Downloads containing S_levelpack.txt

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: S_LevelpackFeatured Download Sacrush Single player 8.3 Download file

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Thank you for downloading S_Levelpack.

About the pack :

- This levelpack is only for singleplayer.

- This levelpack has no story, just for fun.

- You can play it with jazz or spazz.

- 5 levels full of action enemies and bosses.

- 1 credits level.

- all levels with the standard Jazz2 tilesets.

- Many kinds of ammo.

- Collect gems eat food find secrets.
What is in the zip :

- S_Levelpack 1 to 5.

- S_Levelcredit.

- Spring.s3m.

- Funck-2.mod.

- And this readme.

This is the end of my readme and don`t forget to review this levelpack on