
Do you wish to announce a contest? Is there important community, clan or level group news? Do you have an opinion to share? Think people should play more? You have a neat idea for a level? Share it on RabbitJournal, your #1 resource for community-created news!

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Permalink JCS Awards 2016: The Results January 18th 2017

Source: JCF

The results are in!

Best Battle Level of 2016

Forest Swamp – FireSworD
Zes – DarkSonic
Twin Stalactites – FireSworD
Trademark II – Snooze

Best CTF Level of 2016

Scrapyard – PurpleJazz
The Astrolabe – Ragnarok
Hall of the Mountain King – Superjazz

Best SP Release of 2016

A Generic Single Player Level II – Blackraptor
Forest Forgotten – Spaztic
Ürdüng Chronicles #1 – FarkasUrdung

Best JCSer of 2016

Blackraptor FireSworD
FarkasUrdung Sir Ementaler

Thank you to everyone for all their hard work in keeping the JCS scene alive in 2016, and thank you to all who voted! Who knows, maybe 2017 will finally be your year… ;)

Votes: 2 (admin approved!)

Permalink JCS Awards 2016 January 2nd 2017

Source: JCF

Perhaps you weren’t so happy with the way world events played out in 2016, or it could’ve been the best year of your life for other reasons. Regardless, as we look to the future we now have the chance to reflect on the last 365 days. It’s the annual event that all JCSers look forward to! Check out the JCF thread and cast your votes!

Voting closes on 15th January at 23:59 GMT+1.

Votes: 2 (admin approved!)

Permalink The medium-large battle map contest! October 29th 2016

Source: https://www.jazz2online.com/jcf/showthread.php?p=490548#post490548

That’s right, I’m doing another contest again, and possibly my final one. The map should ideally accomodate 8-16 players.

First prize is £30, second is £15, and the deadline is the 31st of December 2016. NO DELAYS, I’d like some JCS award candidates!

Click here for more information!

Votes: 4 (admin approved!)

Permalink Nostalgic old games event includes JJ2 October 27th 2016

Source: "facebook page":https://m.facebook.com/events/1661597474154787/

The original poster did not spread the word here earlier, but Jazz Jackrabbit 2 will be included in a nostalgic old games event in Idrija, Slovenia.

But that’s not all! Our community member [GpW]Urbs contacted the organizers and made sure they have features like JJ2+. The organizers also let him pick some community created levels for the event, to go with Epic’s original levels.

The JJ2 event will be held on October the 29th at 14:00.

Votes: 1

Permalink Jazz Jackrabbit 1 CO-OP October 1st 2016

Source: YouTube, h/t cooba

Have you ever wanted to watch two people playing through the entirety of JJ1 using OpenJazz’s online coop mode?

Now you can!

- Violet CLM No Comments - Post Comment

Votes: 1

Permalink Forerunners: The History Of The PC Side-Scroller September 27th 2016

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xY_BumEWBA&feature=youtu.be

3D Realms has released another interesting thing: it has teamed up with some of the most iconic legends to bring us a piece of gaming history: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xY_BumEWBA&feature=youtu.be


- John Romero
- Cliff Blezinski
- Tom Hall
- John Passfield
- Bill McIntosh
- Dave Taylor
- Scott Miller
- Clint Basinger

And others. Go check it out.

Votes: 1 (admin approved!)

Permalink Rad Rodgers - Jazz Jackrabbit inspired platformer? September 6th 2016

Source: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1093001909/rad-rodgers-the-return-of-the-90s-era-apogee-platf/description

It looks like Interceptor, the guys behind Bombshell and Rise Of The Triad, were working hard in the last few months, developing a platformer! Rad Rodgers goal is to “Bringing back the 90’s-era PC platformer with a game inspired by classics like Commander Keen, Conker, Ruff’n‘Tumble & Jazz Jackrabbit.”

Yes, a developer officially stating that their game is inspired from Jazz Jackrabbit! The game, however, uses Unreal Engine 4 and does not have hand drawn graphics. Except that awesome hand drawn art! And if you watch the trailer, you may ask yourself what part of the project is Jazz Jackrabbit inspired. Honestly, I don’t know the answer. I can only guess that it may have some gameplay similarities, like shooting in different directions with different guns. Aand maybe (now I’m giving this a wild shot here) a name association with Rogger Rabbit, who is a rabbit and Jazz is also a rabbit. Soo… Rodgers.Jackrabbit anyone? No? Ok.

Well anyway, the project is still only in a kickstarter phase and given that platformers are not the most popular genre in the universe, the success of this coming to fruition is still questionable. Interceptor also doesn’t have a huge fan base either.

But I know for sure that the people at Interceptor are a huge Commander Keen, Cosmo Cosmic Adventure and other Apogee and 3D Realms games from the past fans, so it will be nice to see this gets funded.

- wiivn No Comments - Post Comment

Votes: 1

Permalink National Tournament 2016 is OVER! August 16th 2016

Source: http://jazzjackrabbit.net/index.php?league=1&season=1&op=forumz&watte=viewtopic&topic=956

National Tournament – Season 5 (2016) is now officially over! All games have been completed except for the 7th place which has been awarded to Serbia. Congratulations to Poland for winning the tournament 3rd time in total! Final rankings:

1. Poland
2. The Netherlands
3. Germany
4. Finland
5. Egypt
6. United Kingdom
7. Serbia
8. Romania

Stats and awards can be found HERE!

Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the whole tournament is: [GER]KeV! Congratulations!

It was an exciting tournament overall with a lot of fun! Thanks to everyone who participated on one way or another! Many thanks to all the referees, all the broadcasters, the whole crew and all players who represented their countries!

In case you missed any game, you can watch most of the replays by clicking on a specific game you want to watch!

All information about the NT can be found in the menu to the left under ‘Tournaments’, when you click on National tournament! (JJ.net)

See you next season!

Votes: 4 (admin approved!)

Permalink UNniversary bash 2 extended! August 14th 2016

Source: http://www.jazz2online.com/jcf/showpost.php?p=490285&postcount=13

Just for one more day. We will be starting off by finishing the rest of the CTF list, then moving onto the battle ones.

The event will now end on August the 15th, 5:30pm BST.

- TreyLina No Comments - Post Comment

Votes: 1

Permalink It begins! August 12th 2016

Source: http://www.jazz2online.com/jcf/showthread.php?p=490270#post490270

NOTE: The event has been extended by one day, and now ends on the 15th!

The not-so-annual UNniversary bash 2 has begun! It will end on the 14th of August, 2016 5:30pm BST August 15th, 5:30pm BST

To give a recap, it’s a casual event where we go through all the bash levels, minus duplicates. Whether you want to chat or play, it’s up to you. A whopping over 250 levels for both gamemodes!

For those who have a failing serverlist, you can also join via the IP here:
However, it’s highly recommended you use JJ2+ or the LK avalon serverlist fix. However, support for plusless players is only temporary.

Votes: 1 (admin approved!)