Downloads containing isotoxin (original).s3m

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Alternate Exit DaPete10 Capture the flag 3 Download file

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|###| Sample Name                  |
|001|                              |
|002|      ( . isotoxin . )        |
|003|                              |
|004|     for the musicdisk        |
|005|                              |
|006|      [ progression ]         |
|007|                              |
|008|  sequenced by necros / fm    |
|009|                              |
|010|      on 17 july 1995         |
|011|                              |
|012|                              |
|013|                              |
|014|   silicon                    |
|015|   approaches                 |
|016|   certain                    |
|017|   fundamental                |
|018|   limits                     |
|019|                              |
|020|   organic                    |
|021|   bliss                      |
|022|   is                         |
|023|   the                        |
|024|   soul                       |
|025|   catcher                    |
|026|                              |
|027|                              |
|028|                              |
|029|                              |
|030|  music is (C) 1995 necros    |
|031|                              |
|032|                              |
|033|                              |
|034|                              |
|035|                              |
|036|                              |
|037|                              |