Downloads containing symouth.xm

Name Author Game Mode Rating
TSF Only: w00t Kiranger Single player 7.1 Download file

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|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001|    M.P. Productions    |001| "BUM"                  |
|002|        presents:       |002| Finger Snap            |
|003|                        |003| "Dada"                 |
|004|  Marty's Mouth, in the |004| "OooAh"                |
|005|   song -               |005| "Dum"                  |
|006|                        |006| Mouth Pop              |
|007| =- SHUT YOUR MOUTH! -= |007| "Ooo"                  |
|008| - - - - - - - - - - -  |008| "La"                   |
|009|                        |009| "Doo"                  |
|010| -                      |010| "Dum2"                 |
|011|  I made this song as a |011| "BAa"                  |
|012| tribute to a talented  |012| "Bum2"                 |
|013|   artist that made a   |013| "Pbm"                  |
|014|  song just like this.  |014| "Dya"                  |
|015| I decided to re-do his |015| "WhaHahaha"            |
|016| work and spruce it up  |016| "Shut-Your-Mouth!"     |
|017| a bit. I hope you like |017| Vomit                  |
|018| what I have come up    |018| Smack-"Yha"            |
|019| with here.  =)         |019| "HEH-Heh-heh"          |
|020|                      - |020| "Pif"                  |
|021|                        |021| "YHAaaa"               |
|022| Finished on:  1/13/95  |022| "I Said....You Mouth!" |
|023| for submission to:     |023| "Bha"                  |
|024| - The Cat's Eye BBS -  |024| "Whooa"                |
|025|                        |025| "BAbadabadaba"         |
|026| ----------><---------- |026| "Dada"                 |
|027| Converted to 6 channel |027| "Dada2"                |
|028| XM file on:  8/12/98   |028| "Tst"                  |
|029| ----------><---------- |029| "TSsst"                |
|030| e-mail:                |030| "Cha"                  |
|031| -------                +---+------------------------+
|032|  |
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|035| ********************** |
|036| *     W.M.C.S.P.     * |
|037| *   Communications   * |
|038| ********************** |