Downloads containing Wind Meister Trilogy.txt

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Wind Meister TrilogyFeatured Download Black Ninja Custom / Concept 8.2 Download file

File preview

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Welcome to the Wind Meister trilogy pack!
I bet right now you're wondering why you downloaded it.
Well, let me tell you why! This pack includes the first
three Wind Meister levels. However, they are not going
to be like you remember them. They have all been changed
to remove bugs, add new tests, and also to improve their
eye candy. This pack is to get people ready for the
upcoming release of Wind Meister 4, which is two .j2l
files long and includes fancy ingame cinematics.

For people who have never played Wind Meister levels,
here is a quick description. The first two levels are
simply normal test levels with a few cheap extras thrown
in. They were originally created to parody Violet CLM's
"Windy Tests". Wind Meister 3 introduces somewhat of a
plot to the action. That plot is continued in Wind
Meister 4 and 5, which will be released soon.

If you find any bugs in this pack, email me at

For more great content (although unrelated), visit