Blade's Homesites


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Date added
December 05, 2001


Here are my webpages finally. The sites tell lots about my tilesets and other stuff I’ve made for JJ2. There is also bonus thingies such as music archive site, and a little history of my releases.

There is a little problem with the frames. It will be corrected soon.
The writing day: 6th December 2001.
It’s btw my country’s independence day.


aiko on August 01, 1994 04:00 7.5

Whew. A very cool homepage straight outta the dark forests of Finland, made by tileset master Blade himself. The site provides a lot of information on Blade’s tileset, the music he used (which is always awesome and by great artists from the tracking/demoscene!), a small article about JJ2 as a game and some interesting link. The design is very clean and stylish…i just like a lot. “Blade’s homesites” are definitely worth a visit! You better check it out.

SPLASHcc on August 01, 1994 04:00 7.2

Nice Info about Blade and his releases :D
Site looks fine, maybe it could have some more design, but that’s up to the author to decide. Some links are broken, so you’d better update/remove those.

Blade on August 01, 1994 04:00 N/A

Update 12th September 2002: The sites are completely working now, I think they’re pretty good. NEW: Guestbook opened. yippee :)

Blade on August 01, 1994 04:00 N/A

Update 23/12/02: Blade’s sites are coming larger. Now featured also a game called GeneRally. Check the official website at

Taz on August 01, 1994 04:00 8.2

So as i everywhere say: Blade Rulezzzzzzzzzz =D

Blackraptor on August 01, 1994 04:00 7.7

Nice site, could be some more things edited, but anyways. nice site.

MoonRazor1992 on June 01, 2006 13:59 9.7

Super nice page! I left a message to guestbook. ^^


PurpleJazz on November 19, 2006 14:10 9.5

Very nice site, it gives very detailed information about the history of Blade.

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