The Moleman Museum


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Date added
November 26, 2003


This is my homepage, there is lots to see. My artwork, I really like drawing, and lots of my drawings are on my site. There are ofcourse Jazz2 downloads, levels and tilesets. There is a Database of my fossil collection, I have over a Thousend, some are older then 500 million years old. There are lots of downloads, like fossil puzzles and backgrounds for Windows. there is also a guestbook. And a creation of my and my brother Snorky, The Funny Vikings.


Ninja Dodo on August 01, 1994 04:00 N/A

A cool site, with nice jj2 levels and tilesets, and some very good sketches and digital paintings. Plus if you’re interested in fossils there’s loads of great stuff…

Blackraptor on August 01, 1994 04:00 9.5

I love fossils and dinosaurs, so this is an awesome site for me =P.

niek on August 01, 1994 04:00 7.5

Cool site, not many Jazz Jackrabbit 2, but you will see some good stuff, a 7,5 for me:-)

Ðx on August 01, 1994 04:00 9.0

I give it a 9 because if this:

I luv the fossils and
the jj2 stuff r0cks to.
its really good.
so here is a 9 for ya.



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