Downloads containing RClvl2.j2as

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TSF with JJ2+ Only: RabbitCity Remastered P4rr0t Single player 7.5 Download file

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#include "MLLE-Include-1.4.asc"
const bool MLLESetupSuccessful = MLLE::Setup();
#pragma require "RClvl2.j2l"
#pragma require "JazzCity2_Airship.j2t"

Created by Parrot86 - RabbitCity: Remastered
void onLevelLoad() { 
	jjAlert("|||----------------> You Got The Green Access Card Key <----------------");
	jjAlert("||Level Name: |Police - Devan's escaped! 2 / 2");
	jjAlert("||RabbitCity : Remastered - Level: |2");

// Doors - Thank for zepect!
array<bool> keyPressed(256, false); //arrays holds the state of the keys
int myArea = 0;

bool inArea(jjPLAYER@ p, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
	return ((p.xPos > (x1*32)) && (p.xPos < x2*32 + 32) && (p.yPos > (y1*32)) && (p.yPos < y2*32 + 32));
void onKeyDown(jjPLAYER@ p, int key) {
	if(key == 0x26) { //0x26 is up arrow key (all keys at
		if(myArea == 1) p.warpToID(2, true);
		else if(myArea == 2) p.warpToID(1, true);
		else if(myArea == 3) p.warpToID(4, true);
		else if(myArea == 4) p.warpToID(3, true);

void onPlayer(jjPLAYER@ p) {
	for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { //loop through all the keys
		if(jjKey[i] && !keyPressed[i]) {
			onKeyDown(p, i);
			keyPressed[i] = true;
		} else if(!jjKey[i] && keyPressed[i]) keyPressed[i] = false;
	if(inArea(p, 4, 89, 4, 89)) myArea = 1;
	else if(inArea(p, 154, 19, 154, 19)) myArea = 2;
	else if(inArea(p, 58, 23, 58, 23)) myArea = 3;
	else if(inArea(p, 60, 93, 60, 93)) myArea = 4;
	else myArea = 0;

bool onDrawHealth(jjPLAYER@ player, jjCANVAS@ canvas) {
	if(myArea == 1 || myArea == 2 || myArea == 3 || myArea == 4) {
		canvas.drawString(220, 320, "Press UP to walk through!", STRING::MEDIUM, STRING::BOUNCE, 1);
	return false;

void onFunction0() {
	jjAlert("|RedRazz:|||| You got it ?");
	jjAlert("Player:||||| Yes, but what is green access card ?");
	jjAlert("|RedRazz:|||| I dont know, what is it");
	jjAlert("|RedRazz:|||| I think... it's Devan have got a green card ?");
	jjAlert("Player:||||| Oh, okay");