Downloads containing Dats07.txt

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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Phraxian Claustrophobolis Cmdr Dats Battle N/A Download file

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Phraxian Claustrophobolis

Name :Phraxian Claustrophobolis
Author :Commander Dats
Time :Oh, a coupla hours..
Tileset Used :Plastic Dreams.. by me!! :)
Size :150x50 (Layer 4)
Music File :Facing the Evil (nwk-evil.xm) by NightHawk
Bugs Found :None, otherwise it would've been fixed.. ;)

Comments :

Okey dokey ppl, i'm busy on a new tileset but i thought i might aswell take
a break and quickly churn up another level.. :) this is the result.. i'm
not using a tileset that comes with jazz 2.. EVER! it's too un-original!
hehehe.. wondering about the name? i started out with the name
Claustrophobolis in mind.. then i had a sudden memory lapse when i stuck
the name in and the level became the Phraxian Sewers.. then when i was
contemplating the fact that the theme is more mining than sewers the old
name suddenly struck me... the rest is history... :) When i fired up the
"Facing the Evil" song in modplug, the song fitted the level so well i had
to use it.. :) oh yeah, i've made so that the next level is dats07, sowwy
'bout that Aiko.. :) 

Previous Levels & Tilesets by Author :

Rating NameFnameType
***Rock Haven datsrh.j2lBattle
***F5 Torment f5torment.j2lBattle
***De-Con-Structor datsdcs.j2lBattle
***Plastic Dreamsdats01.j2tTileset
***Great Fortress of Vytohdatsgfov.j2lCoop
***Plastic Fortress of Vytohdatspfov.j2lBattle
***Dungeon of Vytohdatsdv.j2lBattle

Greetz :

Xeye, Xeno, Disguise (no, i'm NOT gonna type ur full name.. 'sides, i can't
'member it, hehe), Noogy, PoisonFoot, Yams, Katie, Aiko, and all the rest
of u jazzers and jazzettes! hehe.. :) 

Disclaimer :

The author accepts no responsibility for bad things happening as result of
the contents of this package.. (i'm lazy 2day aren't i?)

Files Included in Package :

dats07.txt- This file!
dats07.j2l- The level..
dats01.j2t- My tileset, Plastic Dreams..
dats01-j2t.txt- My tileset's readme.. 
nwk-evil.xm- Music...  

Till l8r ppl!! feel free to e-mail me....

Commander Dats ( ; )

"The power of faith is quiet. It is the leaf unmoved by the hurricane."