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kingscrown.txt | 0.71 kB | 06 Mar 2001 | |
kingscrown.j2l | Kings Crown | 6.60 kB | 07 Mar 2001 |
mercrain.s3m | Mercury Rain | 173.66 kB | 17 Jan 1996 |
What can I tell you? Have fun !
Btw, for the guys complaining there are no power ups.. Theres one.. Have fun searching it !
Instead of adding comments, edit the level info.
The review:
Eyecandy: 8.0
The eyecandy in this level is pretty good and has only a few errors.
Design: 6.0
The design is playable, but has quite some – what I would call – bugs with the fluency(is that the right word?). With that I mean, the level is not really good for fast battles. The author has used spots where the player should stop moving, in order to be able to get somewhere. A few springs or lower platforms could have solved this.
Overall: 7.0
The author has done his best to make a good level, but has overlooked a few things which make this level not too recommendable for battle.[This review has been edited by Fquist]
Nutshell – Good level. Download. You like.
Expounded Version:
The design of this level is very good. Ammo is plentiful and well placed, and the level is clean and easy to get around in, with plenty of eyecandy and good tileset usage.
The only problem with this level I can see is the lighting. If there was any signifigant reason to use it, that’s one thing, but the lighting is so faint that it’s not likely that you’ll ever notice it while playing, except that the framerate will be rather low.
I don’t mind the use of lighting, but when you can’t even tell the lights are dimmed, what perpose does it serve? It just comes off as annoying because of the effect it has on the framerate. For online levels espicially I suggest a conservative use of lighting, but if you’re going to use it, at least let us see some asthetic change in the looks of the level, not just a decrease in performance.
If not for the lighting problem, I’d probably give this an 8.0. As it is, I can only rate it at 7.0.
NOTE – It just occured to me that I have contradicted Fquist in saying that the level is easy to get around in. I’d like to point out that I personally didn’t see any problem with the layout, which is reasonably open if not entirely fluent. Whether or not the level is difficult to get around in probably depends more on your playing style then on the design itself, as I personally had no trouble getting around.[This review has been edited by Buster][This review has been edited by Fquist]
He said he rated it with 7, so I changed his rating.
Oops, didn’t notice I had it set wrong.
Newspaz – Normally I wouldn’t drop it one point over something small, but as I already noted I can hardly tell the lighting is dimmed at all. I understand you wanting the music to fit the level…I’m very particular about that myself. Of course the asthetic aspects are yours to edit how you please. I just don’t see any point in having the lighting THAT faint. As such, I had to consider it as more than a minor problem.
It is a well designed level otherwise.
“Kings Crown” is a classic battle style level with quality music by the renowned Skaven/FC from Finland. The level itself is from the Netherlands and it has very open design, which makes it fluently playable and a good choice for a decent battle server. There is some very nice eyecandy here and there and i really have no real complain about the level. It just seems a tad boring to me.
Anyways, all BATTLE FANS (like me) should DOWNLOAD THiS iMMEDiATELY.
A very nice little level that has the feel of the classic original Battle Levels. I like the music (“Mercury Rain” by Skaven), but I feel it doesn’t fit as well as other’s could. Oh well.
You did a really nice job with the layout, this could amount to lots of fun online. My only real complaint is that the bouncy powerup is sort of hard to see, but that doesn’t affect the rating too much.
Download now, battle fans, and Jazz fans in general!
I like the level. The music is cool, but does`nt fit totaly in to it. i recomend the music Digsh.s3m (if you can get it somewhere). The level is real cool. Eyecandy is very good.
I like it.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
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