Downloads containing hangonledges.mut

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JJ2+ Only: Hangin' on Ledges DennisKainz Mutator N/A Download file

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//With this mutator, Jazz and Spaz will hang on ledges just like Earthworm Jim and Commander Keen (and many other videogame heroes).

array<uint8> hang = {0, 0, 0, 0}; //Whether the player is hanging on a ledge or not. There are four array values for the sake of splitscreeners.
array<bool> hangLeft = {false, false, false, false}; //Whether the ledge is on the left...
array<bool> hangRight = {false, false, false, false}; //...or on the right.

void onMain()
	for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		jjPLAYER@ player = jjLocalPlayers[i]; //Defines which player undergoes the scripting in splitscreen mode.
		if (player.isLocal && !jjIsTSF) //There are no ledge climbing animations in 1.24, so you have to be in 1.23 to use this mutator.
			if (player.ySpeed > 0 && hangLeft[i] == false && hangRight[i] == false) //The player is falling and isn't currently hanging on any ledge.
				if (!jjMaskedHLine(player.xPos - 40, 40, player.yPos - 13) && !jjMaskedHLine(player.xPos - 40, 40, player.yPos - 29) && jjMaskedVLine(player.xPos - 13, player.yPos - 13, 10) && player.direction < 0) //Checks for a wall right in front of you and for a free space above. It covers an area of 32x16 so you don't hang on short ledges and get stuck. You can only hang on ledges that have a straight terrain on top (or a slope on the opposite side like tiles 753 and 754 in Diamondus).
					hang[i] = 1;
					hangLeft[i] = true; //Start hanging.
				if (!jjMaskedHLine(player.xPos, 40, player.yPos - 13) && !jjMaskedHLine(player.xPos, 40, player.yPos - 29) && jjMaskedVLine(player.xPos + 13, player.yPos - 13, 10) && player.direction > 0)
					hang[i] = 1;
					hangRight[i] = true;
			if (hang[i] > 0) //The player is currently hanging.
				player.invisibility = true; //Hide the actual sprite of the player since those can't be determined.
				hang[i] = hang[i] + 1; //How long the player has been hanging.
				if (hangLeft[i] == true)
					player.xPos = player.xPos - 1; //Move the player towards the top of the ledge.
					if (player.charCurr == CHAR::JAZZ) //Whether the player is playing as Jazz...
						jjDrawSprite(player.xPos, player.yPos, ANIM::JAZZ, 20, 0 + (hang[i] / 3), -1, SPRITE::PLAYER, i); //The unused sprite of Jazz hanging on a ledge (now used) in the color of the specified player.
					if (player.charCurr == CHAR::SPAZ) //...or as Spaz.
						jjDrawSprite(player.xPos, player.yPos, ANIM::SPAZ, 20, 0 + (hang[i] / 3), -1, SPRITE::PLAYER, i);
				if (hangRight[i] == true)
					player.xPos = player.xPos + 1;
					if (player.charCurr == CHAR::JAZZ)
						jjDrawSprite(player.xPos, player.yPos, ANIM::JAZZ, 20, 0 + (hang[i] / 3), 1, SPRITE::PLAYER, i);
					if (player.charCurr == CHAR::SPAZ)
						jjDrawSprite(player.xPos, player.yPos, ANIM::SPAZ, 20, 0 + (hang[i] / 3), 1, SPRITE::PLAYER, i);
				player.yPos = player.yPos - 1;
				player.xSpeed = 0; //Keep the player in place, so he doesn't get stuck in walls.
				player.ySpeed = 0;
			if (hang[i] > 20 && !jjMaskedHLine(player.xPos - 13, 26, player.yPos + 21)) //The player reached the top of the ledge
				player.invisibility = false; //Restore the actual sprite of the character.
				hang[i] = 0; //Stop hanging.
				hangLeft[i] = false;
				hangRight[i] = false;