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Jazz Jackrabbit sound list importer\exporter


-The directory must contain a level file. No files will be overwritten; the
JAZZ directory is the best place

-Enter the name of the level you wish to extract the sound list from

-The sound list will be exported as a text file

-The directory must contain a level. The sound list in this level will be
overwritten, if something goes wrong, some of your sounds may not play

-Enter the name of the sound list you wish to import. The level will be
permanently altered

A sound can only be played in a level if its name matches that of a sound
in a soundfile. It doesn't matter what order the sounds are in; you can
change the sound an event uses in JCS94; it is byte 22

The list has to parts, the sound name and a bracketed number indicating how
much that sound is 'squashed'; all sounds are 100'000 long and the values
here indicate how much thee sound is shortened. Thus a value of 50'000
indicates a sound plays in half the time (And thus has twice the pitch)
Most sounds are shortened about 10%

Because only two bytes are used for each sound pitch, you cannot have a
squash above 65300

The same sound can appear on your list as often as you want, using
different pitches can really make the sound sound different.

Sound  list format:
-This is stored in level directly after the FIRST 8 RLE blocks. It starts
153 bytes afterwards:

157-219: Sound pitch: This relates to the 32 sound entries in a level.
nearly ALL full sound entries have
         and entry here. The format is 32-2 byte strings specifying how
much the sound is to be shrtened
         (And raised in pitch.) For example, collectables use the sound
GODLIKE, but plays it shorter and
         higher. The exact amount is between 0-FFFF. Most sounds have a
'default' amount that can be got
         from a level.

220-507: Sounds. Sounds are stored as 9-byte strings; the first byte gives
the name length, the other 8 
         contain the name ('Extra' characters are not read) Each sound name
is thus numbered and this is
         related to byte 22 of events. If the name doesn't match one in a
sound file, the sound will not
         play. Sounds are NOT STORED IN THE LEVEL (The last 4 sound
'entries' seems to be 'extra')