Downloads containing paintedparadise.htm

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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: PAINTED PARADISE HEHEFeatured Download Stijn Tileset 8.3 Download file

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<title>PLZREADME - Painted Paradise</title>
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A Total Freaks production</b>
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<a href="#about"><p align="center">Back to school</a></td>
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<a href="#screens"><p align="center">Test 1 2 3</a></td>
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<a href="#run"><p align="center">EXAMPLE LVL!</a><t/d>
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<a href="#lamejokes"><p align="center">Author's Domain!</a></td>
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<!-------- Actual content ----------->
<a name="#about"><h1>History lesson!</h1></a>
Started far back in 1999, this tileset is a lousy piece of lazyness. The best features of the original version were MOVING PLATFORMS (Gasp) and it had ultimate sux. However, in the past 4 years it has been changed and deleted and reorganized and stuff and it's quite decent for a n00bset now. It was done almost entirely in paint, except for some gradients (like the yellow-brown one) which were done in PSP7. It doesn't have stuff like a special palette, but it has MASK MESSAGES. And nothing was ripped, yay.<br><br><br>

<a name="#screens"><h1>Betatesters?</h1></a>
Yesyesyes. Electric Ir (also known as MORON), Gargoyle, Cell (who originally made an example level), and NOT WR. White Rabbit kept bugging me to send it to him, but I didn't crack, hehehehehehehehehahaha.

<a name="#run"><h1>Example Level</h1></a>
The example level is pretty bad, actually. It doesn't show all things you can do with the set and if you really want to see alll "features" (haha) you will have to look at the tileset itself, what a pity. The example level has also been changed, deleted, bashed, reorganized, restarted and a lot more in 4 years, but it has no tile bugs now afaik. Anyway, you are the reviewer, you have to find out. Harharharhar.

<a name="#lamejokes"><h1>Lame jokes & shout-outs.</h1></a>
Please skip this :P<br><br>

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