Downloads containing s3icap1.s3m

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: The Lost Jazz Adventure 2 Master Cheater Single player 2.5 Download file

File preview

|###| Sample Name                  |
|001| Reverse Ping                 |
|002| REALBASS.SMP(Loop)           |
|003| Synth Lead 6                 |
|004| Vibe                         |
|005| GRAVE.BAS                    |
|006| ST-06:rtbassdrum             |
|007| Hihatcl                      |
|008| short squirt                 |
|009| Unreal Flute                 |
|010| Synth Lead 11                |
|011| -------------------------    |
|012| Sonic the Hedgehog 3:        |
|013|  Icecap Zone                 |
|014|                              |
|015| Originally by:               |
|016|  Brad Buxer                  |
|017|  Bobby Brooks                |
|018|  Darryl Ross                 |
|019|  Doug Grigsby III            |
|020|  Scirocco                    |
|021|  Howard Drossin              |
|022|                              |
|023| This Module by:              |
|024|  Joseph Tek Fox              |
|025|  Joseph_Fox@Juno.Com         |
|026| -------------------------    |
|027| The Fox Speaks:              |
|028|  December 25th...the         |
|029|  coldest day in Arizona      |
|030|  due to wind chills...       |
|031|  Perfect for fixing up       |
|032|  old Sonic S3Ms...           |
|033|  ESPECIALLY "cold" ones.     |
|034|  This is much better than    |
|035|  v1.0, I think.              |
|036|                              |
|037|  January 19th...not a        |
|038|  particulary cold day or     |
|039|  anything, but I touched     |
|040|  up this file again          |
|041|  anyway.                     |
|042|                              |
|043|  This song is still          |
|044|  dedicated to FireHawke      |
|045|  and Master Raichu, but      |
|046|  I add to this list          |
|047|  Tails Prower and the        |
|048|  rest of #ChaosChamber.      |
|049| -------------------------    |
|050| 1.0: December 25, 2000       |
|051| 1.1: January 19, 2001        |