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September 06, 2002


A site about everything that is run by and maintained by mainly Jazz2 fans. Get some proggies, games, funny stuff, or just sit around reading the news and being confused. SpiffyJuice is a subculture of Jazz, and boy are we stupid. Come, be morbid, be stupid, and don’t be held back by some of the JCF policies.

BTW, SJ is not at all an official part of J2O, Bobby was just cool enough to give us free webspace. Thanks, Bobby =P

Warning: Content is often inappropriate for those under the age of 18, and is definitely insuitable for the younger crowd. Enter at your own risk.

(Warning modification / name modification. -Trafton)


Lamer on August 01, 1994 04:00 N/A

A very good resource for pranks, parodies, and spiffy news\views.

(Rating removal. Perhaps the rating was a bit biased? -Trafton)

Lark on August 01, 1994 04:00 8.7

Site layout – Good
I like the site’s layout a lot. Everything is easilly accessable.

Graphics – Very good
Very nice looking background, and I love the color scheme. For a while, I was using the color scheme used by this site on my mIRC. Currently, I use the background on SJ as my desktop background.

Content – Good / Very good
Lots of hilarious stuff, such as a ‘game’ where you can annoy the heck out of EvilMike with random questions, a pranks section with pranks by different community members on other Internet users, and more. There’s also a whole comedy archives section. Before ElectroPiZZa left the site, there was a rux section – the Mr. Crow comics section. It should be back up on n00bshop.com “between a month and never,” according to the site. Still, Mr. Crow made this site better. The content is also rather adult rated, but it’s still very funny.

Anyway, overall, this site looks good, it’s easy to navigate, and has some very funny content.

I found 7.5 a bit too low, so I reviewed this. ;(

American on August 01, 1994 04:00 7.5

What much is there to say here? A quality comedy website featuring material that is not suitable for many people. Not all JJ2 fans will enjoy the humor, and you will probably have to be in on the inside jokes (the entire site is one big inside joke). Otherwise, you will be completely lost. There is a lot of mindless fun. The web site layout is pretty good, although a little dark and sometimes a tad bit annoying. A few of the navigational freatures also need some work. Overall, however, it is not bad at all. Assuming you do not mind the profanity and content and get the inside jokes.

more_sena_than_you on August 01, 1994 04:00 N/A

An ok site, but more suitable for older guys.

There are better sites.

(Rating removal. -Trafton)

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