army over to the victory.

No or very little letting of blood is needed to settle this. Do you accept?"

Aldan smiled,

"I accept."


"So...were stuck on Diamondus...the Dark side of diamondus..." Ducky said sadly.

"Uh...don't you live of Diamondus, Ducky?" Blacksheep asked.

"True, but not on the Dark side."

"Uh...what's the 'Dark' side? It looks bright enough to me."

"The Dark side is a sparsly populated continent, there are no cities, no electricity unless you

channel it youreself, and the ferry, being wind based, takes months to reach the nearest

land mass."

"Teross trapped us here effectively enough, he only packed the ship with enough fuel to

get here and a EMP shockwave to fry the circuitry." Grath said.

"What about Kaz?" Calie asked. Kazooie quickly ducked behind a nearby boulder.

"You can't make me fly you if you can't catch me!"

"Don't worry Kaz, the sea is too great for you to carry all of us across..." Ducky thought.

"This is great..." Grath hopped on the ship-engine-turned-hunk-of-metal,"were stuck on

a island, Teross is about to conquer the world, and Kovu has been carried off to who

knows where!" They stood there for about twenty minutes, until Tanpopo spoke up.

"Wa-waait, Ducky, isn't Birdland on this island?"

"Well yeah...yeah it is...a whole lot of birds..."



Aldan clasped the his leather hilted sword.

He had changed into a peculair white vest while Iaks was clothed with a traditional

New Ontranaught black suit.

"Good luck." Iaks said as there two swords touched tip to tip, a sign of honor.

Without so much as a grunt in reply, Aldan slashed down as Iaks' knee, but the latter

blocked. Iaks then thrust inward, but Aldan

slipped to the side, then slashed across to

Iaks' head, the latter again blocking.


The tiny town of Otomayim. The old groundskeeper sweeping the steps of the rebuilt Fen's Inn.

The manager of the book store quietly counting sums. The wicken, contently sorting potions. A happy place, a happy time, of peace. Well...for a while.

At a precarious cliff stood a lone figure, who was soon joined by a second.

"What have you got for me?"

"Something good Kallis, paperwork is already done, you're name Ala'Ken Juno, age 23, a scupltor."

"Good..." The first figure turned to leave.

"I just can't get who a nice guy like you

would be running from."

"I"m running from the world, I'm running from the world."


Iaks sword sliced Aldan's in half, with a body slam, he knocked Aldan to the ground

and place his sword near Aldan's throat.

"Duel over." Iaks extended his hand to help

Aldan up. Aldan, in turn, snatched it and

hurled Iaks over him, causing him to land on

a falcon shaped narrow balcony like thing.

The sword splashed into a wade pool twenty

meters below.

"You cheated...and I was a fool..." A green sword materialized in Aldan's hand.

"Yep." Only part of Iaks fell to the bottom.


...duh duh daaa

Oh, soooo close, but no Carrot.

Fear not, it will be revieled soon enough... a good percent of the chapter is

nonsensical and comedic, with little plot

value, as if it's MY fault that I wrote it

that way

Chapter 6: Sky Over Diamondus, Part 2 v2.0

The five warriors pressed on through the rocky Diamondian terrain. It had been about

six hours since they left the crash site, and dusk was in it's final throes.

"Urgh, how long 'till we reach Birdland?" Calie asked. Grath then looked at a watch-like apparatus that gave a green glow.

"Let's see, six miles an hour, fifty miles, about nine hours."

"Agh!" Calie grumbled, but they all felt the need to grumble.

"Hm, it's already getting dark, why don't we set up camp, I'm sure we'll all feel better tomarrow." Blacksheep suggested, already unpacking.

"Good call." Kazooie replied, doing similairly. In no time at all they had a working camp, and a working fire, though I

don't know how you could have a fire that

doesn't work.*

"Sooooooo, what is this...uhm..." Kaz wondered, pondering at the writhing green slug thing on the end of his stick.

"Ground Worm, indeginous to Diamondus and Fanolint." Ducky, the resident Diamondus expert, awnsered.

"Oh...that's nice." Kaz cautiously poked the worm with another stick.

"It's high in protien and vitamins, and theres a wive's tale that if you soak the

brain in saltwater and drink it, you will

learn what the worm knew."

"*Gulp* Okay...and uh, why is it still


"Well, if you cook it, all it juices evaporate and it turns into nothing but a crispy rock. If you kill it quickly, a enzym

(sp?) in it's blood causes it to explode in a ball of methane."

"It explodes into a giant fart...okay I think I just lost my appetite." Kaz retreated to the tent. Ducky pulled out two forks.

"Dig in!" She said zealously, chopping up the worm, leaving the others with blank stares.


"And then the valiant warrior stood to the dragon and said, "Ura, kowu zul tek nosen!"

Which, in rabbit, means "My courage shines deeply and I will destory you!" Then there was the slashing and the bashing and crushing

and mashing and destruction, carnage..." Tanpopo's story drawled into the background.

"Okay, I assume you have a good story?" Grath questioned Kaz.

"Well, okay, so there was this guy, then he woke up,and created a sub space particle

emmiter, and jumped through a tank, and

made a pork, and went back to sleep!"

".................What?" Grath was genuinley confused.

"Bwaha! You should see the look on you're

face, haha!" Kaz chortled.

"................What? I'm still confused..." Grath's face twisted in perplexion.

"Grr, the story was a bunch of nonsensical gibberish to confuse you!" Kaz explained.

"................What? I still don't understand, it was too confusing."

"I understood it." BlackSheep said.

"You would." Kaz returned.

"Hey!" BlackSheep kicked Kaz into the leftoverworm parts.

"Ahhhh! Worm on my face! Worm on my face!"

"I remain victorious!" BlackSheep walked away, striding.

"Oh no you don't!" Kaz jumped up and tackled BlackSheep, his body covered in worm organs.

"I'm leaving..." Ducky pulled a book out of her pack and walked away.

"I'll go check on the radar." Calie suggested, and walked torward a strange, spinning device that served as a portable


"...And the jabbing and the kicking and the throwing and Glavin!" Tanpopo continued her discription of the battle.

"Lets see..." Calie pressed in a series of keys and a holographic radar image appeared.

"What the? Starship, on the Dark Side? It's approaching directly and fast, I have to

warn someone!" She returned to the camp...

"And the slapping and the wedgies and the slamming, and the..."

"Not her..."Calie decided.

"Ahh! Stop this, I've got worm feet in my hair!"

"Not them..."

"..........What? I really don't get it!"

"Arg! Don't you understand?"

"Definetly not them..." Then she saw the

dark figure of Ducky inside the tent.

"Ducky!" Calie broke off running.

Ducky sat in the tent, her eyes wide, reading a book clearly marked 'Scary Stories.' Calie came running in and shook her to get her attention

"AHHHHHH! Calie! Don't shake me like that, if you want my attention, just tap me on the shoulder.

"Okay, sorry." As Calie was walking away, she got a celver idea. A devilish idea. A devilishly clever idea.

Doning a grotesque monster mask, she walked up to Ducky and tapped her on her shoulder.


Five minutes and lots of rope later:

"C'mon, please untie me, blood rushing to my head gives me a bad hair day!" Calie pleaded, totally tied up and dangling unside down from a branch.

"I'll untie you in the marrow, until then, g'night, mwahaha!" Ducky laughed and returned

to the camp.


It was late into the night. The fire was embers, and the Diamondain moons hung

perilously large in the sky. Suddenly, from

the tent, came a series of muffled screams,

and Calie awoke just in time to witness a

dark figure scurry off with a squirming bag.

"Hey, you! Stop!" Calie swung around, to no avail.

"Grr, he got away, but don't worry my friends," She then mustered her best Dudley

Doright, "I'll save soon as I get

down from here..."


Duh duhh daa daaa!

*Kaz: Have you lit the fire?

Tanpopo: I'm trying...

Kaz:You did use a plasm lighter, right?

Tanpopo: I'm not a idiot.

Kaz:...well, did you put it close enough to the wood?

Tanpopo: Yes...

Kaz: Is the wood wet?

Tanpopo: No.

Kaz: Did you...put dried leaves near the wood?

Tanpop: Yes, but it still doesn't work!

Kaz: How can a fire not work!

(Ten minutes later)

Ducky: Hey Tanpopo, you got the fire ready?

Kaz: I'm doing it.

Ducky: Oh, why isn't ready?

Kaz: 'Cause the fire doesn't work!

(Ten more minutes later)

BlkSheep: Hey Tanpopo, why isn't the fire ready?


BlkSheep: Sheesh...

Ducky: I'm doing it, Black.

BlkSheep: Why isn't the fire ready, then?

Ducky: It doesn't work!*sob*

(Ten MORE minutes later)

BlkSheep: That log is cursed!

Okay, so maybe that was a pointless section merely for my bemusment, but laugh.


Chapter 7: Castle Alzarem

BlackSheep woke slowly, due to light streaming in through a strange window.

"Huh, wha? Where am I?" As her vision cleared, she found herself in a heavily decorated Victorian room. She tried to stand, but found that she was tied down to a bed.

"What the?" As if summoned, a strange orb-shaped robot with a single red eye hovered over her.

"Unit Specimen #103 Equals Condition Concious, Preparing Sedative..."

"What's going on?!" BlackSheep struggled, but the robot injected her wiht a bluish liquid.

"I'll get you, you stuppiiid..."

"Specimen Sedated."


Tanpopo woke to the scent of tea.

"Huh? What's going on?" She was in a ornatley decorated room, similair to the

one BlackSheep found herself in.

"Wierd, the last thing I remember...was going to Nemmihs... where am I?" As she moved to get out of the bed she was lying on,

several manicals slivered off her ankles and

wrists just as she noticed them.

"Must be my eyes..." As she exited the room, she entered a long hallway, paved with a red rug. On each side of a door, (of which

there were many) there were busts of the likes of Shakespeare, Plato, Einstein, Newton, Dethman, et cetera. At one end of the hall was a window, from which a warm light cascaded. And from the other end was

a staircase, and the source of the scent of

tea. As she walked torward the smell, she

couldn't help but feel as though a presence

haunted her, dodging out of the way just when she turned around to look at it.

At the end of the hall, she found a large dining room, Victorian in design, with a

mahogony table in the center. Around it

was Ducky, Kazooie, and Grath, and another unknown rabbit, all drinking tea.

"Ah, the Empress, how good of you to join us." The unfamiliar told her.

"She says she saved us, that we were all badly injured and have been unconsious for three days." Grath said, his eyes like daggers on the unfamiliar rabbit.

"Please sit down, have some tea." The rabbit had yellow fur, and was probably in her mid to late fifties.

"She won't tell us who she is." Ducky said.

"Now, to tell you that would spoil all the fun." The yellow rabbit giggled.


BlackSheep awoke again.

"Ugh...what's going on? Where is this place?" She reached for her blaster and found that it was gone.

"My Jello-Blaster!" She rummaged through the various chest and drawers in the absurdly

prestine room, and the best she came up with

was a old eighteenth century flint-lock gun.

"Who keeps a gun that's over a thousand years, old? Oh well, when in Zenshar." She fired at the wall, opening up a passage way.

"I'm not sticking around to find out what's here..." She creeped into the hole and then

painfully manevered through the crevices and

ducts throught the house.

"Once I get out of this mess, I'm going on a diet." Then it occured to her the last thing that she remembered.

She remembered embarking to Katalym with Calie, on a mission for the Senate.

"Calie, I wonder if she was captured too?" As she creeped deeper into the maze she found a strange, large cap. Picking up the

dish sized hunk of steel, she examined the

hunk of steel.

"Hmm, cap to a compressed fusion cell, vintage 2750, hmm, whats a antiquane house

like this doing with a fusion cell?"


Calie spent most of the morning escaping from the branch, but she cut a deal with

a chipmunk to gnaw her loose.

"Yup, this is the place, all of there energy signatures are in that castle!" And

what a castle it was, atleast two acres in length, with towers and courtyards. As she got closer, she noticed something odd,

the grass in a concentric ring around the

castle was much older than the grass near it,

infact the change in the dead grass was to a fraction.

"I've heard of people not caring for there yards, but un-caring for it? That's strange..."


Ducky looked out one of the few windows in the castle.

"What the...hey that's Calie! She's come to save us!" The yellow rabbit looked out the window.

"Oh dear Lord, don't!"

"What, afraid your door anti-opening device has been tharted, mwaha!" Kazooie chortled.

"Oh no!" The yellow rabbit opened the door

hastily, and ran out to Calie, the others coming with her.

"What's going on?" Grath asked. Then, just as Calie crossed the line where the grass

deteriorated, she fell smack down into the dirt.

"Calie!" The others shouted in unison and ran to her.

"Calie! What's up?!" Kazooie asked as she got within speaking distance of Calie. Calie raised her head to look at him. But it wasn't

the Calie they knew. Here eyes where dull, her hair scraggly and white, and her face craved with wrinkles.

"What's happened to me?" She asked...


Duh duhh daaa! I'm sure most of you have solved a good percent of the mystery, but

for those who haven't, oh well...

thanks all , and Calie, you were stuck in a tree because you scared the heck out of

Ducky with that mask. As to the gragly stuff, it will be

Chapter 8: Teross Nike Awakens*

"Quickly, get her inside the house, Grath, fetch me some salt water." The yellow rabbit commanded. They hauled the fainted Calie onto the couch in the main room and Grath quickly returned with the salt water.

"Excellent, use a sponge and knead her face and hands with it."


"What happened?" Ducky asked.

"In order for you to know that, I must tell you who I am." The yellow rabbit said solemnly.


"My name is Kayle." Silence.

"W-what?" Ducky, Grath and Kazooie where in shock, the others didn't know who this Kayle was."

"Kayle? What happened to you?" Ducky asked.

"We all are in a dome of energy that accelerates time by a enormus ratio. It was created by the Zygot during the Terra War.**

However, Teross currently controls it."

"But...howcome that," Kazooie pointed to Calie,"Didn't happen to us?"

"Due to the frequency of the time disruptor, it's affects can be negated by

shavings of Sparif crystal."

"Wait, hold on, who are you?" Tanpopo asked.

"About twenty years ago, a terrible rabbit by the name of Zygot gained control of the holy clan Ontranaught, and sought a crystal called Sparif, which not only granted emmense power, but we now learn also gives extraodinary health and long life to anyone

in it's proximity. A mighty warrior named Aldan, trained by Dethman, captured Sparif

and defeated Zygot, but he only returned a month later. Using a dimensional vortex created by the spirit that inhabited the Sparif, he gained a army of Terrans, which,

too, where defeated by Aldan's army. I was alongside Aldan throught all of this."

Kayle explained.

"But if this place is controled by Zygot..." Grath lead off.

"See this?" Kayle pointed to a absurd object attached to her temple."

"I am under Teross' control, if I disobey him, I am killed by this."

"But...why does Teross need a time field?" Ducky asked.

"Kallis, the warrior from the other world, is indeed stronger than Teross, so before

Kallis passed through the mini-vortex created by Aldan, Teross got a sample of his cells, combined them with his own to grow

a super-psyhic, capable of defeating Kallis. The only drawback is that it would take fifty years to grow the beast, so..."

"So he used something that would speed up time for him, he's evil, but he's also clever." Kazooie pondered.

"But wait a second, that means this thing must almost be complete!" Ducky concluded.

"I should know, as caretaker of this place, that the cells of Kallis and Teross aren't exactly compatable, most of the fetal creatures died, some made it to larger sized, but all are dead, we only have one

subject remaining. I'm afraid that, once it completes soon, this one may be healthy enough to extend it's psyhic powers and become

the terrible thing Teross invisoned."


BlackSheep walked up to a large metal door.

"Ha! Jackpot! This should explain things.

She pushed to open the door, but it did not buge.

"Gah! This thing is huge!" She tried again, and this time it finally opened enough for

her to get inside.

"Brr! This whole room is freezing!" She looked around and saw a series of fusion cells.

"I feel like I just followed the human down the elevator*." Turning to the right, she noticed a large terminal with three large cylindars underneath.

"Kallis Cells. Teross Cells. Frozen Embryos." She read the lables on the cylindars. Then she looked up at the terminal.

"Combining production halted, improper amounts of bio-matter, Frozen embryos will

deteriorate in minus 32 days. Total: 136 failures." This begged more questions than it awnsered.

"What is this? A cloning lab?" She walked deeper down the corridor, and to her right

found a room marked 'Inhabitation Area.' This door opened much more easily, infact

it was automatic. What she saw in there both horrified and intrigued.

Littered across the floor where bodies of insect like creatures, all aparently dead.

"A hundred and thirty six failures." Now that made sense.

"Kuuur." She heard a low, strange purr from a large metal box directly beside her.

Turning quickly, she saw a very small version of one of thease beings, it's limbs

thing and wet, it's step unsure. It had two,

large(for it's total size) hind legs, and a fat, medium length tail. It's arms where short and thin, with long, surgeon like fingers, with a thick, long neck, it's

slightly translucent eyes were closed, and it had a jagged mouth.

"Kuuur." It purred again.

"Oh no." She thought and picked up the fragile thing, petting it lightly on it's head. Why, the creature fit in her hand.

"Kraow." The insect had the mannerisms of a kitten, and let out something similair to a 'meow.'

"It's so small." Blacksheep smiled, "Maybe I'll take you home with me..." The creature

reached out to her with it's tiny forearms, obviously sensing by sound since it's eyes

were closed tightly. It's fingers suddenly collapsed, and it abruptly fell over.


"One Hundred And Thirty Seven Failures." The computer called.

"'s dead." A single tear slid down her face, then froze due to the temperature.

She gently lay the insect in a curled up position on the metal box.

" isn't something to experiment with." Disrupting her prayer, a loud crash

could be heard from the room across her.

"Growth room?" She cautiously left the first room and went to the other across the

hall. There where several clear cylinders, but most of them where shattered, and the ground was moist.

But one of the remaining tubes was cracked, and from it fell a stream of a blue-green liquid with golden specks swimming around in it.

Then came the crash again, and she could see a brownish fist crash into the dent in the tube.

"What in the world?" Then the crash came again, louder than ever, and the threshold of

glass shattered, and out stepped a much larger version of the being that just died.

All along it's body where tubes. And this creature did not seem happy. BlackSheep

fumbled about with the flintlock gun she had stolen and fired it at the creature, but the

bullet hole, mearly healed a moment later.

"KKKKRAAAAAAOOOOOOOWWWW!" The creature screamed and ripped the tubes off it's body.

"One Hundred and Thirty Seven Failures, One Sucess." The computer spoke.


"Teross designated me caretaker of this place, we have never had a sucess."

"What are thease things called, anyway?" Kazooie asked.


"I AM..." The creature screamed.


"Teross Nike."


"AND I WILL LAY WASTE TO THIS UNIVERSE!" The creature flew straight at BlackSheep, kicking her into unconciousness.

Well, the reason it took so many tries is because they were trying to fuse the cells

of two seperate beings, not simply incubate one. Kayle isn't a servant of Zygot, she's under the power of Teross, Zygot is dead,


And Nike Teross thingy isn't a cat, it's a bug-like thing, but you already

know that, right? Anywho...

Chapter 8: Nike Teross Awakens, Part 2

"What was that?" Kazooie asked, after hearing a loud crash.

"Oh no, that's Nike survived!" Kayle got up and pointed down a dark corridor right of the intial hall.

"Go down that hall and use the elevator to get to level B5, the Growth Area is there, I'll be no good in a fight, so I'll stay

with Calie." With a silent nod Ducky, Kazooie, Grath and Tanpopo ran down the hall.


Aldan, hero of the battle at Skops, sat on a regal platform hovering precariously over

the gardens of his clans estate, the New Cathrine clan.

"My, my, I have been in many a clan, first Ontranaught, then Cathrine, then New Ontranaught, now New Cathrine, the pattern

dictates I'll be going somewhere new soon enough." He walked to the edge of the platform.

"Erecu, what's the status of our force?" Aldan spoke into a comm. placed on his wrist.

"We have ten thousand troops and fivethousand ships positoned on and around Carrotous, three thousand ships in orbit,

seven mineral bases on Matak and a airbase housing ten thousand ships on Muar. On Tubereic we have one thousand ships and five thousand troops, on Medivo we have fiveteen thousand ships and ten thousand troops, on

Diamondus we have five thousand ships and one thousand troops, is there anything else

you need, my Kiryie??"

"Yes, prepare my shuttle to leave for Medivo, I want to depart in three hours."

"Yes, my Kiryie."

"Oh, and Erecu?"

"Yes, my Kiryie?"

"What is of the status of our...acquiring, of clan New Ontranaught?"

"Process nearly complete, my Kiryie, many of our forces are in there bases and Eo2 treatments nearly complete."


Aldan turned and sat in the lofty, floating throne.


Okay, so it's a short update...

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Chapter 6: Sky Over Diamondus, Part 2 v2.0

The five warriors pressed on through the rocky Diamondian terrain. It had been about

six hours since they left the crash site, and dusk was in it's final throes.

"Urgh, how long 'till we reach Birdland?" Calie asked. Grath then looked at a watch-like apparatus that gave a green glow.

"Let's see, six miles an hour, fifty miles, about nine hours."

"Agh!" Calie grumbled, but they all felt the need to grumble.

"Hm, it's already getting dark, why don't we set up camp, I'm sure we'll all feel better tomarrow." Blacksheep suggested, already unpacking.

"Good call." Kazooie replied, doing similairly. In no time at all they had a working camp, and a working fire, though I

don't know how you could have a fire that

doesn't work.*

"Sooooooo, what is this...uhm..." Kaz wondered, pondering at the writhing green slug thing on the end of his stick.

"Ground Worm, indeginous to Diamondus and Fanolint." Ducky, the resident Diamondus expert, awnsered.

"Oh...that's nice." Kaz cautiously poked the worm with another stick.

"It's high in protien and vitamins, and theres a wive's tale that if you soak the

brain in saltwater and drink it, you will

learn what the worm knew."

"*Gulp* Okay...and uh, why is it still


"Well, if you cook it, all it juices evaporate and it turns into nothing but a crispy rock. If you kill it quickly, a enzym

(sp?) in it's blood causes it to explode in a ball of methane."

"It explodes into a giant fart...okay I think I just lost my appetite." Kaz retreated to the tent. Ducky pulled out two forks.

"Dig in!" She said zealously, chopping up the worm, leaving the others with blank stares.


"And then the valiant warrior stood to the dragon and said, "Ura, kowu zul tek nosen!"

Which, in rabbit, means "My courage shines deeply and I will destory you!" Then there was the slashing and the bashing and crushing

and mashing and destruction, carnage..." Tanpopo's story drawled into the background.

"Okay, I assume you have a good story?" Grath questioned Kaz.

"Well, okay, so there was this guy, then he woke up,and created a sub space particle

emmiter, and jumped through a tank, and

made a pork, and went back to sleep!"

".................What?" Grath was genuinley confused.

"Bwaha! You should see the look on you're

face, haha!" Kaz chortled.

"................What? I'm still confused..." Grath's face twisted in perplexion.

"Grr, the story was a bunch of nonsensical gibberish to confuse you!" Kaz explained.

"................What? I still don't understand, it was too confusing."

"I understood it." BlackSheep said.

"You would." Kaz returned.

"Hey!" BlackSheep kicked Kaz into the leftoverworm parts.

"Ahhhh! Worm on my face! Worm on my face!"

"I remain victorious!" BlackSheep walked away, striding.

"Oh no you don't!" Kaz jumped up and tackled BlackSheep, his body covered in worm organs.

"I'm leaving..." Ducky pulled a book out of her pack and walked away.

"I'll go check on the radar." Calie suggested, and walked torward a strange, spinning device that served as a portable


"...And the jabbing and the kicking and the throwing and Glavin!" Tanpopo continued her discription of the battle.

"Lets see..." Calie pressed in a series of keys and a holographic radar image appeared.

"What the? Starship, on the Dark Side? It's approaching directly and fast, I have to

warn someone!" She returned to the camp...

"And the slapping and the wedgies and the slamming, and the..."

"Not her..."Calie decided.

"Ahh! Stop this, I've got worm feet in my hair!"

"Not them..."

"..........What? I really don't get it!"

"Arg! Don't you understand?"

"Definetly not them..." Then she saw the

dark figure of Ducky inside the tent.

"Ducky!" Calie broke off running.

Ducky sat in the tent, her eyes wide, reading a book clearly marked 'Scary Stories.' Calie came running in and shook her to get her attention

"AHHHHHH! Calie! Don't shake me like that, if you want my attention, just tap me on the shoulder.

"Okay, sorry." As Calie was walking away, she got a celver idea. A devilish idea. A devilishly clever idea.

Doning a grotesque monster mask, she walked up to Ducky and tapped her on her shoulder.


Five minutes and lots of rope later:

"C'mon, please untie me, blood rushing to my head gives me a bad hair day!" Calie pleaded, totally tied up and dangling unside down from a branch.

"I'll untie you in the marrow, until then, g'night, mwahaha!" Ducky laughed and returned

to the camp.


It was late into the night. The fire was embers, and the Diamondain moons hung

perilously large in the sky. Suddenly, from

the tent, came a series of muffled screams,

and Calie awoke just in time to witness a

dark figure scurry off with a squirming bag.

"Hey, you! Stop!" Calie swung around, to no avail.

"Grr, he got away, but don't worry my friends," She then mustered her best Dudley

Doright, "I'll save soon as I get

down from here..."


Duh duhh daa daaa!

*Kaz: Have you lit the fire?

Tanpopo: I'm trying...

Kaz:You did use a plasm lighter, right?

Tanpopo: I'm not a idiot.

Kaz:...well, did you put it close enough to the wood?

Tanpopo: Yes...

Kaz: Is the wood wet?

Tanpopo: No.

Kaz: Did you...put dried leaves near the wood?

Tanpop: Yes, but it still doesn't work!

Kaz: How can a fire not work!

(Ten minutes later)

Ducky: Hey Tanpopo, you got the fire ready?

Kaz: I'm doing it.

Ducky: Oh, why isn't ready?

Kaz: 'Cause the fire doesn't work!

(Ten more minutes later)

BlkSheep: Hey Tanpopo, why isn't the fire ready?


BlkSheep: Sheesh...

Ducky: I'm doing it, Black.

BlkSheep: Why isn't the fire ready, then?

Ducky: It doesn't work!*sob*

(Ten MORE minutes later)

BlkSheep: That log is cursed!

Okay, so maybe that was a pointless section merely for my bemusment, but laugh.


Chapter 7: Castle Alzarem

BlackSheep woke slowly, due to light streaming in through a strange window.

"Huh, wha? Where am I?" As her vision cleared, she found herself in a heavily decorated Victorian room. She tried to stand, but found that she was tied down to a bed.

"What the?" As if summoned, a strange orb-shaped robot with a single red eye hovered over her.

"Unit Specimen #103 Equals Condition Concious, Preparing Sedative..."

"What's going on?!" BlackSheep struggled, but the robot injected her wiht a bluish liquid.

"I'll get you, you stuppiiid..."

"Specimen Sedated."


Tanpopo woke to the scent of tea.

"Huh? What's going on?" She was in a ornatley decorated room, similair to the

one BlackSheep found herself in.

"Wierd, the last thing I remember...was going to Nemmihs... where am I?" As she moved to get out of the bed she was lying on,

several manicals slivered off her ankles and

wrists just as she noticed them.

"Must be my eyes..." As she exited the room, she entered a long hallway, paved with a red rug. On each side of a door, (of which

there were many) there were busts of the likes of Shakespeare, Plato, Einstein, Newton, Dethman, et cetera. At one end of the hall was a window, from which a warm light cascaded. And from the other end was

a staircase, and the source of the scent of

tea. As she walked torward the smell, she

couldn't help but feel as though a presence

haunted her, dodging out of the way just when she turned around to look at it.

At the end of the hall, she found a large dining room, Victorian in design, with a

mahogony table in the center. Around it

was Ducky, Kazooie, and Grath, and another unknown rabbit, all drinking tea.

"Ah, the Empress, how good of you to join us." The unfamiliar told her.

"She says she saved us, that we were all badly injured and have been unconsious for three days." Grath said, his eyes like daggers on the unfamiliar rabbit.

"Please sit down, have some tea." The rabbit had yellow fur, and was probably in her mid to late fifties.

"She won't tell us who she is." Ducky said.

"Now, to tell you that would spoil all the fun." The yellow rabbit giggled.


BlackSheep awoke again.

"Ugh...what's going on? Where is this place?" She reached for her blaster and found that it was gone.

"My Jello-Blaster!" She rummaged through the various chest and drawers in the absurdly

prestine room, and the best she came up with

was a old eighteenth century flint-lock gun.

"Who keeps a gun that's over a thousand years, old? Oh well, when in Zenshar." She fired at the wall, opening up a passage way.

"I'm not sticking around to find out what's here..." She creeped into the hole and then

painfully manevered through the crevices and

ducts throught the house.

"Once I get out of this mess, I'm going on a diet." Then it occured to her the last thing that she remembered.

She remembered embarking to Katalym with Calie, on a mission for the Senate.

"Calie, I wonder if she was captured too?" As she creeped deeper into the maze she found a strange, large cap. Picking up the

dish sized hunk of steel, she examined the

hunk of steel.

"Hmm, cap to a compressed fusion cell, vintage 2750, hmm, whats a antiquane house

like this doing with a fusion cell?"


Calie spent most of the morning escaping from the branch, but she cut a deal with

a chipmunk to gnaw her loose.

"Yup, this is the place, all of there energy signatures are in that castle!" And

what a castle it was, atleast two acres in length, with towers and courtyards. As she got closer, she noticed something odd,

the grass in a concentric ring around the

castle was much older than the grass near it,

infact the change in the dead grass was to a fraction.

"I've heard of people not caring for there yards, but un-caring for it? That's strange..."


Ducky looked out one of the few windows in the castle.

"What the...hey that's Calie! She's come to save us!" The yellow rabbit looked out the window.

"Oh dear Lord, don't!"

"What, afraid your door anti-opening device has been tharted, mwaha!" Kazooie chortled.

"Oh no!" The yellow rabbit opened the door

hastily, and ran out to Calie, the others coming with her.

"What's going on?" Grath asked. Then, just as Calie crossed the line where the grass

deteriorated, she fell smack down into the dirt.

"Calie!" The others shouted in unison and ran to her.

"Calie! What's up?!" Kazooie asked as she got within speaking distance of Calie. Calie raised her head to look at him. But it wasn't

the Calie they knew. Here eyes where dull, her hair scraggly and white, and her face craved with wrinkles.

"What's happened to me?" She asked...


Duh duhh daaa! I'm sure most of you have solved a good percent of the mystery, but

for those who haven't, oh well...

thanks all , and Calie, you were stuck in a tree because you scared the heck out of

Ducky with that mask. As to the gragly stuff, it will be

Chapter 8: Teross Nike Awakens*

"Quickly, get her inside the house, Grath, fetch me some salt water." The yellow rabbit commanded. They hauled the fainted Calie onto the couch in the main room and Grath quickly returned with the salt water.

"Excellent, use a sponge and knead her face and hands with it."


"What happened?" Ducky asked.

"In order for you to know that, I must tell you who I am." The yellow rabbit said solemnly.


"My name is Kayle." Silence.

"W-what?" Ducky, Grath and Kazooie where in shock, the others didn't know who this Kayle was."

"Kayle? What happened to you?" Ducky asked.

"We all are in a dome of energy that accelerates time by a enormus ratio. It was created by the Zygot during the Terra War.**

However, Teross currently controls it."

"But...howcome that," Kazooie pointed to Calie,"Didn't happen to us?"

"Due to the frequency of the time disruptor, it's affects can be negated by

shavings of Sparif crystal."

"Wait, hold on, who are you?" Tanpopo asked.

"About twenty years ago, a terrible rabbit by the name of Zygot gained control of the holy clan Ontranaught, and sought a crystal called Sparif, which not only granted emmense power, but we now learn also gives extraodinary health and long life to anyone

in it's proximity. A mighty warrior named Aldan, trained by Dethman, captured Sparif

and defeated Zygot, but he only returned a month later. Using a dimensional vortex created by the spirit that inhabited the Sparif, he gained a army of Terrans, which,

too, where defeated by Aldan's army. I was alongside Aldan throught all of this."

Kayle explained.

"But if this place is controled by Zygot..." Grath lead off.

"See this?" Kayle pointed to a absurd object attached to her temple."

"I am under Teross' control, if I disobey him, I am killed by this."

"But...why does Teross need a time field?" Ducky asked.

"Kallis, the warrior from the other world, is indeed stronger than Teross, so before

Kallis passed through the mini-vortex created by Aldan, Teross got a sample of his cells, combined them with his own to grow

a super-psyhic, capable of defeating Kallis. The only drawback is that it would take fifty years to grow the beast, so..."

"So he used something that would speed up time for him, he's evil, but he's also clever." Kazooie pondered.

"But wait a second, that means this thing must almost be complete!" Ducky concluded.

"I should know, as caretaker of this place, that the cells of Kallis and Teross aren't exactly compatable, most of the fetal creatures died, some made it to larger sized, but all are dead, we only have one

subject remaining. I'm afraid that, once it completes soon, this one may be healthy enough to extend it's psyhic powers and become

the terrible thing Teross invisoned."


BlackSheep walked up to a large metal door.

"Ha! Jackpot! This should explain things.

She pushed to open the door, but it did not buge.

"Gah! This thing is huge!" She tried again, and this time it finally opened enough for

her to get inside.

"Brr! This whole room is freezing!" She looked around and saw a series of fusion cells.

"I feel like I just followed the human down the elevator*." Turning to the right, she noticed a large terminal with three large cylindars underneath.

"Kallis Cells. Teross Cells. Frozen Embryos." She read the lables on the cylindars. Then she looked up at the terminal.

"Combining production halted, improper amounts of bio-matter, Frozen embryos will

deteriorate in minus 32 days. Total: 136 failures." This begged more questions than it awnsered.

"What is this? A cloning lab?" She walked deeper down the corridor, and to her right

found a room marked 'Inhabitation Area.' This door opened much more easily, infact

it was automatic. What she saw in there both horrified and intrigued.

Littered across the floor where bodies of insect like creatures, all aparently dead.

"A hundred and thirty six failures." Now that made sense.

"Kuuur." She heard a low, strange purr from a large metal box directly beside her.

Turning quickly, she saw a very small version of one of thease beings, it's limbs

thing and wet, it's step unsure. It had two,

large(for it's total size) hind legs, and a fat, medium length tail. It's arms where short and thin, with long, surgeon like fingers, with a thick, long neck, it's

slightly translucent eyes were closed, and it had a jagged mouth.

"Kuuur." It purred again.

"Oh no." She thought and picked up the fragile thing, petting it lightly on it's head. Why, the creature fit in her hand.

"Kraow." The insect had the mannerisms of a kitten, and let out something similair to a 'meow.'

"It's so small." Blacksheep smiled, "Maybe I'll take you home with me..." The creature

reached out to her with it's tiny forearms, obviously sensing by sound since it's eyes

were closed tightly. It's fingers suddenly collapsed, and it abruptly fell over.


"One Hundred And Thirty Seven Failures." The computer called.

"'s dead." A single tear slid down her face, then froze due to the temperature.

She gently lay the insect in a curled up position on the metal box.

" isn't something to experiment with." Disrupting her prayer, a loud crash

could be heard from the room across her.

"Growth room?" She cautiously left the first room and went to the other across the

hall. There where several clear cylinders, but most of them where shattered, and the ground was moist.

But one of the remaining tubes was cracked, and from it fell a stream of a blue-green liquid with golden specks swimming around in it.

Then came the crash again, and she could see a brownish fist crash into the dent in the tube.

"What in the world?" Then the crash came again, louder than ever, and the threshold of

glass shattered, and out stepped a much larger version of the being that just died.

All along it's body where tubes. And this creature did not seem happy. BlackSheep

fumbled about with the flintlock gun she had stolen and fired it at the creature, but the

bullet hole, mearly healed a moment later.

"KKKKRAAAAAAOOOOOOOWWWW!" The creature screamed and ripped the tubes off it's body.

"One Hundred and Thirty Seven Failures, One Sucess." The computer spoke.


"Teross designated me caretaker of this place, we have never had a sucess."

"What are thease things called, anyway?" Kazooie asked.


"I AM..." The creature screamed.


"Teross Nike."


"AND I WILL LAY WASTE TO THIS UNIVERSE!" The creature flew straight at BlackSheep, kicking her into unconciousness.

Well, the reason it took so many tries is because they were trying to fuse the cells

of two seperate beings, not simply incubate one. Kayle isn't a servant of Zygot, she's under the power of Teross, Zygot is dead,


And Nike Teross thingy isn't a cat, it's a bug-like thing, but you already

know that, right? Anywho...

Chapter 8: Nike Teross Awakens, Part 2

"What was that?" Kazooie asked, after hearing a loud crash.

"Oh no, that's Nike survived!" Kayle got up and pointed down a dark corridor right of the intial hall.

"Go down that hall and use the elevator to get to level B5, the Growth Area is there, I'll be no good in a fight, so I'll stay

with Calie." With a silent nod Ducky, Kazooie, Grath and Tanpopo ran down the hall.


Aldan, hero of the battle at Skops, sat on a regal platform hovering precariously over

the gardens of his clans estate, the New Cathrine clan.

"My, my, I have been in many a clan, first Ontranaught, then Cathrine, then New Ontranaught, now New Cathrine, the pattern

dictates I'll be going somewhere new soon enough." He walked to the edge of the platform.

"Erecu, what's the status of our force?" Aldan spoke into a comm. placed on his wrist.

"We have ten thousand troops and fivethousand ships positoned on and around Carrotous, three thousand ships in orbit,

seven mineral bases on Matak and a airbase housing ten thousand ships on Muar. On Tubereic we have one thousand ships and five thousand troops, on Medivo we have fiveteen thousand ships and ten thousand troops, on

Diamondus we have five thousand ships and one thousand troops, is there anything else

you need, my Kiryie??"

"Yes, prepare my shuttle to leave for Medivo, I want to depart in three hours."

"Yes, my Kiryie."

"Oh, and Erecu?"

"Yes, my Kiryie?"

"What is of the status of our...acquiring, of clan New Ontranaught?"

"Process nearly complete, my Kiryie, many of our forces are in there bases and Eo2 treatments nearly complete."


Aldan turned and sat in the lofty, floating throne.


Okay, so it's a short update...


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Kovu aka Alec

Member posted January 20, 2001 10:39 PM

Chapter 9: Macho Monster

Nike Teross slapped Grath into the heap of other fallen heros.

"I remain victorious."

"Wh-why do you want to destroy Carrotous?" Ducky asked weakly.

"You only make you're death linger." Nike Teross laughed and kicked there bodies.

"I think I'll go slaughter those weaklings upstairs." Nike Teross laughed and, using a psyhic blast, blew a hole to the upper levels

and flew up there.


Kayle frantically punched in coordinates on a comm.

"Hello, welcome to New Ontranaught Head Quarters, how may I direct you're transmission."

"Give me Kiryie."

"Uhm...I'll need clearance."

"Lose the formalities, it's number thirteen and it's an absolute emergancy!"

"Oh, Number Thirteen, I'm sorry I didn't recongnize you...the...sphere has left it's

affects, I see."


"*Gulp* Yes'm." The screen turned dark for a second and then opened up with a indistinct blob of energy covered in a fog.


"I apologize, but..." A explosion claimed most of the hallway.

"Nike Teross has awakened." The consistancy of the blob hiccuped for a moment.

"WHAT? Is it in good health?"

"Very good health, but it has not retained a good deal of you're programming, it is

wantonly destroying everything, with no

reaction to you're name, soon, I'm afraid, he will have destroyed the entire lab."

"I'll have to cancel my trip to the red planet, I will be there in a hour, can you hold him until then."

"I don't think so, but I will try."

"Good girl." As the image dissapated the grotesque insect hovered up through the hole

it made, it's power to great that everything

in it's wake was shattered. Kayle fumbled for a blaster and then stood in the path of

Nike Teross, firing several red blasts at it.

However, they all reflected in a equally

destructive matter, but the last one he stopped directly infront of him, it's power not exploding, nor moving forward, just a

floating orb of energy. Kayle could only

shutter as Nike Teross grasped the ball of

energy and crushed it.

"No, no way...What have I done?" Kayle asked her self as Nike Teross fired a huge

blast of energy, destroying the entire room and sending Calie flying off the couch.

"Calie!" Kayle ran across the wreakage to save the rabbit, but just as she holistered

her over her soulder, she turned to give

a parting shot, Nike Teross' arm extended to a absurd length, his finger tips planted across Kayle's face. A breif case of shell

shock overcame her, remembering the time

she futily attacked Zygot's wife, Thersay, in a similair matter, and died for it.

"There's no Sparif, this time. Although I suppose I have no room to complain, this will be the fourth time I have been killed.*"

A world of dark red and horrific pain overcame Kayle for the breifest moment.

And then, everything was calm, and black.


*The first time Kayle died was due to a heart faliure while training with Aldan before the intial Zygot ordeal. She was

legally dead for around ten minutes, until she was revived. The second time she died was

when Zygot fired a energy spike through her

heart and she was revived by the stone Sparif that Aldan possesed for a few moments.

The third time she died was when she was captured by Thersay, and attempted to

attack her. The energy field around her paralyzed everything except her brain, and

Kovu aka Alec

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Mar 24, 2001, 02:04 PM
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Yahooo! Praise the new board, praise the new board, ahahahah!

Ahem, well, now you'll know...the rest...of the story.

Chapter 10: Desecrated

Aldan sat proudly in his large, wedge shaped vessel.

"Turenka! How long till we reach the appointed area!?" Aldan shouted across the bridge.

"Atleast fourty-five minutes, sir, we still haven't left orbit."

"Well, is the witch ready, atleast?"

"Yes, sir, the Subject is already loaded in Bay # 5." The bridge of Aldan's ship was silent for a good five minutes as they

prepared for escape velocity. But, just as

they were about to launch, a explosion eminated

on the view screen, from somewere below.

"You imbecils! Focous on that explosion!" Then, after a moments hesitation, the

screen displayed a town on the mountain, Katalym, totally in ruins.

"D*mn it! Kallis has found Katalym!" For a moment, Aldan had to weigh his decision, Nike Teross, or Kallis?

"Get me to Diamondus right now!!"


Kallis stood in the center of the crater that once was Katalym.

"Sorry, town, but this is more important than all of our lives." Kallis then placed both of his hands on his temples, concentrating his mind, until in a blast of motion his mind dug deep into the crater, searching for the Katalym. After five minutes

or so of flinging dirt around, he could feel

the direct psyhic prescence of the Katalym.

Kallis then hovered down, and before him stood a great tapestry of warriors.

Atleast one hundred statues, all in valiant poses as if they were about to strike.

"Yes, I've done it! They can help me defeat Teross!" He thought excitedly as he placed is hands on the chest of the nearest statue

and again began to concentrate his life energy into the statues, and then, in

a massive blast of electricity, the stone slowly melted off there bodies.

The one nearest him, like the rest of them, had ornatley carved armor, with two long

swords attatched to there wrists. Over there

mouth was a scarf so that all visible of

there face was there eyes, and there ears tied into a complex braid that went down to

there knees. And they were tall, very tall.

Slowly, there eyes opened, and the nearest one jumped back a pace.

"WHAT? This place isn't thyn holy battlefield at the Great Plateau!" He noticed Kallis and quickly placed his blade near Kallis throat.

"And what manner of being may you be, young one? You have the smell and the body of a Gerenpfpssh, but you're face belies you, as

that appears as of a Rabbit. What are you, then?" Kallis swallowed, and sweat slowly began sliding down his forehead.

"I am a rabbit..." Kallis stated cautiously. In a flash of motion, both of the Katalym's blades were at his throat.

"Pig! Tell me, why me and myn bretheren have been brought to this dank hole, were is

the battlefield!?"

"It's been many thousand years since the Katalym attacked the Great Plataeu, and were

caught in a entrapment spell. You see, I

awoke you, in hopes you could help me fight a greater evil."

Chapter 11: The Abyss(by Kazooie)

"Are you sure? I've seen many of these kind make it across."

"Especially Jazz and Lori"

"Shut up! I don't want any more failures around here!"


The room was filled with a network of computers, each one showing a large data sheet and different. Roomy the room was not, and made of fake wooden walls, but it was enough for the strange white rabbit that lived there. She was tall, blue eyes like a swimming pool, a white lab coat and some glasses just to make her look intelligent... her name was Sam.

"Warning, life signs have dropped for client Kovu, Grath, Tanpopo, Kazooie, Ducky, and BlkSheep," A voice said, it had no tone, it was there but had no pitch, no tone, no accent.

"Display information!" Sam said, her voice was serious, usually this didn't happen, to any of these persons, something was not right! Six screens changed the data displayed and several sections flashed red instead of a healty blue. Sam acted as though she was typing on an invisible floating keyboard. "Blast!" she said, apparently she couldn't help, there was a psychic force preventing her. "I told Kaz I needed a bigger battery, but noooo, he said a Triple V would be fine, but I needed a Double V! BLEH!" Once again she tried and raced at the keyboard, she found where they were located. An abyss, the one many had jumped to reach the other side of life instead of staying for a long slow death, a true river Styx, except the river was dry.


Ducky was the first to wake up. She looked around, everything was a indistinct grey.

"Hello?!" The electric rabbit yelled out, the sound dying faster than it should. She walked around util she tripped over the idle body of Kovu

"OOF!!" She kicked Kovu to wake him up, but nothing happened. Not a thoughtful rabbit she kicked Kovu even harder!

"OUGH!" Kovu screamed. Kicking people hard always seemed to wake them up. Kovu got up and saw Ducky.

"WHY THE- hey, where are we?" he asked.

"I don't know," Duckster replied.

"Where are the others?"

"I don't know,"

"Why the heck is it so foggy here?"

"Whadda I look like? A crystal ball?!" Ducky said, the fog seemed endless and somewhat annoying. After agreeing to search for the others they walked on... into the myst.


"Augh, my head feels like a watermelon, and it's split," BlkSheep said. She had just awoken and had a headache, from what unknown. "Kayle! IF THIS IS ONE OF YOUR LITTLE DOLL HOUSES IT'S NOT FUN ANYMORE!" she broadcasted. Nothing returned. No Sparif was on her. She pinched herself to make sure it wasn't a dream. It wasn't a dream. The unsure rabbit sat down, thought, and thought, and still thought. Something clicked! A flash of Ducky kicking Kovu! "Oh great, that really helps," She thought to herself and kicked the dirt. The dirt screamed in pain.

"WOW! A piece of dirt that can talk! I'm rich, uh huh uh huh uh huh!"

"I'm Kazooie, ya yutz!" The dirt was being offensive.

"WOW! A piece of dirt that can fly!"

"You're just difficult." Kazooie stood up and brushed of his feathers.

After many questions with no answers the duo walked on into the deep fog.


A glow of angelness was emitting from a shapless form above, floating in mid-air...

"Calie," It said softly, angelic. Calie asleep on the ground still slept. The beams of energy were penetrating the fog.

"CALIE!!!" It shouted and shined a concentrated beam of light into her eyes.

"AHHHHH!!! I see the light! AND IT BURNS!!!" Calie screamed! Covering her eyes she questioned the entity.

"You are stuck at the abyss of life and death. You can stay here for a while and die eventually while being toyed with by 2 spirits, or you can try and make the jump over the abyss..." The entity was faceless, but had a air of sad hopefullness.

"This always happens!!!" Calie complained.


"I see a light up ahead! It may be the others!" Kovu said and Ducky ran swiftly with him out of curiosity.


"I see a light up ahead! It may be the others!" BlkSheep said and Kazooie ran quickly with her out of curiousity.

"AHHHH!!! THE LIGHT BURNS!!!" All of them said after plowing into eachother instead of the intended blob.

"What the heck -err heaven is that?!" Kazooie asked.

"You'll have no time to know that now! IT'S TIME TO PLAY!!!" A voice from before said.

Someone stood there in midair, floating mysteriously. He had a game hosts' suit on, grey hair and blue eyes... not the kinda guy you want to be associated with.

"Today we have Calie, Ducky, and BlkSheep as our guests, who ever remains will be one of the few to cross the abyss!"

"Where is this 'abyss' of yours anyway?" Ducky questioned,

"Why... just over there!" The gameshow host pointed into the fog and it cleared up... the thing was huge! No unequipped rabbit or bird could make it all the way there! The group just stared at it for a while.

"Breath taking?" the wierdo said, he started smirking and bursting into laughter.

"JUST WHAT'S SO DARN FUNNY?!" Calie raged out,

"You'll never make it! YoU'lL nEvEr MaKe It! YOU'LL NEVER MAKE IT!!!" the annoying Regis taunted over and over again.

"WE'LL SEE WHO MAKES IT!!!" Calie yelled and started running in an attack position towards the host.

"Time for the game to start!" and he pulled an imaginary lever and they dissapeared.


The girls fell onto a statue. On it was a sign, it read:

"Ah, you've made it, you must finish this level, no guns will be allowed, I reccomend you use one of your partners as a trade in to finish the level. Bad luck! Oh yeah, I've sent a dark spirit with a scythe after you..."

"That's comforting!" BlkSheep complained,

"I've come close to death with age and escape to come close to death with grim reaper," Calie sighed,

"We had better keep moving, this place may look like one of my favorites but it isn't," Ducky acknowledged. With that, they moved on... a Medivo setting, barely any enemies with frightened them. Gargoyles everywhere.

"The dark wind howls..." Ducky impersonated,

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" Both Calie and BlkSheep chimed in.

"Your death!" a dark, unholy, and oh so very evil voice said from behind...


Meanwhile, back at the abyss. "WHERE HAVE YOU TAKEN THEM?" Tanpopo pondered with fury.

"The Server of Heck" The Alex Trebek answered back.




"Excuse me?" They all questioned.

"You heard me, their at the server of heck with a grim reaper chasing them," the host replied.

"Forget this, I'm going to jump... it's better than staying here," Kovu thought aloud.

"NO! YOU WON'T!" The evil game show host wailed! He pointed his finger at Kovu. A slight whistling...


"Come on... come on!" Sam said, she was busy looking at one blinking red and green screen and typing on an invisible keyboard at another.


The whistling turned into a howl like the wind, but instead it was something that wouldn't just breeze by...


"That thing's gonna hit... how can he not know?!" Sam trying even faster...


A star shined... an evil star... shining an evil dark light... getting closer!


"Warning; battery power is at 23%..." the null voice notified,

"Great, just what I need, Save all active modifications and shut down all scanning, and modifying devices, keep the accessing ones avalible, freeze all values!" Sam said... the data slowly faded, the light went out, and all was dark, except two screens, still blinking red and green. "Hope you like my easter eggs..."


The dark star hit! Everyone shielded their eyes. Kovu stood there... completely unscratched... the remaining residue of the attack faded away in tinier pieces. The attacker stood there... mouth wide open at what had happened... the dark star was somehow it had been blocked, deflected, canceled! NO! He couldn't accept it! THIS WAS HIS WORLD! THEY MUST DIE!


"RUUNN!!!" BlkSheep shrieked! The hooded figure flew after them, gaining very quickly...

"There's no evading me!" The reaper roared.

"We're not going to make it!" Ducky predicted.

"Stop being negative!" Calie shouted back, she looked back, a pink object followed her... HER BLASTER! Somehow everyone got their blasters. "Our weapons!" She excalimed.

"Hey what the?" Ducky wondered.

"Mumble mumble, gargoyles... weapons... ice... ... ...!" BlkSheep came up with a good idea! One of the rarest moments ever!

"Calie! Switch to a flame thrower... Ducky! I'll need some electricity!" BlkSheep barked out, Ducky convenintly found her staff in her hand.

"NO CHEATING!" the reaper said and fired off a flaming bat at them. BlkSheep counterattacked with an ice blaster freezing the bat and stabbing the grim reaper in the "eye".

"HIYA!" BlkSheep knocked off a gargoyles wing and froze it as well as a path. The trio hopped on with some predicting.

"FIRE AHEAD!" they all said as if they knew what they were doing. The electricity striked as a beam to toast anything up ahead!

"Hold your breath!" Calie said and turned her flamethrower to max and held down the trigger. The result was a complete fire shielded sled with a beam of thunder blasting anything in it's way.

"We're approaching a wall, it has irregular readings... a warp maybe?" Ducky said.

"Brace yourself!" Calie commanded.

"ON WHAT?" BlkSheep quizzed.


"Did it just get colder?" Grath cried.

"Yes!" Tanpopo replied worrying.

"Excellent..." The evil Regis laughed.

FACHING! The floor froze over in ice! "WHAT THE?!" the host said... apparently this wasn't one of his tricks!

"Oooh, someone's gonna die..." Kaz taunted,

"Well see about that..." He retorted.

"No..." A voice from behind the host said, "WE WILL!" the trio of girls shouted coming out of nowhere as a giant fireball. Their velocity was tremendous, too tremendous! The host was hit by the flaming vehicle and engulfed in flames... "EWW! I just saw a flaming pancreaus fly by!" Calie stated digusted.

"eww..." Ducky said also digusted.

"Shut off the flame thrower, we need to have some visitors... everyone grab a hand!" BlkSheep told the team.

"Here they come!" Tanpopo said.

"Everyone make a chain!" Grath suggested.

"Right!" BlkSheep said, the wing was huge enough and they'd need a chain to get across to the abyss. There it was, they were prepared though, NO WAIT! A MISCALCULATION! They were only half of what was needed to get across! Kovu was the first one to fly off the ramp of ice...

"NO! YOU CAN'T DIE!!!" A picture of Sam appeared out of nowhere! She grabbed Kovu and as a trapese artist she flung the chain across... "NO!!! MY ... BATTer.. Da... bu.." Sam faded out! Kovu was left... hanging no where.

"WE MADE IT!" Everyone said... "wait! KOVU!" Kazooie uttered. The rabbit fell... without his comrads... into the abyss.

"NOOO!!!" they all synchonized screamed... and they woke up.

"What was that?" Ducky asked.

"I...I saw Kovu die...Teross killed him on that ship of his...I'm sure now..." BlackSheep seethed.

"He...he's dead?" Kazooie felt his knees quaiver. Images flooded.

"Don't worry, we can handle 'em."


" Tyio?"

"I'm looking for the Katalym..."

"Go on without me!"


"I...I will find his body, and bury it on Carrotous, to save his honor." Ducky said, her voice sorid(sp?)


Chapter 12: Pilots

That thing hovered above Kovu's face. The thing that was part Aldan, part a skeleton.

But, in a flash, it became the white face of


"Welcome back to the land of the living..."

Kovu tried to lift himself, but was strapped down. His senses were also dulled, extreamly


"What happened?"

"You had a severe heart attack, a little young, aren't we, for such things?"

"Shut up. Why'd you bring me back?" Kovu's voice was slurred as he spoke.

"I don't know, the heck of it maybe?"

"W-where are we?"

"Above Diamondus, soon I will claim Nike Teross and rule the galaxy!"

"Shut up, you're sadistic cloning experiment will fail!"

"Why is it sadistic, then?"

"You can't make a soul, it will be a mindless, ravaging beast!" Teross chuckled,

then broke into laughter.

"What's so funny?!" Kovu attacked with what little might he had. Teross continued

to laugh for minutes, and was wiping his

eyes when he finally spoke,

"Pity, yes, quite a pity that is then. As one *chrotle* sentinent, to another, let me

let you in on a little secret." Teross came

up and began whispering into Kovu's ear.


Nike Teross kicked Grath through a wall as he was jumped by him.

"Hm? Is that all?" Nike proudly surveyed the carnage around him.

"I suppose this 'test' is complete?" From the rubble, Ducky and Kazooie emerged.

"As Kayle once said, you have a lot to learn about us good guys." Kazooie said as he tried to remove the rivers of blood from

his face.

"Oh really?" As his attention was detured, Ducky fired a blast of electricity.

"Hm?" Nike turned in a instant an caught the energy in his hands.

"Ducky, look out!" Kazooie shouted. Nike

squeezed his hand and made the energy a concentrated beam and threw it back at

Ducky. She froze, and then the blast hit her squarely in the forehead.

"Nooo!" Kazooie screamed as Ducky fell to the floor. Her chest heaved about for more

times, then stopped.


"Dead?" Nike finished his sentence, then a laughed. Kazooie felt rage build up in him, then drew his sword once more.

"You have something to say?"

"Go to **** Nike Teross!" Then Kazooie charged the insect.


"Kiriyie*, we've been hit!" A lizard rushed into the medical hall.

"What?" Teross rose.

"Yes, Kiriyie! By five large missiles from a ship in orbit around the planet. We tried

shooting at them, but had no affect. Shields

down to 10% my Kiriyie. Five more on the way!"

"Rrr. Return fire, immediatley!"

"Aye, aye!" After a moment of punching buttons on a console, the lizard spoke again.

"They've set a collision course, several large blasters and other projectile weapons

have rendered most of our offensive capabilities usless, communication is out,

warp drive is out!"

"Prepare the witch and the warlock, and make a escape trajectory for the planet."

"Yes, Kiriyie, but it will not have affect, the ship will make contact in five, four,

three, two..."

"Brace for impact!"


Nike Teross batted a lifeless Kazooie away like a rag-doll.

"You never had a chance, I'm afraid."

Then Nike generated a energy ball to finish

off the fledgling heros.

As he did this, they heard the mechanical sound of a mech, no, two mechs setting down.

"What the?" Suddenly, a hail of bullets rained through the roof of the castle, causing the energy ball to explode and hurling Nike into

a nearby wall, rendering him unconcious.

"Kazooie, long time no see!" The mecha's

intercomm spoke. Then the second mech they

heard bashed it's foot through a wall, making

a new doorway.

"Kazooie! Buddy!"

"I know those voices..." Kazooie though, barely holding on to conciousness.

Adding to the complexity of the scenario, Teross ship set down nearby, but it was badly

beaten, with huge chunks of deck and hull

missing, scorched shell, and protruding spikes of steel.

"No way..." The second mech spoke as two of Teross' missles crashed into it, throwing it

into a nearby hillside.

Then two more missles caused the first mech to violently be thrown aswell, but Kazooie saw a figure jump out of the cockpit before

hand. When the two mecha collided, a explosion resulted, enflaming the forest and

the ruins of the castle. When the figure

touched down, Kazooie could barely believe

his eyes. Red fur, jet black hair, a peculiar smile.

"No way, it just can't be*..."

"Ducky?" The rabbit said and rushed over to the fallen hero's corpse. Picking her up

gently, as though she were still alive, he placed a hand over her eyes, were the wound

was. And when he raised his hand, her face

was normal, and in a moment her eyes opened.


Chapter 13: The Network

"T-tyio?" Ducky looked up at him.


"You? You're alive?"

"Ofcourse, I'm not dead, am I?"

"But...I saw you the Other World..." A tiny sphere of green energy

appeared on Tyio's finger.

"This will explain everything..." He place the finger on her simian ridge and then...

darkness. Slowly light filtered in, and

Ducky saw a horde of Teross' forces just behind Tyio, forcing her through a mini-Vortex.

"I remember..."


"Curse our ancestors." The Katalym, named Saki*, contemplated, Kallis just having explained what had transpired.

"Curse them! They should have crushed the rabbits while they still mustered there


"Look! In any event, all that's long past! And, true, many rabbits are strongly opposed to this union, many aren't. Peace! Isn't

that what you wanted?"

"No, I want to crush them, but..."

Saki survied the destroyed town.

"I suppose I don't have the political influance anymore, it will pass that I will consult the king." Saki powered up his energy Sukfogens, his brethren doing the same.

"At the moment, however, killing this...Teross, of yours, may bring us some

public favor...where is he?"

"On Diamondus, I think."

"Diamondus, don't speak with a forked toung, boy!"

"Uh, Diamondus!"

"I know of no such place."

"It's...a planet."


"Just get in my ship, I'll explain it on the way."

"What is a ship?"

"A thingy, to take us off Carrotus?"

"But surely we will fall into the land of dragons at the end of the world!"

"Thank God for the rennasiance."


"After you left for home, Aldan came through another Vortex and together, we

defeated that part of the Legion.

We were wanted on the highest authority, as Teross then controlled the government.

We fled to Medivo, which rebelled aginst the Legion. We trained, and trained hard. With out the power of the Mystics it was a slow

process, but eventually we had enough pyshical and psyhic power to take on

Teross. Then the Legion attacked Medivo, and

we fled back to Carrotus. However, Aldan died

in the first raid, but with his last breath

told me to leave with out him. In last respect, I followed his command.

However, when I arrived on Carrotus, I found it was being attacked by the Humans, who

believed it was there fault for the disaperance of most of there army.

There, I confronted Teross, but he beat me to a pulp and left me for dead in orbit.

Luckily, I was picked up by a Human scout

before space killed me.

Most of my body was destroyed, so they began to clone the parts that were missing and

renew my current parts. In that time they

talked to my brain. I was able, even in such

a pitiful state, to convince the Human army

that it was not Carrotus' fault.

It took four years to regenerate my body, but once that was comlete I returned to

Medivo, where Teross and most of his legion

fled. To my surprise, I found Aldan there, alive!

He gave no explanation for his life, other than 'Destiny saw it fit.' Together, we

pressed on to Teross' forces, until we both confronted Teross, again. He was loosing, but

used the fusion technique, which he had

learned as a disciple of Zygot.

He absorbed Aldan, but Aldan soon escaped his inprisonment by using Teross' own psyhic

powers. Sadly, Teross had already copied all his knowledge. Using a mini-Vortex, he hopped

out of that world, into ours. We decided

that, in order to defeat Teross, we needed

to amass a force there. So, we trained with a psyhic know as Kallis, who lived in the

deep forest of Carrotus. After five years

of training with him, Carrotus was decimated

by rebel Humans, most related to those lost in the Vortex. Kallis and I escaped through

a mini-Vortex, but Aldan decided to stay

behind and fight. About a month ago, I found

Aldan once again, on Medivo. He had no

recollection of the fight with the humans, and none of Kallis, though he knew all of

the psyhic techniques. I decided that

the Humans must have wiped his memory.

We ammased the ship and the mechs, and attacked Teross head on."

Tyio removed his finger, the information

absorbed in a split second.

"It's been twelve years, Ducky, long time no see." Then Ducky realized how changed

he was. He was taller, slightly, and his

hair was tied in a intresting formation

behind his back, shaped like a trident.

And he had a scar running from above his left eye to the rightside of jaw.

Then he pulled a bo-staff from his back, and from it generated a huge energy beam.

"Wish me luck!" Jumping up out of the

castle, he charged Teross...

Chapter 14: Death and Rebirth

Teross stood outside of his ship fearsomly, a army of his soldiers behind him. About that time Tyio jumped up to the edge of the

castle's ruins.

"Surrender, Tyio, I tracked to down to this place and now you have nowhere to run!"

Teross cried triumphantly.

"You think those feeble minded legionaires can stop me? You know I am more powerful,


"Oh really? Zygot himself feared me! That's why he trapped me in the Other World!"

"Zygot was a coward and a fool, that's why he's dead!"

"Try me, then!" Tyio, without a confirmation, lept from the castle, slicing

the nearest of Teross' detizens in half.

Then, rushing forward, he sercumcized another, launching the forward part of his

weapon in it's wake. Controlled by rockets,

the energy blade took down three more happless soldiers. Three robots took flight and shot downward at Tyio. Not missing a

beat, he jumped up, incenerating the one in

the middle and poking the one on the right

so fiercely that it went into paralysis.

Then, after dicing the one on the left, he smacked the other with the broad of his beam,

burning off the front of the robot's body.

After promptly falling to the ground, he pushed his weapon into long range mode and

laid waste to the remaining fighters on his

perch atop Teross' ship. In no time they all

lay in a sickening pattern, mechanical beast 'fzzert'ing and biological beasts gurgling.

"Come on! I'm tired of waiting!" Teross encouraged Tyio's attack. The latter, accordingly,

jumped torward Teross, firing a volley of

energy bursts. Then once in range, began

slashing at Teross. Ofcourse, the psyhic

monstrosity blocked them all with a energy

sheild. In a first offensive move, Teross smacked Tyio around so that his back was to

the castle, a strategic advantage.

Then, just as this happened, Teross froze in fear at something just over Tyio's shoulder.

The Gerenpfpssh's kindheartedness got the better of him as he didn't slice his head off

at the advantage. But, by the time he changed

his mind, he lost his chance. A flash of brown and red, Nike Teross' arm swooped

by, grazing Tyio's cheek. But the target

was Teross, and Nike's hand, in a fiercesome

shape with the fingers cresent and slightly

drawn back, protruded out of Teross' spine,

covered in slimy liquid. Nike looked over

his long neck at Tyio, and kicked him back

carelessly, hurling him into the wall of the

castle, unconcious. Nike laughed,

"Looks like daddy won't be reading anymore bedtime stories of code that would BIND MY ABILITIES!" He hissed violently.

All Teross could do was look at his stomach in horror as his life force flooded out.

"Hehe, you thought you could bind me." Out of Nike's arms popped a series of spikes,

and Teross jumped with a start. Then the

defoulable beast began twisting his forearm, and he closed his eyes and likes his lips

with his whitish tounge, througly enjoying

the pain he was causing in Teross.

Then, after about ten seconds, Nike removed his arm, which was excrutiating to Teross

because of the way the spikes were bent.

The white rabbit tried to cover the gaping

hole in his stomach to prevent any organs

from falling out, but he was surely mortally

wounded, and no psyhic abilities would save

him. In the mean time Nike licked the blood from his fingers, while watching Teross

die out of the corner of his eye. Teross

was at his last breath, but he used it to laugh, raising one drenched hand.

"There was one thing you didn't count on, Nike..." he placed his fingers on Nikes forehead.

"I absorbed ALL of Aldan's tecniques!"


"FUSION!!" In a flash of light, the two

figures were gone and one stood. Partially

insectlike, it was mostly rabbit, and truly


"I am the true Teross!!!"

Chapter 15: A Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The reborn Teross looked scornfully across the scorched Diamondus earth.

"I'll be taking my leave now, goodbye!" Teross floated torward his ship.

"Wh-what about us?" Tyio asked.

"Look at the sky." Teross instructed. By this time it was night, and the sky was

decorated with alien patterns of stars.


"Look over there." Teross pointed to the far left side of the horizon. There there was

a huge, immensly bright red star.

"What is that?! It can't be Sirius or Polaris!" Tyio asked, still a bit groggy from his assault by the late Nike Teross.

"It's neither, it is a New Cathrine/New Ontranaught war fleet, and they have orders

to level this entire world!" The air docks were opening as Teross floated in, a air of

supreme smugness about him.

"But those clans are controlled by Aldan, while he was in this dimension." Teross

turned back around and slowly his flesh melted off, then reasserted itself around him.

"Aldan?!" Tyio was shocked, just were Teross stood a moment ago was Aldan dressed

in lofty clan leader robes. Tyio shook his head, trying to clear his mind, still clouded.

"Wait, not Aldan, you're Teross, but you can shapeshift."

"It was so easy to fool every last one of them. Ducky, BlackSheep and Calie fell for

the simple disguise of Ag'agro. Kazooie

and Tanpopo Kiku fell simply for Teross.

And Kovu fell for Aldan. In a matter of hours

those who guarded the secret of the Mystics

and indeed, the secret of Katalym, were in

my control." As Teross metamorphed back into

his Aldan form, he spoke again to Tyio, this

time much more happy with his conquest.

"They held the keys to the Gerenpfpssh, and

the Gerenpfpssh held the keys to the Katalym.

The Power of Katalym is legendary, and I don't suspect that boy, Kallis, could've

succefully awakened them. In the end, my

demonic friend, I will rule the galaxy!"

Slowly the ship lifted from the ground, and as it did so a wave of fireballs flew from

the red star. In microseconds, Tyio began

calculating his next plan of action.

"Let's see, Teross is going to return to

Carrotous to awaken the Katalym. But, if I know Kallis, he has them flying here.

Based on the current hyper-space size and there ships time of departure and speed, they

will meet somewhere in the vicinity of Tau Ceti." Tyio jumped on top of the castle. Kallis always told him the best way to do

a difficult psychic task was to remember that

nothing is real here, everything is in you're

head. Pulling Aldan, Kazooie, Grath, Tanpopo Kiku, BlackSheep, Ducky, and Calie's energy

signatures on to him was no easy task, especially while attempting to dodge the

assault from Teross' fleet.

"What's going on?" Grath asked, one of the first raised from the ruins of the battle.

"I want you all to concentrate as much as you can on my energy signature," Tyio commanded.

"Why? What's your plan?" Aldan asked.

"Were going to do a little hitch-hiking."


"Uh, Tyio, am I just getting a little crazy or does jumping off of there missles to get

closer to the ship sound like a really DUMB idea?" BlackSheep asked.

"No, it'll work, when we trained with Kallis he made us touch a cloud by jumping

off rain drops."

"Yeah, but generally raindrops don't EXPLODE when you step on them!"

"Just don't worry, okay, here they come, stay frost Tyio."

"Righto!" Tyio waited until a missle was but a meter away and then jumped on it.

Then, jumped on another just as the first exploded. Slowly, the group contained in

spheres of thought bobbed after Tyio, arrived

near the threshold of the atmosphere.

"What's that?!" Tanpopo Kiku questioned quickly, seeing two stars of light enter the


"They...there fighters!" Kazooie commented just as they jumped off another missle.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of them." Aldan said, pulling out a gun.

"Gimme that, I'm really good with guns."

"Since when?" Tyio asked, still bounding about the missles.

"I learned...from a friend. No time! Give me the gun Aldan!"

"Okay, okay!" Aldan handed over the weapon.

"Alright then!" Ducky fired the blaster in a random patter across the front of the ship,

hoping to hit something critical as she didn't know the anatomy of

those ships. After unloading hundreds of rounds onto the fighter, it collided with

a missile and exploded. Then second fighter

was now in range and began firing.

"One down, one to go!" Ducky aimed at the ship, but the catridge slid emptyly aginst the barrel. Looking down, the LCD screen

illuminated the words 'power cell empty, please replace power cell.'

"We are out of ammo, guys!"

"That's okay, just hold on everyone!" Tyio commanded and jumped at the fighter, grabbing

on to the view port before falling to the

planet below. Tyio then pried open the hatch

and with a single karate chop threw the pilot

out of the ship and assumed control.

"Closing hatch." Tyio checked off, and then

realized how hard it is to fit eight people in a cockpit designed to hold one.

"Red Hawk 9, I saw something fall off you're ship, everything okay?" The comm. buzzed.

Tyio mustered his best pilotish voice.

"Uh, that's a big ten four home base." Aldan smacked his forehead as he did this.

"Uh, you don't sound quite right, everything


"Uh, yeah, I just hit my head when taking care of those rebels, my lip is swollen."

"Oh, well have med-lab check things up once you land, over and out."

"Roger, will do." After a few awkward moments flying in the cramped fighter,

Aldan spoke up,

"Sooooo, we do...what?"

"I guess we get better weapons in the New Ontranaught fleet, because we can't fly

all the way to the rondevous like THIS."

"Hn, good call."

Chapter 16: The Icky Mega Alien Mathing

"Okay, so first we are abducted by Teross, and then escape, and then are abducted by

Teross' men, great!" Kazooie complained.

"Atleast we...can..." Ducky failed her attempt.

"So, how do we get out? They took all our weapons!" BlackSheep asked.

"But, luckily, they didn't tak my 'walking cane'" Tyio said.

"So?" Asked Aldan. Just then, Tyio raised the stick and it transformed into his energy

sword. "

Woohoo, go Tyio!" Said Aldan. With a loud humm the beam sliced through the door, leaving a molten portal. Cautiously, they filled out of the cramped prison cell.

The area the cell filled out into was dank and dark, filled the the stench of death, and very narrow.

"I say we go that way." Tanpopo pointed to the right of the group.

"But this way is less dark." Grath suggested.


"I know!"

"No, I mean let's go right!"




"I SAID right!"

"Well, I SAID left!"

"Left!" Tanpopo said, rather cleverly she thought.


"Okay! Let's go." It is needless to say five minutes after that Graths smug smile

faded as he realised his mistake.

After walking deeper into the bowels of the ship, they came apoun a large, heart shaped

crystal behind many layers of shielding.

"Whatinaheck?" Was all Tyio could manage.

Near the barrier of the...thing, was a immaculatly dressed lizard with white hair,

jumping up and down. After staring ponderously at it, Aldan realized who it was.

"Oh Gah, not him again."


"His name is lord Izracs, we fought him a few years back, and he's got a few screws loose." Suddenly, as if summoned by Aldan's

remark, Izracs turned to them, and then, in a wide stride, came to meet them.

"Well, if it isn't Aldan, and who's you're motley crew this time?" Izracs said, his voice having a slight british twang.

"What are you up to this time?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Cause I see a giant heart shaped crystal, doesn't that strike you as odd?" Aldan asked.

"Do you so easily forget what day it is?" Izracs tautned.

"Uh...what day is it?"

"Feburary 15th."

"Uh, yea?"

"The day after Valentine's day, fool! I just thought that, since I was given the job

of building a giant, vital energy core to Teross' fleet..."

The room, they quickly realized, was mind-boggingly spherical, and completely void of

life other than them, and the odd lizard, Izracs.

As for the heart shaped core, it pulsed and throbbed and swells and depressions of

enegry could be seen mucking about at it's core. After a moment of silence, Izracs hinted once more.

" Teross fleet...just...sitting there?" As if through some great effort,

the group finally understood.

"Why would you let us destroy it?" Tyio asked, with a venomus undertone.

"I do not know, the thrill, prehaps?"

"How do we know it's not some...trap?"

"Tell you what, I'll let you destroy it with you're energy weapon, and Aldan here can

hold me at gun point while you do it."

From in the nucleus of the group BlackSheep tossed Aldan her blaster, which he quickly

pressed to Izracs' throat. Tyio paused in indescision.

"Well! Get on with it, man!" Izracs finally shouted to him. After looking to Aldan, Tyio

drew his bo-staff and illuminated the energy

beam. Carefully, Tyio walked up to the egg shaped shield. Apoun slicing it, it blistered

a sickening green, then finally shattering with a Kvvvoooo.

Even more cautiously, Tyio approached the

hexagonal rings surrounding the massive core.

Then, with resolve anew, he sliced down at the rings, causing them to crack and break around eachother, sending webs of energy

in multitudes of directions. Then, after spinning around, he sliced up, causing a even

bigger explosion as entire sections of the

apparatus were severed. But, as the plasmatic

mist flowed and crackled around him, a even

bigger explosion burst through the hull, knocking Tyio into the marble wall. A beam

of burning red energy rocked through the ship, sinking into the ground just beside Aldan and sending a wave of energy through

the room. As Aldan feel, the blaster set it self off, and a blob of burning jello landed

squarely in Izracs' left eye. Finally, the

beam subsided, showing a gaping hole into the


"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Izracs howled in pain, kneeling on the ground, holding the place where his eye used to be.

"You liar! I should've never even listened to you!" Aldan shouted. Izracs, nearly choking on his fluids, managed,

"I have nothing to do with this..."

Tyio, gritting over pain, limped up beside the group, a leg unnaturally twisted.

"Guys...*grunt* we have two problems, one, the oxygen is rushing out of the ship, and two, that core is about to explode!"

About that moment, the decreasing oxygen levels apexed, and everything began rushing

out at a breakneck pace. Tyio, barely having

finished speaking, was sucked torward the hole, barely grabbing onto a support beam.

Aldan, Kazooie, and Ducky stuck there weapons in the ground and attempted to use

them as holds. After clinging to them for

a moment or two, Grath slipped off and was

at a dead on trajectory for the void when...

everything stopped.


"Huh?" Every single particle was suspended perfectly, except for the core, which contined to writhe with energy.

Suspended in the air, Grath began to wonder if he had just maxed out his luck for his

next eighty nine generations. Perilously

hanging, all anyone could do was stare in awe. But, after a single moment, Grath cringed.

Behind him, with his fist planted in his spine, smiling sickly, was Teross.

Passing out, Grath floated emptyly where he flew. After taking in his surroundings,

Teross touched down.

"Wha-what is this, Teross?" Aldan asked, in rage.

"I just saved your lives, I would expect a little more gratitude." His sickly sweet smile faded as his eyes turned to Izracs.

With a twirl of his hand, Teross was holding

Izracs by the scruff of his neck in a most

humiliating fashion.

"You impudent fool! You share the qualities of you're late master, trecherous and weak!"

Izracs, under any other condition, would have lashed out at Teross for this remark, but he was in such an extraordinary

level of pain that he merely stood there, and accepted the verbal whipping Teross


"You're like the rest of those lesser beings, walking about in a cloud of ignorance

and deceit. Life is wasted on the living."

Teross assault turned physical as he punched Izracs in the stomach and to the ground.

"Die..." He said quietly, and, quite simply, Izracs died, his internal organs crushed with a mere thought. Teross smiled again, more sadistically this time.

"Sorry for the delay, allow us to return to the matter at hand." All they could do was

stare at the obscurely posed Izracs, a river

of blodd dribbling down his mouth.

"LISTEN!" Teross moved there necks to him with his psyhic powers, and very uncomfortably I might add.

"I present to you,'re, replacments."

From behind Teross floated down to the ground three dark green, egg shaped cylinders. Inside the first two from the left

were figures of indetermine orgin encircled

in water and tubes attached to body parts.

The third was very much white, filled with cyrogenic ice.

"Come..." The glass infront of the figures opened. And then, slowly and stiltedly,

the figures stepped out. Covered in water and

slime, appearing, and indeed so, newly born,

"Oh no..."

appeared the perfect likenesses of Tyio, Aldan, and Kayle.

Chapter 17: No One Is Me But He

The clones stood rather frailly just outside there capsules.

"Drones." Teross said cruelly, his voice echoing. They continued to stand there.

"Destroy them!" Teross pointed to the happless group. Slowly, the clones of

Tyio and Aldan opened, focousing on there targets, and then, the clone of Aldan said,

in a very disturbing voice, like that of

a million tormented souls speaking at once,

"Destroy the originals and those who accompany them!" Aldan and Tyio drew two

energy swords and Teross tossed them two cloaks. Tyio jumped up for Tyio, er, the clone Tyio jumped up to Tyio, and in his

weakened state was barely able to defend himself from the attacks. Meanwhile, Aldan blocked his clones attacks, with Grath and Tanpopo aiding him, while Ducky, BlackSheep,

and Kazooie came to stop the Tyio clone.

But what no one had noticed yet was the way

the Kayle clone stood perfectly still.

But soon, Teross noticed it and decided to

do a bit more shouting at her.

"You, go fight with your brethren!" But

Kayle continued to stand there, her iris and

pupils very wide.

"Curse it, the brain burn through didn't work." Teross kicked the clone across the head, and it quickly fell, gagging as it did.

Then, after a moment of choking, the pupils and iris declined, and she let out a loud scream, and all the other combatants stopped.

"Wh-where am I?"

"Rr! She retained her memories!"

"T-teross?" She said with anger.

"Kayle? But I thought you were dead!" Aldan said, the real one, that is.

"I created a clone, you see, of Kayle to operate Nike Teross faculty, in hopes that

it would draw you to Diamondus...unfortunatley it didn't go quite

as planned." Then Teross smile broadened.

"And, even more unfortunatley for you, Aldan;

is that your a clone aswell."


"A perfect recreation, you did indeed die on the Other World, and I carefully planeted

a clone here, one that Tyio would find.

And now, you are under my control." Aldan,

whichever one, was shocked.

"Aldan Mark II," Teross said menacingly, and the 'original' Aldans eyes dilated.

"Kill your companions."

Chapter 18: The Miserable

"Okay, guys, were out powered in a major way

and there's no where to run...ideas?" Tyio asked as the three clones approached slowly.

After a moment's tension, and no ideas, he

decided to charge.

"DIIIEEEE!" He hurled his already weak body

at the clone of himself, only to be batted

away like a rag doll.

"STOP!" A weak voice said, but the clones continued.

"Stop you fools!" Teross shouted, and then everyone noticed how Kayle had Teross neck

surrounded with knifes, any direction he could move her, he'd die.

"Now, call those monsters off, and throw them in the void!"

"You think you're so clever, ah?" A tiny ball of energy formed in Teross' hand.

"Shut up and do it!" She pressed the cold metal to his flesh.

"You shut up!" Teross hurled out a portal to the Other World.


Winds blew heavy across a desolate world.

"Not enough energy here!" Four figures,

in long, billowing shrouds, crossed the desert.

"We are looking for the core, not energy."

"I don't care! I'm hungry!"

"Could you both hush? Were almost there."

In the seemingly barren land, there stood

a upright pedistal. And, as soon as they

arrived, it began to glow green.

"Kygome. We've found you, at long last."

"Have you exterminated the legion?" A dark voice said.

"No, we haven't but we've been wandering for

eighty billion years! Can't we come home now!"

"Exterminate the legion of darkness and all

will be forgiven."

"But we don't know where the legion is!"

"Maybe you don't know where you are."

One of them removed his shroud.

"Sparif! Don't show yourself!" One shouted.

"Kygome! This war has gone long enough!"

"Prehaps you haven't yet learned the true way to kill a demon. Begone."

Chapter 19: The Long, Dark, Teatime Of

The Soul

"We've been hunting for millions of years!" Sparif shouted.

"I"m aware of that."

"Are you! I don't want to waste my life searching for the Demon hordes."

"You are immortal."

"But I"m not immune to boredom!" The shrouded mystic turned away from the setup of


"A new dimension was just created." The spirit said, calmly.

"So? New dimensions are created every micron of a second."

"Except that the path to the legion is there." His eyes turned wide, Sparif gazed

into the greenish matrix.


"It is now 900,008,864,442,345 dimensions old, but I could take you there, since it's

so new." Sparif continued to stare coldly.

"Sure. But why do you care for us, Kygome?"

"I have been with you for two million years, would I abandon thee so readily?" A half smile came from Sparif.

"You...may go now." The puff of energy

commanded, and in a whiff of smoke, they were gone.


Aldan strode into a pinkish colored room.

"Eh, welcome to Farhamn's. What can I do for ya'?" Tyio, only, not Tyio, asked.

He had a spherical orb of hair, and flat, black glasses.

"Tyio?" The incarnation of Aldan, with hair braided down to his waist, asked.

"I don't know, what kind of strange dimension did Teross bring us to?"

"You...are home, dudes." Kazooie, adorned with a long, billowing white cape said.

"What's going on, Kazoo?" Appearing cool, Kazooie explained.

"Eh, Teross took a chapter from the old brainola and made the perfect world for me

to get my groove on." Aldan's face twisted in indescision.

"You made this world, Kaz?"

"Righto. 'Cept for that major negative-vibe castle atop the hill, I think Teross has his

bad self up there." Tyio sat, amid a forest of lava-lamps, his jaw dangling.


"Peace. Peace my brothers and sisters." Ducky chanted as they passed through the streets, with Grath and Tanpopo ushering her along.

"Apparently a few of us were affected by the dimensional shift more than the others."

Grath attempted to brush up on his temporal

science. Tanpopo snarled slightly, then commented,

"It doesn't matter, we just have to find Teross, and make him take us out of this

dimension." Grath turned to her, a stupid expression on his face.

"What are you gonna say, 'Oh please Mr. Teross, could you take us back to Carrotous, please?'?" and with a grunt,

"No, ofcourse not."

"Dudes, if you are not kosher with this Teross fellow, simply bring peace to your



After numerous blips in the temporal fabric, one more occured over a floor of

multicolored, cut glass. One that resulted

in a loud, 'plop.'

"He did it, Kygome really brought us to the right dimension!" Sara cried triumphantly.

"I suppose, let's just find the Legion and be done with it." Fureyell said with venom, brushing off his cloak. And, no sooner had

he done this, than he was grabbed by some

strange thing dressed entirely in white.

"What is this?"

"Do the hustle!" Blacksheep, covered in a disco getup, commanded as she danced madly about the floor.

"I'd rather not!" Fureyell, from the shining floor, complained. Easgi stomped

over to BlackSheep, attempting to snatch her.

"Where is Teross?"

"Robot!" Black shouted, suddenly acting stilted and mechanical.

"Where is Teross?!"

"I said c'mon, get down!" Gritting her teeth, Easgi finally grabbed Blackie, who

still danced in the spot she was being held.

"Where is Teross?!"

"Huh? Yeah! Boss man Teross is up at the castle!"

Chapter 20: Revelation (Destruction of the First Golden LampStand)

A tiny planet stood in space, sector G111XN93. Covered in a millenia thick layer of dust, this nameless world was lonely. Atleast it had been for most of it's life.

But now it would play witness to a great battle.

"Yup, Teross' ship will arrive any moment now." Kallis confirmed, staring into the inky abyss with a high-tech binoculars.

"All I see is the stars in the sky...yet they are alien..." A Katalym near Kallis stated. Retracting his binoculars, Kallis turned to them.

"Ready you're weapons, a great battle is near..."


"Hellloooo?" Tyio rapped on the large, mahogony door to the foreboding castle.

"Why did you have to have such a messed up dream, Kaz?" Aldan asked.

"Don't worry, pal, babidee babidie, we'll survive!" With a grunt, Aldan returned to a generally forlon stance, as Sparif walked

up beside him.

" you know the true nature of the war you've been fighting for the past twenty

years?" The mystic asked grimly.


"Do you understand the deeper meaning of this?"

"Heh, sorry Sparif, but I haven't been enlightened." Sparif sat down on the stone, beside Aldan.

"I cannot reveil to you everything, but I will reveil this; Teross is a Demon."

"You mean a Gerenpfssh?" Aldan had a puzzled look about him.

"No, a true Demon, one of the few in this dimension...he is trying to loose the Legion, and you cannot allow that."

"But...the Legion is in the Other World."

"The true nature of the Legion is more horrifying than you can imagine. Teross will haunt time and space for all time if you do

not stop" Sparif's usually sarcastic attitude was gone, and, with a poker face, got up to help knock the door down.

"What...did that mean?" Aldan thought as the door burst with a loud crack. With a little cheer, they all rushed into the deep castle. The room was entirely black, and no sunlight came through the door. Infact, it was like a utter abyss.

"What the heck?"

"Exactly." A voice like a giant tsunami said, and a large star, under the entire group, with a circle around it in glowing

red, appeared. And then, in a instant, they were all...gone.


After traveling the expanse of a dimension, they all reappeared in a large, metal courtyard, with a giant, glowing coil running down it's middle.

"Where are we?" Appearing out of no where, Teross said,

"You are in the energy core of my personal starship."

"You!" Aldan shouted.


"Why'd you bring us here?" Ducky asked.

"So I could fully enjoy destroying you, how's that?"

"Curse you, Teross." Tyio screamed, just as the entire vessel rocked.

"What's that!?" Teross asked into his wrist comm.

"Kiriyie, A ship has attached itself to us, a boarding crew is making it's way to the energy core!"

"Why didn't you shoot at it!"

"Kiriyie, weapons not responding!"

"Blast! Oh well, I guess I can just take care of them myself."

"No you won't!" A flash of black cried as it grabbed Teross and hurled him down the

coil, a sword slashing it along the way.

With a loud thud, Teross cushioned the fall of his attacked, both of them realitivly unscathed.

"Rr. You! I should've killed you when I had the chance!" Teross seethed through his teeth.

"Who is that?" Kazooie asked, up top. Looking down the coil, Tyio replied,

"No way, I don't believe's Kovu!"

"You miserable...I'll kill you!" Teross shouted, swinging as Kovu and nearly lopping off an arm.

"Feh. You're no match." Lying, disabled, near the distabling core, Kovu mangaged.

"It doesn't matter, I've bought enough time!" Teross swivled around just in time to see one of the Katalym's energy blades slice

through the bulkhead, and Kallis stepping forth.

"Curse you Kallis! You awoke the Katalym, I'll kill you." One of the Katalym began

to move forward, but Kallis stopped him.

"No, I must fight this battle alone, go, stop the rest of his forces." And, with

a reluctant nod, they all left, except for the one that Kallis had talked to before.

And so, as tiny points of light fell from the destablizing core, the two battled at the center. And they battled and battled, a miserable battle that has no victor. Then again... Teross chopped at Kallis, the latter barely defending, until in a single movement his blade plunged straight through Kallis, who fell to the floor.

"I am victorious!" Teross shouted, his blade cackling with energy, and he savored

watching his foe die, slowly. Kovu rushed

over to Kallis, who was begging to hallucinate.

"It' cold..." Kallis managed, as life force dribbled from him.

"I's alright."

"I'm, s-so tired..." Kallis started to fall over, but Kovu caught him.


"It's alright...sleep now..." Running his hand across Kallis' face, Kovu shut his eyes as the valiant psyhic breathed his last.

Everyone was silent for a long time, until Teross began to laugh.

"He was a fool for fighting me! He should've stayed on Carrotous!" Then our protagonists realized there plight. They

were trapped...with Teross. But then it dawned on the Katalym.

"Run! Now! To Kallis' ship!" Saying this, he tackled Teross. Hesitantly, they jumped to the bottom of the core as the Katalym and Teross struggled. Kovu, because of his limp, was the last to leave, and he looked back at

the Katalym, saying,

"There's no way to hold him off forever."

"Just go!!" And he quickly replied.

Soon, they were all safely inside the tiny ship.

"What about the other Katalym?" Tyio asked.

"We have to leave them, there isn't time!" Aldan said, helping Kovu aboard.

"And the mystics, they dissapeared..." Kovu said meekly.

"Feh, they do that often." Aldan returned.

"Okay guys, get ready to launch." Kazooie said, brandishing the controls.

The Katalym's eyes burned white, and his fur was cracked and bleeding intense light, as he pinned Teross.

"What do you think you can do!" Teross shouted at him.

"Zaka Tieken Naresh Cooulio." The Katalym replied coldly, a Gerenpfpssh compound cliche, meaning;

"I Have Seen More Than I Wish To See And Know More Than I Wish To Know." The whole

ship swayed with the power until...

The tiny ship carrying the heros jumped into Hyper-Space, and suddenly a single burning bar of blue came from the center of

the ship, and then, it exploded in a ball of bluish energy, engulfing the moon near it in a chaotic sacrifice...

Epilouge: (A Gerenpfpssh Durge, by Kayep Narmen, the Philosipher)

"I've Walked The Sands To The South In Search of My Mind,

Not Caring For The Troubles Of My Time,

I Slipped About In The Moons,

Regrettebly, I Have Seen More Than I Wish To See,

But, Who Here Knows The Definition of Katalym?

Who Here Knows How To Find Them,

I May Break the Gold Seal of Time, No One

Can Be Here In This Hole Of Mine, Regrettebly, I Have Seen More Than I Wish

TO See."

End of Book One: Lost In Space

Begging of Book Two: Lost In Time


Hyperspace is the most blatantly un-intresting thing in the universe. On the

frontal sensors, a big red dot, and in the back? A big blue dot. Sure, it is a marvel

that a big chunk of metal can go hurling through space at speeds several times the

speed of light and not be smashed into a tiny ball the size of a hydrogen atom and then be strewn across the cosmos in a trillion

infantesimly small parts, but beyond that...

Everyone knew what Hyperspace looked like, the red dot and the blue dot. So, when our

unwary heros jumped into Hyperspace, they didn't expect anything too grand...

"What in the world?" Was all Aldan could gasp. Infront of them swirled a world of

all hues, in a very pleasing fashion, coallesing like a sunset.

"Kazooie...where are we?" BlackSheep asked.

"Erg...were two lightyears from where we left, and were about to land on a tiny, uninhabited planet nearby.

"Why are you landing us?" Grath asked.

"I'm not!" From the back of the ship, they could hear a scream...actually a schreech, of sorts.

"What is that?!" Tyio, holding his ears, asked Kazooie, assuming it was coming from

inside the ship.

"It's coming from the outside!"

"But sound can't travel in space!" Aldan pointed to the viewscreen, still a amorphous mass of color.

"Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!"

Chapter 21: Apollyon

As the planet Branaxis came into vew, it became clear that it was indeed not uninhabited.

"No way...the astrophysics must be messed up, no one lives on the planet it says where

near." Kazooie fraintically looked at the various indicators. The noise had subsided

a few moments before, but a similair one began as they re-entered the atmosphere.

" don't suppose we entered a...time rift?" The bird seemed taken rather aback by Aldan's comment.

"You mean, to a time when the planet IS inhabited?"

"Yea! Maybe that nebula we saw a few minutes ago was the rift. Everyone scrutched there foreheads in scrutiny of the idea, until they arrived at the awnser.

" is entirely plausable..." Ducky concluded first. But the reply from the others was cut short when the tiny ship

crashed into the tiny world. After a shower

of archs of megavoltage and a clearing of smoke, they carefully stepped into the open, and found it to be far less inviting than

the ships broken interior. Waves of plasma, laser, and photon flew inbetween them, two forces having a battle. To the left, a large

army of rabbitoid creatures, but had large robotic implants, and even larges plasma

cannons. And on the right, was a band of normal rabbits, with much smaller guns,

and a little artillery here and there. It wasn't hard to figure out this was a losing

battle. However being the good natured beings they were, our protagonists hustled over to the side of the normal rabbits.

"Who are you?!" One of them asked as the party of eight broke there ranks, pulled out there weapons and began to assist.

"Were...a little lost," Tyio began, grabbing a very sleek looking blaster.

"Could you tell us...when...we are?"

"Excuse me?" The rabbit said, he was very young, to young to be a warrior, with strikingly aqua fur.

"What is the date?"

"October 11." The rabbit said, nonchalantly, firing a few rounds.

"No, what is the year."

"Why, 2899, ofcourse!"


A hundred years. A hundred years had come and gone in the blink of an eye for our

heros. Unbeknownst to them, but well engraved in the minds of the warriors they

were assisting, was that Teross had survived

the blast deep in the void of space.

No one knew how, though. He had returned to

to Carrotous, and, by paying them off very

well, got a number of rabbits to agree to have very advanced nano-implants placed in

them. Among the upgrades, such as increased intelligence and strength, the nanos increased the metabolic rate. Something

like a amoeba, the victims lived exactly three days, and there technology gave birth

to two clones every six hours, a technique

Teross borrowed directly from the late

Zygot, way back in the clone wars. So, it's understandable how, in a hundred years, Teross had created such a massive army of

perfect medical science. In no time at all

he conquered Carrotous, leaving a small band of rebels to test his defenses.

The clones pressed onward, firing nexi of purple plasma. Many had fallen, but they

kept on coming. Another loosing battle.

"Retreat!" Shouted the aqua rabbit, our

much more powerful heros guarding the rear.


The camp on Branaxis, the homeworld of the Rebellion, was small. Ten thousand men,

two thousand fighters, one hundred fifty cruisers, and three dreadnoughts.

"...And we've been fighting him ever since." Kartarsen, the afore mentioned bunny, finished a lengthy explanation. Giving him a quick nod, Tyio consulted

the others through whispering.

"This is insane...billons on every planet, there's no way we can fight them all!" Aldan said.

"We may not have to, we can go back in time, and using this futuristic technology,

defeat Teross." Kovu suggested.

"But how?" Aldan asked.

"Guys, what caused certainly was the destruction of the Katalym, so we have to

go to the Other World, bring some Katalym back here and, uhm, well think of something

after that." Tyio propsed.


Chapter 22eaven And Earth

History is funny, really. Ironic, more accuratley. Like how sacrificing yourself to

save the galaxy inevitable ends up causing the destruction of the universe, so on...

It was midnight by the time our heros found a ship suitable for there cause. It was a

very sleek ship, not unlike Kallis' ship which they got there with. Ofcourse, it was

made out of 2850 technology, obselete (but the best they had) in there time, but absolutley mind boggling to our heros.

Sitting in the leather officers chairs on the viper shaped brige of the Ashail'a'Akali (A Gerenpfpssh word phrase meaning Heaven and Earth) our hapless crew went over the battle plan.

"So, we arrive in orbit, Tyio and me go out in EVAs and together form a vortex big enough for us to go through, right?" Aldan stated.

"And once in the other world, we dig up the Katalym, bring them here, and have them create the time portal, right!?"

"Right!" The others chimed inthusiastically.

"Okay, let's go!" Aldan turned to man the controls, but found Kazooie drooling over them.

"Kaz! I know it's a good ship but I'm flying!"

"Buh why?"

Kovu aka Alec

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Mar 24, 2001, 02:06 PM
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Eek, apparently there is a size limit for


Chapter 22eaven And Earth

History is funny, really. Ironic, more accuratley. Like how sacrificing yourself to

save the galaxy inevitable ends up causing the destruction of the universe, so on...

It was midnight by the time our heros found a ship suitable for there cause. It was a

very sleek ship, not unlike Kallis' ship which they got there with. Ofcourse, it was

made out of 2850 technology, obselete (but the best they had) in there time, but absolutley mind boggling to our heros.

Sitting in the leather officers chairs on the viper shaped brige of the Ashail'a'Akali (A Gerenpfpssh word phrase meaning Heaven and Earth) our hapless crew went over the battle plan.

"So, we arrive in orbit, Tyio and me go out in EVAs and together form a vortex big enough for us to go through, right?" Aldan stated.

"And once in the other world, we dig up the Katalym, bring them here, and have them create the time portal, right!?"

"Right!" The others chimed inthusiastically.

"Okay, let's go!" Aldan turned to man the controls, but found Kazooie drooling over them.

"Kaz! I know it's a good ship but I'm flying!"

"Buh why?"

"'Cause you got to last time, now shove off!" Aldan violently pushed the rapt bird into

a heap on the floor, then half grabbed, half stroked the control stick.

"Uh...Aldan?" Grath said.


"Mightn't we...take off?"

"Oh uh, yea, commications, request the bay to open the doors!"

"Aye." Tanpopo said, holding a earpiece in her ear.

"Permission granted." No sooner had she said this than, ever so slowly, the doors opened.

"Okay, let's go!" Deftly, Aldan flew the ship out of the bay and into orbit, which was

no great feat considering the thin atmosphere

of the world. In a few short minutes, Aldan supposed they were far enough out, and he and

Tyio donned EVAs and jumped into the void.

It was no great ordeal, situating themselves ontop of the Ashail'a'Akali, but generating a vortex big enough, through gloves, was another matter entirely.

"Okay, how we gonna do this thing, Tyio?" Aldan questioned, trying to keep his balance

as the ship drifted slightly.

"Suppose we begin a small portion of it locally, and then feed that directly, otherwise it might burn a hole in our suits.

"Right." And so they did. To tell you the details of this would be boring, so we shall

skip to when the vortex is complete.

"Wierd, I've never seen a vortex look like that before." Aldan commented. It was true,

usually vortexes is a single, continus disc of swirling blue, but this one was a spiral

of blue, and where the rest should have been, was black.

"Maybe it's the contitions, anyway, hurry, we need to get back into the ship before it

closes!" Tyio shouted, and they began the bounding fly to the underside of the ship.

Once securly inside, and Aldan prying the controls away from Kazooie, the ship eased forward, into the swirling hole of subspace.


No one can quite describe, if you've never done so yourself, what it's like traveling in the vortex. The best way to say it is that

you feel like you are everywhere and no where. You can see everything for a googol lightyears, perfectly, all around you, yet

you feel asthough it's a dream, like all the parts that should be there arent there, like

it's missing. That's what it should feel like.

But now, it was abyss, utter abyss.

"It's totally black...this is strange." Ducky said, bewildered.

"Don't worry, it's" And they popped into the Other World like a cork.

"Yea!" Aldan's voice fell.

Everything was completely black. Utter abyss, no ligh, no junk, nothing.

" this place?"

"It's the other world, I can assure you that." BlackSheep said, peering into the

scientific console.

"But theres...nothing here."

"Infact, theres nothing anywhere, the telescope and sensors show theres nothing,

no space dust, no atoms, nothing..." BlackSheep's voice was utterly grim.

"Hull integrity falling, the void is sucking at us, hard." Tyio checked off.

"Are you sure theres..nothing?" Aldan asked.

"No...wait, I'm picking up some trace elements, yes, E13 hyper excited particles are everywhere." As soon as the words had

come out, Black realized what she said.

"The entire filled with magic?"

Chapter 23: Left Behind

"Trace elements radiating from a point thirty-two light years away, the way they

radiate it's almost like...a explosion."

"Teross." Aldan said coldly. No sooner did he say this than the light fizzle out on the

ship and several explosions eminated inside.

After a moment of darkness the lights returned.

"Guys, we can debate this later, but we need out of this dimension before it tears us apart!" Kazooie shouted.

"Right, Tyio, you and me." Aldan and Tyio ran over to the EVA room.


As the door to the bleak infinity, they could already feel the tug on there suits.

"We don't have much time, let's go." Aldan said, and the bounded out. But, suddenly,

Tyio smacked Aldan back into the bay and began closing the dock doors.

"Tyio! Stop! What are you doing!"

"No sense in both of us dying, so goodbye, Aldan, tell Duck I love her." He said with a nonchalant voice as the doors shut, snapping his life support tube.

"Tyio! Come back!" Aldan banged on the door, he'd already tried opening it, but Tyio

sealed it with his own acess codes. He considered using his sword, but it would

shatter like a twig aginst the neo-tyyrennium. So all he could do was slouch back, aginst the door and say, plead,

"Tyio, don't be a hero."


The pull of the void and the icy vacuum were already affecting Tyio, so he knew he had to work quickly. Forcing his energy into

creating a rift through the time/space continum, it sapped nearly all his energy.

" thing" He floated to the idle engines of the ship and gave it a

swift kick into the vortex. And now he drifted, alone in a empty universe, the swirls

and patterns of the vortex a long ago memory. Time stood still for so long, and he

awaited the cold embrace. But it never came,

indeed, it began to feel warm, and he could no longer tell he was drifting. His suit had

many punctures, yet he wasn't depressurzing. Fearfully, climatically, he turned around to,

what he described many years later as, the

most beautiful thing ever, the swirling core of the universe. He stared into it for a

long time, minutes, hours, days, months, years, he didn't know, time seemed to come

and go as it pleased in this place. After this long while he felt a prescence behind him. It floated to

his right side. It has torn, scraggaly black, and white, partially gone flesh. Its

jaw had left it, and has a scarf half-heartedly thrown over it.

"Welcome to Appolyon."

"Who are you?"


"But I thought that in this time..."

"I was destroyed by the blast, but not killed by it. I don't have that glorious pleasure. I am a ****ed immortal, and welcome

to the core of the universe, the center of



The tiny ship dipped and bobbed between incoming blaster and missle fire.

"C'mon, I need that trajectory, now!" Aldan said, waiting for the time of entry that

would take him to Katalym.

"!" The ship ducked into the atmosphere, as heat began to collect around it.

"Time to activate ceramic shield." Aldan pressed the corresponding button, but

instead of a great shield of ceramic spouting

out of the ships mouth, a giant piece of paper came out.



The ship crashlanded in the side of Katalym's mountain. Not much was salvageable,

so they had to inhabit a dome shaped tent

through the desolate storm.

"And then out came the giant foot monster, with a foot for a head! Duh duh daa daa!*"

Aldan told his story.

"But if it had a foot for a head, how'd it eat the farmer?"

"Doesn't matter, Duh duh daa daa!" With a

sigh of disgust, they all reentered there

sleeping bags.

"Hey, one thing still bothers me guys."


"How come you guys weren't all sad when I told you that Tyio sacrificed himself."

"Don't you read the entire chapter! Lazy!"



"Well, that shut me up."

Chapter 24: The Primeval Nexus(Prelude to The Final Battle)

Equipped with there futuristic blasters, our heros scuttuled through the trenches

and hillets torward the base that engulfed

the former town of Katalym. The clone wreches walked soulessly on there patrols outside the sensor base. The sensor itself was awkward, it had a octagon shape, and out of it's top dispired a beam of blue energy.

"Go fig." Aldan said, as they mounted snipering positions, to take out one clone

each. Just as they were about to fire, the clones turned and fired on them.

"Duck!" Aldan commanded, and the bolts either flew above there heads or crashed into

the stone.

"Return fire!" He shouted again, and the peeked over the rock and began firing aimlessly, until ducking again when the next

barrage came.

"Retu-" Aldan was cut short when a blast from a large artillery cannon incinerated the

bolder infront of them.

"-urn...RUN!" They all scattered aimlessly, firing shots at the clones, but very few fell.

"Guys, we need to hurry, the main base is sending reinfocements!" Tanpopo, the one nearest the other base, shouted. Soon, blaster and artillery fire was exploding everything, and our heros were growing tired.

Then, Aldan got an idea, he fired at the conduit just below the flailing matrix of light. It popped like a cork, and out spewed a blast of bluish energy, not unlike the destruction of Teross' ship, yesterday, or

eighty years ago, depending on how you look at it. Yet our heros were unaffected, the energy just poured over them and created a

wake behind them. After only a moment or two, but what seemed like decades, the blast

subsided. The land was unscathed, as were our heros, but the base and clones were ruin.

A lone Katalym, his arms open and facing the

sky. He appeared older than the others had,

maybe he was awake longer. Cautiously, they

approached him through the ruin, he apparently not having noticed them yet.

But, the moment they arrived within a yard of them, his head shot down, and he lowered

his arms.

"Who are you?" He asked in a gentle, sort of eloquent voice, his Katalym charachteristic eyes leaving trails of light.

"We've come a long way, in hopes to find you."

"Would you use me like thease ungodly spawn have for nought less than a century. What

vile intentions do you have?"

"No, we were wondering if you could create a tunnel like your former brethren did,

we need it to save Carrotous." The Katalym studied them for a moment, then replied.

"You lie, you would greater the glory of Teross if I allowed you to traverse time."


Tyio and Teross were on sort of a platform that moved through the marvels at the core of

the universe. They had arrived at a large asteroid entangled with bitter plantlife of

all sorts.

"And what's it?"

"It shall be my method to crush Carrotous once and for all,and ruin space aswell.

It's technically cheating but no one is here to guard it." Tyio had, many times by now,

tried to strike Teross, but found he was encased in a field of energy, so he asked.

"What is it called?"

"Cheryn Noble." Tyio's eyes nearly jumped out of there sockets. It was a Gerenpfpssh word.

"You...can't do this Teross."

"I can and I am..."


Finally, new stuffness here! After a long

awaited wait, here it is, the second to last


Chapter 25: The Core Of The Universe

The Katalym stood, ponderously. In the past, he had been used by Teross forces to

focous the hyperspace communication network.

That was gone, now. But now thease stranger who rescued him wish to have him create a time portal to travel into the past.

When Katalym think, they think long. A new drift of snow had come and buried most of

the ruins and corpses, making the scene all the more grim. Finally, the Katalym complied,

sensing no evil intentions from our heros.

"I as you ask..." Creating a orb

of blue energy in his hand, the aging Katalym hurled it infront of them, creating a swirling time nexus, similair, yet entirely

unlike the vortex. They stared at it, until

Ducky ventured a question.

"Where will it take us?"

"The year 2817, December 31. Where, it is uncertain, right at this spot, probably,

unless the forces of destiny draw you elsewere. The group stared at each other

"Let's do it." Aldan said, and, after bowing to the Katalym who, unwittingly, just

saved space-time, they entered the rip in the

universe, and passed to the other side.


The massive asteroid, entwined in plant, and other, massive space rocks began treading

away from there homes.

"I shall smash it into Carrotous, at the time which your friends will, or did, come from the future to smite me.


Yes, I know it's short, I shall let the suspense gnaw at you're brain.

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Mar 24, 2001, 05:13 PM
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Need I say more?

Yes. Continue.




"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;

they shall mount up with wings as eagles.."

Isiah 40:31

Proudly the 12th member, so nyah.

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Mar 24, 2001, 05:15 PM
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Naw...I decided to not be that evil to you


The strength of Tyio's bonds grew, and there force pulled him to his knees.

Then, the platform began to move, what seemed

like slowly, but was actually astronomically fast.

"All is in motion atlast, and I drew, or will draw, you're friends to this point...the final battle is at hand." The

grim visage of Teross smiled as well as he could, considering how little of his face was

left. With the metal tip of his boot, he peirced Tyio in the side, who groaned and

fell down.

"Bow, will you? This war is futile, once I arrive at Apollyon, nothing will stop me!"

Bleeding across the mettalic platform, Tyio asked with labored breath.

"In this form you no longer control the clonish hordes, and I'm certain by now they

have dismantled them."

"No, I have a force much more powerful than that. I am a Demon, Tyio. Not like you, but

a true one." Tyio eyes filled with horror again. He looked into Teross moldred eyes, no

kindness, no empathy...nothing. He was...

"But...why are you here?" Teross chortled, turning to look at the increasingly largening

core of the universe.

"I was once a Seraph, y'know, intrusted with the construction of Apollyon," He turned

to see the expression of horror in Tyio's face, "Two billion years before the initial creation of Time, the rebellion formed, and we escaped. Apollyon was still in the borders of my territory, so I converted it to

the single largest barracks of fledgling demons in all of Pandemonium." He paused, as the platform breached the swirling yellow

gases of the core.

"I was exiled, for my insubordination, two million years ago. I spread evil wherever I

could, attempting to return to Apollyon to release my legions apoun the cosmos. Unfortunatley, five...intresting beings came to hunt me." The platform attached to what Tyio assumed was Apollyon. It was...disturbing to say the least. At the

core of this dimension, obviously several lightyears in length and breadth, was a enormous catherdral. Teross snatched Tyio by the scruff of his neck. Suprisingly, Tyio's eyes were no longer horrified, but peaceful.

"You seem so...calm."

"Fear is the risk of death, peace is the certainty of it. I will do everything in my power to kill you, Demon." Teross smiled,

"Unfortunatley, that won't be enough." Then, a blue matrix appeared out on the flat infront of the massive doors of the catherdal, and out walked Aldan, Kazooie, Ducky, BlackSheep, Grath, and Tanpopo.

"What the?! Tyio!" Aldan was certaintly startled.

"Welcome to the medling point of time and space, the core of the universe, the center

of evil." Tyio said, grimly. He became afraid

a second time, but became peaceful once more, it was for them too, a certainty they would die.

"The heros..." Teross seemed to be counting something off. Behind the Demon appeared another portal, out of which, in a bizarre

fashion, strode Kayle, Calie, Nemmihs,*Morathi,*and Thersay.*" This shocked all except Teross, thease were all relatively long dead rabbits.

"The dead..." Teross said. Then from a third portal came the black, grim images of Zygot*, Braii,*and Izracs.

"The corrupted..." And then, from a last portal, came Easgi, Sara, Sparif, and Fureyell."

"The Demon Hunter Angels." All of them surrounded the lone demon, in equally aggressive stances.

"So, you have all left you're own destinies behind to fight me, to pure evil that condemned you all to the deaths you live in now, eh?"

"Ekmmn ashall nourkou canma zufuof." Sparif shot something at Teross in a strange language that, to this day, no one knows the meaning or origin of.

"Zskka oure yahrea." Teross smiled. The three mystics touched down.

"The most powerful and noble warriors of the past million years, weather good or evil, have come to avenge there sins aginst the purest evil in the material realm. Stand

down, Teross, allow us to take you back home." Sara hissed.

"High and mighty angel! You've been hunting me for the past million years and have yet to

catch me? You think you've cornered me here,

but once I activate my Demon legion, you won't be able to win anything, the universe will become inundated with evil and all will

be carried out!" Sara nodded, the awnser she


"Very well then, then let it begin, the battle of all souls."


Veeeeeeeeeery creepy, ne?

"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5
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Mar 24, 2001, 05:27 PM
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You were right, it was creepy. *shiverrrr*

Ehh. Tyio isn't dying, is he? Eerr.

Kovu aka Alec

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Mar 25, 2001, 08:53 AM
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Once in a while there comes a story that

changes the face of War Taverning. War Stories are Back, Akeldama, The New Element,

The Cold Return, Sureal II.

Now, as a old chapter in War Taverning comes

to a close, and a new one begins, here is

a chapter that will end the era of old, and

begin anew, stories born in JCF, not in JMMB, and live and die there. Gather around

the old 'puter, guys...

Chapter 26: Day Of All Souls

As the soon to be combatants entered the

giant cathedral, they could already feel the evil prescene permeating the air.

The heros couldn't help but looking at the 'dead' and the 'corrupted' as Teross had called them.

"They won't speak to you, atleast until there hatred for me is satisfied or, until

they are released in the truest sense and there souls return to the void." Teross smiled grimly, and they arrived in a center courtyard, with a opening to a rainy sky several stories up. Rain poured down on them,

not strongly, but not gently either.

"How can there be atmosphere in space?" Tyio, grunting under his wound, asked.

"How could it be there is oxygen at the core? All laws can be bent to suit Pandemonium's needs. And besides, the core is

but a portal to Apollyon, it resides in a dimension all it's own.

"Scourge!" Sara shouted.

"Are you ready to fight me?!"

"Yes, but first I must heal our wounded and fatigued." And she cast out a spell that

caused a peaceful, slightly glimmering golden light to fill them all.

"Are you quite finished?" Teross was growing impatient.

"We are." They drew there weapons, some of which was just there bare fists. From his

belt, Teross drew a huge, wickedly shaped sword, embdued with green fire and colored black.

"Let it begin!" Those with melee weapons, Aldan, Tyio, Kovu, Kaz, Kayle, Braii, Tanpopo, and Thersay, charged Teross, while those with

long range weapons fired support and manuvered for cover. And the four angels flew above, and after drawing burning white swords, assaulted Teross from above.

Teross easily blocked all the incoming swords and whatnot with his sword, and then knocked most of them back with a sonic blast.

Kovu and the mystics remained. The former he struck across the head with the flat of his

weapon, knocking him into the rock formations. The mystics attacked quickly

and mightly, distracting him as those with

long range weapons came into view and fired

streams of blast and energy fire at him.

Rage powering him, Teross jumped up and landed on one of the walls of the courtyard, firing bolts of green energy downward.

Flying as they could, the mystic persued, but once they had him corned he just pushed through them, and nearly cleaving Fureyell's head in the process. Jumping back down, he fought threw the crowd prepared to stop him.

Hammering down on him, it appeared as if they had pinned him down, but he snatched a unsuspecting Kaz by the throat and hurled him away, allowing him passage. Putting distance between him and his...prey, he fired

wave after wave of telekenetic blasts.

But from behind, Kovu launched a flare, and the resulting explosion blinded Teross temporarily, biding the others time to catch up to him. In large, animal like swipes, he slashed at those bound to the ground, injuring several of them severely. Meanwhile, the mystics slashed down from above, but he was prepared and knocked them away. Gaining acess to a gigantic stairwell, he began to run to the top of the building, where he could release his horde. Even the

flying mystic couldn't catch quite up to him, as they were healing the wounded in there ascent. Soon, the unholy demon arrived at the top, looking down at the bottom courtyard. The rain

was coming on heavily now, as he opened a portal to the ethereal, a green, spinning bore opening flights below. Our heros had arrived, but all to late. Teross fought them

back, knowing his victory was all too eminant. Demon fledglings already began pulling there twisted bodies out of the bore.

"You cannot stop it now that it had begun!" Teross laughed, standing near the terrace, green light coloring the walls. Sparif looked

to his compainions, a sort of smile about

them when you know you're going to die. The

smile of...peacefullness. In there hands they

collected orbs of white energy.

"We've killed countless billions in our ruthless hunt for you, Teross." Sara said, quietly.

"Destroyed entire peoples, entire universes." Fureyell said.

"And you're spawn have killed billions trying to stop us." Easgi said

"You hunted Sparif stone through Zygot, you knew it would end us. But now, all the bloodshed shall come to a end. All the souls

you curbed the destiny of shall revenge aginst you. Love will always win over hate!"

Pure, white enregy poured from there bodies, smashing into Teross. The 'dead' and the 'corrupted' followed suit, leaving our heros

confused. Soon, orbs, like missles, of white energy fell from the sky, chrashing into

Teross and the bore.

"Ahh!" Teross screamed as he fell into the spinning vortex, already being ushered. The

images of the mystics, dead, and corrupted began to fade, and they were insubstantial.

More insubstantial images appeared, billions and billions of souls needlessly killed.

"Curse you!" They could hear Teross give out one final scream as the holy power crushed him into his own doom.

Epilouge- All Souls

Then the figures dissapeared, and all that remained was Aldan, Tyio, Ducky, Kovu and Kazooie,

wrought by a war between Heaven and Hell

since the first meeting at the Emerald port city, to the battle at the end of Skops cave,

to careless days wandering Carrotous, to the death of Zygot, to the assault of Thersay.

They knew it all, all the pain, all the suffering, they knew it all, a pain almost

to great to bear. But, as rain fell, lightly now, souls emerged, images of of the souls

lost in a terrible war. Images familiarly joyful and painful, all the dead, all that

could never be reclaimed. All that was left

to do was watch the mourning spirits, and pray, the Day of All Souls. The sun shone, now, many hours afterward, and the spirits

had gone. The Katalym told them they would be drawn back to there own time soon enough,

so then they had to sort out what happened now.

"The war is over, finally and forever, all of them at peace." Aldan thought.

"We've altered the course of history, you realize since this point is forever, which

means no Zygot, no Thersay, no Ontranaught,

no Spaceheart, no Sparif, none of that will happen." Tyio mused.

"Eh?" Kovu asked.

"We'll all live, but we'll live as we did twenty years ago, in 2799, before we ever encountered the work of Teross, Zygot. Sparif

stone won't exist, and I suspect the mystics

will live happily in heaven, not having to

hunt Teross for millenia. The Gerenpfpssh will live on forever, believeing

they are demons." He turned to Aldan,

"The Clan Wars won't of happend, as they came from the Clone Wars, caused by Zygot,

so there will be no Ontranaught. Aldan, I suppose you'll live happy life with Dexyn,

he will be alive, ofcourse. Kazooie, I imagine you'll continue to wander Carrotous

with that computer of yours. Ducky, you'll

live in you're home near the War Tavern, living happily without this horrible memory."

His voice was breaking now, and soon tears

came from all there eyes.

"Kovu and Ale'Ka will live on, seperatly, in the ranks of TLK. Unfortunatley, I won't

exist, having not been born of his soul..."

Ducky was shatterd by this.

" can't be."

"Don't worry, it will all be over and it will not matter to you." The time portal opened on the shattered stone, and they walked into it, Tyio know he was walking into

death, pure death, with no afterlife.

And yet, he was calm.

"Fear is the risk of dying, peace is the certainty of it." He repeated. Soon they

all passed back to the year 2799, except Aldan,

who was the last to pass. He sensed the prescense of Sparif behind him, he had been

linked to him since he touched the stone.

"Fear not, Aldan, Heaven works mysteriously." Aldan pondered this and understood what the mystic meant.

"You mean you will change histo-" He turned to ask, but saw he was gone. He entered the

portal, a smile anew on his face.

Heaven works mysteriously. The evil was removed, with the good remaining.

Everything would be alright. Aldan said one

last thing, his body passing into the blue eternity,

"Goodbye, Sparif."


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Mar 25, 2001, 09:22 AM
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There's nothing I can adjectives are lost to it. I just sit here with tears on my face not exactly understanding whats happened, not...Tyio's gone? He's...not really dead, is he?

Well..whatever happened, that was...nice. I can't say anymore, I don't know what to, but thats got more meaning then the brilliant I used to say.

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Mar 25, 2001, 07:15 PM
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Well, we don't really know if Tyio's dead or

not. According to his logic, he will die

as soon as he passes through that portal,

however, Sparif hints to Aldan that he might change the new course of history to make things more like they were.

We really don't know which possibility happens, so it's up to interpretation.


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Mar 26, 2001, 07:56 PM
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AUGH! ( you could of at least not put THE END in caps )... that just leaves us hanging and sad! NOOOOOOOOO!!! None of it ever happened... ... (then again SAM could trace a chronological flux of time residue)... great story, great ending, but don't say the end, leave us hanging there endlessy instead (NO REALLY!)
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu


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Mar 27, 2001, 04:02 PM
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Apr 4, 2001, 02:56 PM
That was so SAD!!! KOVUUUUUUU!!!!!!


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Apr 5, 2001, 07:10 AM
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What she said. *cries*





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Apr 5, 2001, 06:33 PM

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Apr 8, 2001, 04:55 AM
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Um, Kovu/ShadowGP or whoever is writing this ('m confused), I know I'm prolly late (holidays) but I was in the last few so can I be in the latest ones? Please???????


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Apr 8, 2001, 04:58 AM
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Um my descriptions changed a bit. I'm still basically the same except I can shoot more energy stuff, and I combined with my other half (separated at birth, as in one person split into two) and now my fur is all golden (kinda like a super-saiyan, cept I'm a jackrabbit).

As to how I merged I'm writing up in a story. It might take a while. But the fusion with my other half has made me one of the most powerful being thingamajigs alive. So, er, do I have to die so much like last time?


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Apr 8, 2001, 05:13 AM
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That is, IF you write anymore. But believe me, unless you want us to whinge, write! YOur stories rule!
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Apr 8, 2001, 06:13 AM
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Nope, I was the one who wrote it, not Shadow :P

But no, there aren't any more stories in production now, sorry defalcon.
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Apr 8, 2001, 11:26 AM
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SOB. There SHOULD be. Eeeevil Kovu.


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Apr 14, 2001, 03:49 AM
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May 9, 2001, 01:27 PM
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*sniff* Sad stories always make me cry *sniff* Where's my hankie? *blows nose* Feel better. . . BUT WE WANT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (please)
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May 9, 2001, 06:16 PM
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Uhm, 'tis not good to resurrect dead topics.

How can I write more if the story is finished, it's come full circle, from the

beggining to the end of that timeline.

wonk reven uoy...niaga nehT
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May 10, 2001, 05:56 AM
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No comprende



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May 17, 2001, 02:56 PM
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*disbelieving* no more? Well, you could at least do a new one!

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