Downloads containing ReadMe 'Chromosphere'.txt

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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: ChromosphereFeatured Download >CelL< Capture the flag 8.5 Download file

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   C    C   
  C         RRRR    OOO   MM   MM   OOO    SSSS  PPPP   EEEE  RRRR   EEEE
  C         R   R  O   O  M M M M  O   O  S      P   P  E     R   R  E
  C         RRRR   O   O  M  M  M  O   O   SSS   PPPP   EEE   RRRR   EEE
   C    C   R   R  O   O  M     M  O   O      S  P      E     R   R  E
    CCCC    R   R   OOO   M     M   OOO   SSSS   P      EEEE  R   R  EEEE

                             By CelL

                                             always read the small print ;)


 LevelName :     Chromosphere
 Game Type :     Capture the Flag
 Author :             CelL
 Size :             86x64
 Tileset Used :             Coruppted Sanctuary by Disguise of J2LC
 Music used :             CloudScape by Zodiak of Cascada
 Bugs Found :             Only one, and I've been unable to 
 fix it. Some times when you aproach the tunnel in the bottem right
 corner, you can get an acces violation. If you know how to fix this,
 please let me know.
 Beta tester(s):             RagE
 Level Password:             SUCKS (for looping levels only)

           /Files included in .zip/

 chromctf.j2l                The level.
 cloud.mod                   The music.
 Corrupted Sanctuary.j2t     The tileset
 Readme 'Chromosphere'.txt   This readme.. its in here somewhere... yeah.

             /Authors comments/

 A not that special CTF level using Disguise's Corrupted Sanctuary tileset.
I started
 on this level to see how well I could work with the tileset, and I think I
can say it
 turned out pretty good. The level is sorta devided into 2 sections by a
large wall in 
 the midle, but there are 1 or 2 secret pasages to get through it, apart
from the normal
 ones. 3 Powerups, RF, Bouncers and Seekers, and 1 full energy carrot where
 I also included a few not-so-well hidden secrets for you to find. :-)
Well, thats about
 it. Enjoy!
 - CelL


 CelL, FoR... oh wait thats me ;-)
 RagE, FoR helping out beta testing and giving sugestions for the level.
 Disguise, for the Corrupted Sanctuary tileset
 Zodiak for the rocking music
 Skulg, for.... yeah. You know.
 White Rabbit, for beta testing and giving sugestions for all my levels..
 apart from this one ;-)

              /Legal Stuff/

Chromosphere is  2002 by CelL.
The Corrupted Sanctuary tileset is  J2LC, 2002 by Disguise.
The music CloudScape is  by Zodiak of Cascada.