Downloads containing hornetgun.asc

Name Author Game Mode Rating
Custom MLLE Naps WeaponPack Naps Other N/A Download file
JJ2+ Only: Anniversary Bash 25 Battle Jazz2Online Battle N/A Download file
TSF with JJ2+ Only: Honey CataCombs Rysice Battle N/A Download file
TSF with JJ2+ Only: Anniversary Bash 24 Battle Jazz2Online Battle N/A Download file

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#pragma require "HornetGun.asc" //Scripted by Naps
#include "MLLE-Weapons.asc"
#pragma require "HornetGun.j2a" //Spritework by Lynx and Naps
#pragma offer "HornetGun.wav" //

namespace NapsWeapons {
	class HornetGun : MLLEWeapons::WeaponInterface {
		bool PierceFlies = true;
		bool AttackCaterpillars = true;
		bool SPBehavior = true;
		HornetGun() {
				regularObjectTemplate: MLLEWeapons::ObjectTemplate(
					xSpeed: 2,
					xAcc: 0.25,
					yAcc: 0.00390625f,
					animSpeed: 2,
					killAnim: 6,
					curAnim: 0,
					lightType: LIGHT::POINT2,
					counterEnd: 105
				powerupObjectTemplate: MLLEWeapons::ObjectTemplate(
					xSpeed: 1.5,
					xAcc: 0.25,
					yAcc: -0.0915527344f,
					animSpeed: 3,
					killAnim: 7,
					curAnim: 1,
					lightType: LIGHT::POINT2,
					counterEnd: 105
				style: WEAPON::MISSILE,
				animSetFilename: "HornetGun.j2a",
				sampleFilenames: array<string> = {"HornetGun.wav"},
				pickupAnimation: 2,
				poweredUpPickupAnimation: 3,
				ammoCrateAnimation: 4,
				powerupAnimation: 5,
				traits: se::weapon_default_traits | se::weapon_goes_through_thin_walls | se::weapon_works_in_all_modes | se::weapon_fails_underwater,
				behavior: MLLEWeapons::behaviorFunction(DetermineBehavior),
				apply: MLLEWeapons::applyFunction(ApplyCustomParameters)
		void DetermineBehavior(jjOBJ@ obj, bool powerup) const {
			if (obj.creatorType == CREATOR::PLAYER && jjPlayers[obj.creatorID].isLocal)
				jjSample(obj.xPos, obj.yPos, Samples[0],64, powerup? 15000 : 18000);
				obj.var[8] = powerup? 1 : 0;
			obj.behavior = jjVOIDFUNCOBJ(Behavior);
		void Behavior(jjOBJ@ obj) const {
			const float PI = 3.1415927f;
			int destination;
			const bool goUp =jjMaskedPixel(int(obj.xPos),int(obj.yPos) - 8);
			const bool detectSafeEvents = checkForUnsolidEvents(int(obj.xPos/32),int(obj.yPos/32));
			const bool goDown =jjMaskedPixel(int(obj.xPos),int(obj.yPos) + 8);
			const bool aboveWaterLevel = (obj.yPos < (jjWaterLevel - 8))? false : true;
			const bool goLeft =jjMaskedPixel(int(obj.xPos) - 8,int(obj.yPos));
			const bool goRight =jjMaskedPixel(int(obj.xPos) + 8,int(obj.yPos));
			const bool isPowerup = MLLEWeapons::HelpfulBulletFunctions::IsPowerup(obj);
			obj.var[9] = 1;
			obj.var[10] = 1;
			if (obj.state == STATE::START) {
				obj.var[1] = -1;
				obj.xSpeed += obj.var[7] / 65536.f;
				obj.state = STATE::FLY;
				if ((jjGameMode <= GAME::COOP || SPBehavior) && checkForSPParameters() && obj.creatorType == CREATOR::PLAYER ) {
					obj.var[6] = 16;
			} else if (obj.state == STATE::FLY) {
				if (obj.var[1] < 0) {
					if ((jjGameMode <= GAME::COOP || SPBehavior) && obj.creatorType == CREATOR::PLAYER) {
						if (obj.counter >= 20) {
							int targetID = GetNearestWaspEnemyObject(obj,isPowerup? 220 : 180);
							if (targetID > -1) {
								obj.var[1] = targetID;
								obj.var[2] = 1;
						if (checkForSPParameters()) 
					if ((jjGameMode > GAME::COOP || obj.creatorType != CREATOR::PLAYER)) {
						if (obj.counter >= 20) {
							int targetID = MLLEWeapons::HelpfulBulletFunctions::GetNearestEnemyPlayer(obj,isPowerup? 220 : 180);
							if (targetID > -1) {
								obj.var[1] = targetID;
								obj.var[2] = 2;
				} else {
				if ((jjGameMode <= GAME::COOP || SPBehavior)) {
					if (obj.var[2] == 1) {
						jjOBJ@ enemy = jjObjects[obj.var[1]];
						destination = int(atan2(enemy.yPos - obj.yPos ,enemy.xPos - obj.xPos) * (512 / PI));
						if ( < 1 || !enemy.isActive) {
							obj.var[1] = -1;
					if (checkForSPParameters()) 
				if ((jjGameMode > GAME::COOP || obj.creatorType != CREATOR::PLAYER)) {
					if (obj.var[1] < 32) {
						if (obj.var[2] == 2) {
							jjPLAYER@ play = jjPlayers[obj.var[1]];
							destination = int(atan2(play.yPos - obj.yPos ,play.xPos - obj.xPos) * (512 / PI));
							float distance = sqrt(pow(play.xPos - obj.xPos,2) + pow(play.yPos - obj.yPos,2));
							if ( < 1 || !play.isInGame || distance > 400) {
								obj.var[1] = -1;
					obj.xSpeed += 0.7 * jjCos(destination);
					obj.ySpeed += 0.7 * jjSin(destination);
					float maxSpeed = (isPowerup? 3 : 4);
					if (obj.xSpeed > maxSpeed) {
						obj.xSpeed = maxSpeed;
					if (obj.xSpeed < -maxSpeed) {
						obj.xSpeed = -maxSpeed;
					if (obj.ySpeed > maxSpeed) {
						obj.ySpeed = maxSpeed;
					if (obj.ySpeed < -maxSpeed) {
						obj.ySpeed = -maxSpeed;
					if ((obj.ySpeed < 0) && (goUp == true && !detectSafeEvents)) {
						obj.ySpeed = 0;
					} else
					if ((obj.ySpeed > 0) && ((goDown == true && !detectSafeEvents) || aboveWaterLevel == true)) {
						obj.ySpeed = 0;
					if (obj.xSpeed < 0 && goLeft == true) {
						obj.xSpeed = 0;
					} else
					if ((obj.xSpeed > 0 ) && (goRight == true)) {
						obj.xSpeed = 0;
					jjDrawRotatedSpriteFromCurFrame(obj.xPos, obj.yPos, obj.curFrame, 128 - destination, 1, 1);
				obj.xPos += obj.xSpeed;
				obj.yPos += obj.ySpeed;
				obj.counter += 1;
				if ((obj.counter&3)==0) {
					if (obj.frameID >= int(jjAnimations[obj.curAnim].frameCount))
						obj.frameID = 0;
					obj.curFrame = jjAnimations[obj.curAnim].firstFrame + obj.frameID;
				if (obj.counter > int(obj.counterEnd) || (obj.var[1] < 0 && (MLLEWeapons::HelpfulBulletFunctions::MaskedPixel(obj))) || obj.yPos > jjWaterLevel) {
					obj.state = STATE::EXPLODE;
					obj.curFrame = 0;
					obj.counter = 0;
					obj.lightType = 0;
			if (obj.state == STATE::EXPLODE) {
				obj.behavior = BEHAVIOR::EXPLOSION2;
				obj.frameID = 0;
		int GetNearestWaspEnemyObject(jjOBJ@ obj, uint maxDistance) {
			if (obj.creatorType != CREATOR::PLAYER)
				return -1;
			int nearestObjectID = -1;
			uint minDistance = maxDistance * maxDistance;
			for (int i = 1; i < jjObjectCount; ++i) {
				const jjOBJ@ potentialWaspEnemy = jjObjects[i];
				if (!potentialWaspEnemy.isActive)
				if (!potentialWaspEnemy.isTarget && !(potentialWaspEnemy.eventID == OBJECT::CATERPILLAR && AttackCaterpillars))
				const float dx = potentialWaspEnemy.xPos - obj.xPos, dy = potentialWaspEnemy.yPos - obj.yPos;
				const uint distance = uint(dx * dx + dy * dy);
				if (distance < minDistance) {
					minDistance = distance;
					nearestObjectID = i;
			return nearestObjectID;
		void checkObjectCollision(jjOBJ@ obj) {
			for (int i = 0; i < jjObjectCount;i++) {
				jjOBJ@ obj2 = jjObjects[i];
				if (!obj2.isActive || obj2 is obj)
				if (!obj.doesCollide(obj2,true))
				if (obj2.eventID == OBJECT::CATERPILLAR && AttackCaterpillars) {
					obj2.state = STATE::KILL;
					if (obj.creatorType == CREATOR::PLAYER)
						jjPlayers[obj.creatorID].setScore(jjPlayers[obj.creatorID].score + obj2.points);
				if (obj.var[6] == 16 && (obj2.behavior == BEHAVIOR::MONITOR || (obj2.eventID >= OBJECT::BOMBCRATE && obj2.eventID <= OBJECT::TOASTERAMMO15) || obj2.eventID == OBJECT::GUNCRATE || obj2.eventID == OBJECT::GEMCRATE || obj2.eventID == OBJECT::CARROTCRATE || (obj2.isTarget && !checkForBees(obj2)) || obj2.eventID == OBJECT::DESTRUCTSCENERY || (((obj2.bulletHandling == HANDLING::HURTBYBULLET && > 0) || obj2.bulletHandling == HANDLING::DETECTBULLET) && !checkForBees(obj2) && !obj.causesRicochet))) {
					obj.state = STATE::EXPLODE;
		bool checkForBees(jjOBJ@ target) {
			if (!PierceFlies) return false;
			if (target.eventID == OBJECT::BEES || target.eventID == OBJECT::BEEBOY || target.eventID == OBJECT::BUMBEE || target.eventID == OBJECT::DRAGONFLY || target.eventID == OBJECT::BUTTERFLY) return true;
			return false;
		bool checkForSPParameters() {
			if (PierceFlies || AttackCaterpillars) return true;
			return false;
		bool checkForUnsolidEvents(int xPos,int yPos) {
			if (jjEventGet(xPos, yPos) == AREA::ONEWAY) return true;
			if (jjEventGet(xPos, yPos) == AREA::VINE) return true;
			return false;
		bool ApplyCustomParameters(uint, se::WeaponHook@, jjSTREAM@ parameter) {
			if (parameter !is null && parameter.getSize() >= 3) {
			return true;