Downloads containing glitter.xm

Name Author Game Mode Rating
TSF with JJ2+ Only: Anniversary Bash 24 CTF Jazz2Online Capture the flag N/A Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: ElectricSnow Archon Capture the flag N/A Download file
TSF with JJ2+ Only: Anniversary Bash 20 Levels Jazz2Online Multiple N/A Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: City of the Sn00zEFeatured Download PurpleJazz Capture the flag 8.5 Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Anniversary Bash 11 Levels Jazz2Online Multiple N/A Download file
JJ2+ Only: Codename: AllianceFeatured Download Xtreme Level Makers Multiple 8.2 Download file

File preview

|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001| glitter                |001| seq1 for glitter       |
|002| by darkhalo            |002| dance bass             |
|003|                        |003| (unknown)              |
|004|                        |004| Trance Bass            |
|005|                        |005| (MaD)                  |
|006|                        |006| seq2 for glitter       |
|007|                        |007|                        |
|008|                        |008| electronic bd          |
|009|                        |009| unknown                |
|010| yes, its a dance tune  |010| 707 snare              |
|011| but if it weren't for  |011| unknown                |
|012| dance where would i    |012| Maza / Static          |
|013| be now.....            |013| Maza / Static          |
|014|                        |014| Cantyou.wav            |
|015| bout half and half     |015| from phatso's beats    |
|016| original/ripped smples |016|   |
|017| feel free to use       |017|  DRUMSEQ7.WAV          |
|018| any of the originals   |018| unknown                |
|019|                        |019| short crash            |
|020|                        |020| reverb piano           |
|021|                        |021| reverse crash          |
|022|                        |022|                        |
|023|                        |023| major ahh loop         |
|024|                        |024| minor ahh loop         |
+---+------------------------+025| squash beat            |
                             |026| seq3.1 for glitter     |
                             |027| seq3.2 for glitter     |
                             |028| seq4 for glitter       |
                             |029|                        |
                             |030|                        |