Downloads containing Y-mas.txt

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Y-mas Black Ninja Battle 7.3 Download file

File preview

Black Ninja's
               __  __
               \ \/ /     ____ ___  ____ ______
                \  /_____/ __ `__ \/ __ `/ ___/
                / /_____/ / / / / / /_/ (__  )
               /_/     /_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/____/ 

1.) Welcome

2.) Y-mas?

3.) What's included

4.) Notes

5.) Credits

6.) Shameless Commercial

1.) Welcome
Welcome to Black Ninja's 2004 Christmas project,
Y-mas! It is a somewhat small battle level designed for
games with about 9 players. It uses the Newspaz 
Christmasy tileset, along with Epics whare.j2b as music.

2.) Y-mas?
You're probably wondering where the name 'Y-mas'
comes from. Well, as you probably know, the popular 
abbreviation for the word 'Christmas' is 'X-mas'. In
graphing, an X stands for the horizontal axis, and a
Y stands for the vertical axis. Since this level is 
primarily vertical, my good friend Violet suggested that
I use 'Y-mas' as a title. Go thank him by giving him 
lots of money.

3.) What's included

Ymas.j2l - This is the level file for Y-mas.

whare.j2b - This is the music file for the level.

Newspaz Christmasy.j2t - This is a badly masked tileset.

Y-mas.txt - The file you are currently reading.

4.) Notes
This level is intended to be played with
lighting mode set to on. As such, if you are playing on
hardware mode instead, the level will not look as nice,
and you will not see the nice transparent effects. So
play with lighting on. Also of note is that this level
was tested on a computer where running in lighting mode
at 640x480x16 gets a solid 70 fps. If your Commodore 64
or whatever has trouble running this level, it's not my
problem, so don't bother me.

5.) Credits

Black Ninja - The level
Violet CLM - The brilliant name
Epic Games - The music
Newspaz - The tileset
Labratkid, Spotty, URJazz - Beta testing

6.) Shameless Commercial