Useful Tip

Always make more than one variation of tiles for your tileset.

30 November 2003 - Website Finished!

Hello and welcome to the finally finished Disguise's Tileset Resource website!
Everything might look the same right now, but if you click on the big TUTORIAL text on the menu you should see some huge changes. Yes, the tutorials section is finally finished! It is kind of sudden and everything, but after being too lazy for a while to actually work on it I decided to finish the whole section all at once instead of doing it one piece at a time. I wrote everything in a word document before merging it into the website, and just to give you guys an idea on how huge the tutorials section is I did a 'little' word count at the end.

(here used to be some sort of stats image, but it's long gone now)
I feel so proud, ENJOY THE WEBSITE!

P.S. There might still be a few spelling errors not picked up by the spell checker and proofreading, but apart from that the site is pretty much finished. If you find any minor bugs like that, just inform me and I'll fix them ASAP.


7 June 2003 - Bug fixed!

YaY! I actually fixed the java script above! Now I'm happy . It was all ripped, I admit it, but it works and I found the nasty bug ( " <-- THAT thing is annoying!).
Anyways, I've been getting a lotta mail and messages of people asking if I'm ever going to work on DTR again, I don't blame them *looks at last time he posted news*. I'm busy writing the last bits for the starting page, which is something that I've neglected for a long time until I finished making tilesets.

That's it for this news post, the longer I type here the less time I have to update things. It's 5:30am and still no sleep.


4 April 2003 - Random Tweaks

Ummm, hi? remember me? That guy that said he was gonna make a website, but sorta only half did? Ofcourse you do!
Anyways, you're gonna want some sorta excuse for my lazyness idleness, so here it is: School and PAINT SHOP PRO 8!. Seriously, that program is great! If you haven't had a go at it yet, do so now, it's currently in beta and is FREE to try for anyone who is willing to accept that it's got a few bugs (it's a beta, what do you expect?), but all the ones I noticed are gone in the later versions.
Did I say school? oh, yes, I did, Paint Shop Pro does get me carried away a bit. Anyways, it's my final year of school, and the end exams are getting pretty close, while the teachers have VERY LITTLE time to finish all the work we need to do, so what happens? Switch to overdirve! Yeah, poor me, but life goes on i suppose

Now, back to the site, I've been fixing some random things, broken links and minor things (like that annoying little green border I've looked at for 2 months now). Thanks to SteelTalon and N0body that spotted the bad link, both spotted it very fast, but my supreme laziness has delayed it until now, thanks once again! Two tips aswell, one by N0body and another by Flash, which brings me to another problem:
Help Needed:
That little java script that randomizes the tips to display has a little problem. Whenever I try to add a link into that it doesn't work, can anyone with l33t java skillz contact me and help me out please, I'll give you a cookie!

Now onto non site-related stuff again. I uploaded a new tileset two days ago, it's pretty weird, and is currently rated 8.1, you can check it out here.
Finally, I changed my ISP (old one sucked), so I wont recieve mail sent to my old email anymore, the new one is on the contacts page.


4 February 2003 - Small Changes

I've removed the feedback form, It was only needed during site production as a part of the school coursework, so you guys wouldn't miss it anyway.

Apart from that, I've added a small link under the Useful Tips in the corner where you can submit your own tip to be displayed on there. Credit for those tips will be given ofcourse and your nick will appear under your own tip.
Tips should be tileset releated please, I know that you all like pie and that Evilmike is evil, along with other stuff like that. You can always visit the JCF to release your inner crazy, but not here. I will also be a little strict on what tips I'm going to display on the website or not. So here are the two golden rules:

  • Tips should be useful. I won't upload a tip like "Tilesets are used to make levels". Everyone knows that already.
  • Tips will not be used for advertising tilesets. A tip like "Please download my tilesets they are good -Nameless Person" will not be displayed
That's all for now folks, I'll go back to doing what I do to pass the time.


4 February 2003 - New Host!

Yup, that's right, the whole site has moved over to Jazz 2 Online!
Before anything else, I want to thank Bobby aka Dizzy DM (It's always fun getting the long names right) for allowing me to use some of the J2O space. I've had it since the 30th, but only managed to upload and finish everyhting by today, shows you guys what a lazy busy person I really am. I'm quite suprised that the was deemed worthy of space on J2O, and it's really appreciated, so thanks to Bobby!

In other news, while I was making some changes to link to this site from geocities, I had a look at the site statistics, and I was very pleased at the results. In the short space of time that the website has been online, it's gathered a total of 1167 page views! That's without the tutorials, and I'm pretty sure it's more than the total hits of any other website I've made. Looks like I'll have to put more work into those tutorials.


30 January 2003 - Welcome

Welcome to my website. I'm glad to have finally publicly released this website to all the members of the Jazz Jackrabbit 2 community! Most of you know me for making tilesets, and that is exactly what this site is about. From now on this site will be updated with all my tilesets, tips, tutorials, articles, contests and anything else you can think of that is tileset related.
However, this website is more than just a website for tilesets, there is another reason I made it. The entire site will be used as a piece of coursework for school, and the content was created accordingly. If you think some things are a bit silly related towards the content, it is because of the school coursework. I have a list of all the things I must and must not include in the website, and I follow that list above the general tileset content, which is also why the tutorials section has not been completed yet, stay tuned for more on the tutorials.
Having said that, I hope you enjoy the website as much as I did making it! Welcome!


This site is © 2002-2003. All the content of this site belongs to Janneman "Disguise" Beute and may not be reproduced without permission. Site is designed for Internet Explorer and a minimum resolution of 800x600.