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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Crystal Caves PT32 Battle 6 Download file

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Cross Country Productions

Released: November 1st,

|###| Instrument Name            |###| Sample Name                |
|001| "Dark Planet"              |001| Another really old song.   |
|002|                            |002| Been working on it for     |
|003| -PT32, 2011                |003| goodness knows how long.   |
|004| All Rights Reserved.       |004| Just finally got around to |
|005|                            |005| finishing it.              |
|006|                            |006| Hope ya likey!             |
|007|                            |007|                            |
|008|                            |008|                            |
|009|                            |009| Heyya to God.              |
|010|                            |010|                            |
|011|                            |011|                            |
|012|                            |012|                            |
|013| <><                        |013|                            |
|014|                            |014|                            |
|015|                            |015|                            |
|016|                            |016|                            |
|017|                            |017|                            |
|018|                            |018|                            |
|019|                            |019| And here, at the end...    |
|020| Song #81                   |020| ...Nothing...              |