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Amazonex1.j2l | Amazon example 1 | 1.91 kB | 31 Aug 2002 |
Amazonex2.j2l | Boss room example | 0.95 kB | 31 Aug 2002 |
Amazon Ruins.j2t | Amazon Ruins | 78.20 kB | 31 Aug 2002 |
Exoticus.j2b | 20.60 kB | 22 Aug 2002 |
This is probably my best yet. There\‘s a temple, a jungle, and also the temple is built on top of an active volcano…
EDIT: I\‘ll try to fix the unzipping problem, I\‘ll just have to see if it lets me reupload.
I must say I like this tileset a lot. It features three different landscapes which all produce an environment very reminescent of Indiana Jones. A fantastic tileset, which I recommend everyone to add to their collection.
UPDATE: Please remove the fact that it unzips to C:\Games\Jazz2\Amazon, though. I don’t like moving the files.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Good tileset, like the backround…..multiple uses..
Overall….8.2 and a download reccomendation
This tileset’s quality is high, there’s a lot of cool animations like fire jumping up of lava.
Nothing is mising, there’s spikes, suckertubes, vines..
You can make great levels with this tileset, the only thing there’s mising would be a layer 7 bagrund, you should draw a volcano or something.
Download recommed.
(Sorry for a short review, but I’m kinda sleepy.)
Honestly it isnt such quality work, there are too much block type patrons as tiles. Further I only liked the textured background and the extra stuff like spikes and the lava.
This ís a very nice tileset. It’s a blocky one, everywhere blockys (DUH). Very nice background, very orginal one. The ideas are everywhere very orginal, and it’s no base-firest tileset with trees Inc.
Download this.
Very well done!.
Only bad thin ish that it lacks background eyecandy!.;;
Fantastic animations,though!
hmm… no long review, sorry:
As Piccolo said, ther is no layer 6 + 7 stuff.
The caves and the “vulcano” are way too blocky, if you didn’t mentioned that it was a vulcano, I would’ve thought it was lego..
The graphics are smooth but simple and the background is also pretty simple + ugly IMHO.
The Aztecy part looks nice, but wasn’t given much effort, along with all the other lil squares. The textureing is very good on the Jungle parts though. The collapseing platforms look great and the rest of the tileset should be that kind of quality IMO. this is too ‘carrotus’ style or ‘mez’ish.. get what I mean? Background is awsome though ;)
Good job though :D
[This review has been edited by Nitro]
this tileset is really good i think!
animations:9/10 Good work!
Download: yes
This tileset is has some very nice animations.
This tileset is rather blocky, but has some great animations.
The mask is accurate and there are no holes.
The tileset looks much like a rainforest, but you could have had a layer 5/6/7 background.
The tileset is well put together so it’s very easy to use.
Pretty good tileset. The style of it is a kind of MS Paint/Agama/Blade mix. The ideas are good but it would be nicer if the tiles were larger(like in Epic’s tilesets). The jungle part could use some more stuff though. Overall an 8.0 good job!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
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