Downloads containing martins gaming and level making guide.txt

Name Author Game Mode Rating
TSF Only: Practice martin aka partydude Single player one starone star Download file

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          ....Martins guide to gaming and level making....


 2.Weapons guide

 3.Neat moves guide


 5.What you can expect on line

 6.Level making

 7.Events guide

 8.Back grounds and fore grounds
 9.Perfect picture

 10.Trouble in paradise



 Hi this guide is made to make your life easy in making and as well as
 playing. There are always new exiting things to find in the game so 
 dont stop here this is to help new people get to grips with the game
 and a pratice level to pratice your skills out on.



 Blaster - Great melee weapon with a power up and some fast fire guns
 Blue bullet bouncer - Treat this weapon with care use down halls and 
                       at close range with practice very deadly

 Frost bite - This weapon is useless on line does`nt hurt anyone but a
              useful tool and great for fun, if your on line use any 
              other weapon even a blaster because people are able to
              get free quickly.

 Missile - every one loves this weapon its slow speed makes it hard to
           hit anyone but can act like a floating mine as well.

 RF Missile Launcher - This weapon has a recoil that could knock you
                       though a wall yet its simple yet crude explosions
                       are great for getting the job done.

 Toaster - This weapon can hurt if you run while shooting you can lay a
           carpet of fire that makes the biggest of people dodge.

 TNT - Well it acts like a mine and a custom block basher yet most 
       people run and act like bomber man on steroids but can get caught
       in their own trap.

 Pepper Spray - This weapon is used like a mini gun getting as many
                bullets out in the shortest amount of time, has short  
                range but if you run while shooting it can go further 
                than the bule bullet bouncer.

 Electro-blaster -This weapon was made for fun it can go through walls
                  to get power ups but only one point dammage even with
                  a power up.


 Neat moves and tactics for gaming on line

 UP and over - Wait for the enemy to run after you then you run away
               jump above him wait for him to go under then shoot him
               in the back.

 Madness - Run and jump on both sides of the enemy one at a time while
           shooting like mad they wont know what hit em and most of the
           time they will panic and run for it.

 TEAM up - When being hammered by some one in ctf call for help and go
           two on on.

 Speed - While running from two points find the shortest route and try 
         timing your jumps and stops.

 Charge - For aggressive players only run and shoot like mad at them
          and stay locked on them till you or they give out.

 Dodge - When being chased jump or duck or run or if nothing else run 
         at them and jump over their heads and they will either run on
         or think its a attack and will dodge back.

 Skill - When being in aggressive or defensive mode remember that a 
         simple dodge or good timing can fend off any attacks or kill 
         any one.

 Don't stay still - Its one thing ro be armed to the teeth and another
                    to be slow, stay still and you'll get caught by some
                    one charging or a simple shot.

 Timing shots - rules in any type of game is if your hit or hit someone
                else it will take 3 seconds to shoot and hit again so 
                while they are going like mad to hit you again wait 3
                seconds then shoot and jump.

 Run and shoot - If you run whlie shooting you'll find the bullets will
                 fly further than they did.



 For the people who cant win or just want fun 

 while in the game type:

 jjgod - every power up and invincibilty

 jjammo - all ammo 

 jjshield - type 4 times for each type of shield 

 jjfly - type once for ears flying 2 for board surfing once more normal

 jjmorph - turn into a bird a frog and jazz or spaz

 jjnext - next level

 jjgems - tons of gems for points at the end of the level

 jjcoins - 20 coins

 jjpower - unknown?? (try for your self)

 There are a lot more cheats out there but this should let you win.
 But you cant use them on line or in multi play.


 What you can expect on line

 Well no one will give you a second chance to kill them and if provoked
 can turn on you and If you turn the game into a chat line and some one
 else gets bored you will lose.  play dont hogg shields all the time
 its very annoying for other people, if you get angry with some one 
 join some one else and play, above all else study how people move and
 react you can learn some thing you dont know.


 Level making

 When making a level its very important to learn what your doing take
 these steps TRY-TEST-and LEARN I know the help file is ok but this 
 should help.

 TILE SET - When working with them look close and you may find two types
            of the same tile one in space and then one inside and one
            tile can do two things.  The top left hand corner should
            be left alone and used as a rubber for mistakes and to get
            rid of masks which get in the way.

 ANIMATING TILES - Tiles moving in sequence one after the other can be 
                   done if you use the tiles in a long line by pressing 
                   ctrl and clicking on the tile you want. If you want
                   a block to blow up and leave the back ground alone
                   in the block sequence put the part of the level after
                   the block and the block after that, then set the speed
                   by pressing right mouse button and put it to 0 now 
                   put the first tile in the sequence on your level then
                   right click on it and choose events find trigers then
                   select destruction scene click fill out what you want
                   then click ok now you can blow up the block Yay!.

 PARALLAX VIEW - Shows you what you've done if you scroll around and helps
                 with making layers so a gap in 4 cant be seen because a 
                 block is in layer 3.

 LAYER - As a general rule use 4 for your level 3 if you want to hide some
         thing or make it look good and 5 up for the back ground and you
         can get clever if you experiment.



 Press right mouse button on the layer(make sure its 4) to get a list
 choose events and you'll get a list of events in categories to use.
 In multi play you cant have some things you could have in a single player
 here you can make day into night and so on.  In the corner there is a
 list take care in choosing what you want because its important for what
 want. at the bottom there are teo small options one to light the object
 one to put it back after a amount of time.(great for ammo and carrots in 
 multi play)


 Back grounds and Fore grounds

 This is very important to make sure its working right because the screen
 will look very weird if it isent.  study the levels which came with the 
 game then use the layers 5 up or 3 down to make your level look as good as
 the one you where studying.


 Perfect picture 

 In the end you should have a level that looks nice and plays well but in
 the first try's you should try to make it playable remember there are no
 bad levels only better ones keep at it and you'll be pumping them out.
 If you get stuck think don't rush levels take time and make them how they
 should be not what they shouldn't be.


 Trouble in paradise

 There are bugs in the game that are a pain one of the biggest is getting
 stuck when you do you cant get out if you jump you go down and you cant
 You can get some one to kill you or you can start again.

 Another one is in the ctf mode while on line it will keep saying
 "David captured the flag"
 "David captured the flag"
 or some one else there are some ideas about this.
 1.some one gos out of the screen with the flag.
 2.some one gos into a warp with the flag.
 3.some one leaves the game who just had the flag.
 There are some more but these are the most known ideas maybe the heads
 of the game know ask them.





 Special thanks to
 all you new people out there