WebJCS 1.3.3

Date uploaded:
18 Nov 2011 at 22:50 (Minor update on 11 Nov 2013)

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djazz (More uploads by djazz)
The Jazz Jackrabbit community, the file format specifications (Neobeo!), Michiel & Epic (Mega)Games for JCS

File contents

level.function.js 12.72 kB 12 Dec 2011
colorpicker.js 12.64 kB 04 Oct 2011
Constants.js 0.88 kB 12 Dec 2011
contextmenu.js 3.30 kB 25 Dec 2011
ctio-faster.js 33.23 kB 12 Dec 2011
DataView.js 7.06 kB 29 Nov 2011
eventTree.js 2.39 kB 16 Nov 2011
FastBufferList.js 6.38 kB 12 Dec 2011
file.js 1.34 kB 11 Nov 2011
incoming_form.js 8.32 kB 11 Nov 2011
index.js 0.04 kB 12 Dec 2011
index.js 2.50 kB 04 Oct 2011
index.js 1.42 kB 13 Nov 2011
index.js 0.13 kB 11 Nov 2011
JCSini.js 18.46 kB 15 Nov 2011
jjfont.js 4.84 kB 04 Oct 2011
main.js 194.02 kB 15 Nov 2012
menubar.js 3.29 kB 01 Dec 2011
multipart_parser.js 7.55 kB 11 Nov 2011
objectanim.js 2.04 kB 08 Dec 2011
popup.js 2.14 kB 01 Apr 2012
querystring_parser.js 0.65 kB 11 Nov 2011
saveAs.js 6.49 kB 14 Nov 2011
server.js 61.99 kB 04 Dec 2012
Stats.js 2.81 kB 22 Feb 2012
texbg.js 5.24 kB 27 Mar 2012
util.js 0.12 kB 11 Nov 2011
utils.js 0.15 kB 12 Dec 2011
websocket.js 0.38 kB 12 Dec 2011
WebSocketClient.js 11.16 kB 12 Dec 2011
WebSocketConnection.js 23.70 kB 12 Dec 2011
WebSocketFrame.js 9.49 kB 12 Dec 2011
WebSocketRequest.js 15.61 kB 12 Dec 2011
WebSocketRouter.js 4.93 kB 12 Dec 2011
WebSocketRouterRequest.js 2.08 kB 12 Dec 2011
WebSocketServer.js 7.57 kB 12 Dec 2011
WebJCS.sh 0.09 kB 02 Dec 2011
WebJCS (debug).bat 0.02 kB 14 Nov 2011
WebJCS.bat 0.02 kB 14 Nov 2011
colorpicker.css 1.48 kB 04 Oct 2011
contextmenu.css 0.98 kB 04 Oct 2011
menubar.css 2.55 kB 04 Oct 2011
popup.css 0.93 kB 01 Apr 2012
style.css 11.49 kB 15 Feb 2012
node.exe 4589.35 kB 11 Jun 2012
JJ2FontMedium_blue.gif 14.15 kB 04 Oct 2011
JJ2FontMedium_gray.gif 14.15 kB 04 Oct 2011
JJ2FontMedium_green.gif 14.15 kB 04 Oct 2011
JJ2FontMedium_pink.gif 14.15 kB 04 Oct 2011
JJ2FontMedium_red.gif 14.15 kB 04 Oct 2011
JJ2FontMedium_teal.gif 14.15 kB 04 Oct 2011
JJ2FontMedium_white.gif 14.15 kB 04 Oct 2011
JJ2FontMedium_yellow.gif 14.15 kB 04 Oct 2011
JJ2FontSmall_blue.gif 6.88 kB 04 Oct 2011
JJ2FontSmall_gray.gif 6.88 kB 04 Oct 2011
JJ2FontSmall_green.gif 6.88 kB 04 Oct 2011
JJ2FontSmall_pink.gif 6.88 kB 04 Oct 2011
JJ2FontSmall_red.gif 6.88 kB 04 Oct 2011
JJ2FontSmall_teal.gif 6.88 kB 04 Oct 2011
JJ2FontSmall_white.gif 6.88 kB 04 Oct 2011
JJ2FontSmall_yellow.gif 6.88 kB 04 Oct 2011
loading.gif 0.83 kB 04 Oct 2011
JCS.ico 382.08 kB 15 Nov 2011
JCS.ini 17.75 kB 11 Nov 2013
settings.ini 2.13 kB 18 Mar 2013
settingsLinux.ini 0.75 kB 18 Mar 2013
settingsWin.ini 1.39 kB 18 Dec 2011
mime.types 50.09 kB 04 Oct 2011
node.types 1.40 kB 04 Oct 2011
arrow_right.png 0.21 kB 15 Nov 2011
exit.png 0.83 kB 14 Sep 2011
html5_info.png 4.56 kB 21 Nov 2011
html5_watermark.png 6.17 kB 20 Nov 2011
JCS.png 50.16 kB 04 Oct 2011
Layer-Properties.png 0.62 kB 04 Oct 2011
new.png 0.55 kB 14 Sep 2011
open.png 0.56 kB 14 Sep 2011
save.png 0.81 kB 14 Sep 2011
saveas.png 0.80 kB 14 Sep 2011
screenshot.png 0.51 kB 27 Mar 2012
scroll-arrow.png 0.30 kB 04 Oct 2011
unknown-tile.png 0.76 kB 04 Oct 2011
Anims.json 7434.00 kB 06 Dec 2011
index.html Jazz Creation Station 17.80 kB 18 Mar 2013


What is WebJCS?
WebJCS is an open-source improved clone of JCS, running in your web browser.
The first version of WebJCS was created over three years ago, and has now evolved into something usable that I can release and share with you.
The code behind WebJCS is almost written entirely by me, the exceptions are FileSaver.js, Node.JS and some node modules.

How do I setup WebJCS?
Firstly, install Google Chrome. It’s the only browser good enough for handling graphics and it’s very fast. If other browsers catch up, I might add support for them to.
Unzip it in any folder, not necessarily in your Jazz2 folder.
Download Node.JS (if not included in the zip) HERE and put it inside the folder you unzipped to.
Edit the file settings.ini to match your configuration, such as path to Jazz2 folder for finding level/tilesets, command to run when you want to Run your level and the path to your Google Chrome install.
Then make a shortcut to the WebJCS.bat file, as you would do with any program/file you want a shortcut to.
Unzip it in any folder.
First you must compile node.js.
Edit the file settings.ini to match your configuration, such as path to a folder for finding level/tilesets, command to run when you want to Run your level and the path to your Google Chrome install.
When entering a path to JJ2, it have to be an absolute path. The default JJ2 path for wine is:
The command for Chrome is google-chrome.
Create a launcher with the command “node path-to-server.js”, choose “open in terminal”

Minor bugfixes
Some new features

Improved in-game preview in the Parallax View: Animations, physics and ambient lighting.

Added collaboration
Added chat panel
You can see other user’s cursors
Added undo/redo functionality
Fixed bugs

Fixed bug with layer x-repeat and layer widths.
Improved About-dialog.
Minor event-names changes.
Multicolored Warp-lines. Gradient from green to red.
You can pan in the layer-view by holding the scrollwheel.

If you have any questions or comments, leave them below or in this thread.



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Quick Reviews Average: 10

Recommendedtechnoman rated 10

This is a really nice piece of work for people wo can’t get the JCS to work offline. And with this, you don’t have to have JJ2 to create levels for fun or for friends. 10/10 for me.

RecommendedMarijn rated 10

+ Collaboration works!
+ You can see where other people are
+ Animation works!
+ Tweaks like Warp-lines.

- No planning => you get \“Asinine Armory\” =)

RecommendedGpW XanDeR rated 10

Nice program .. Anyway maybe we’ll made a level together ..

RecommendedGLaDOS rated 10

I haven’t made any levels for ages due to lack of motivation, but I recently tried out WebJCS’ online collaboration.
It’s so much more fun to create a map when you have others around helping you, even if you usually don’t create levels.
Also, WebJCS adds many other features that simplify levelmaking a lot, it’s definitely worth checking out!

RecommendedwKtK rated 10

Another awesome web-application from DJazz :)
I tried it some time ago, really fun to make lvls together >_<
I recommend it to you – Check it out sometime ;-)

RecommendedshellyJay rated 10

One word.

Keep up the good work :)

RecommendedSaVn rated 10

Wonderful Jazz2 level editor, the text comes out Jazz2 font, the parallax, you can review the events drawn, activate Textured Background and we can create some level on the internet, but the app webjcs was deleted in Chrome Web Store.

[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.

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