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Music: _F@n`1n7 DoubleGJ Music 7.3 Download file

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|###| Instrument Name            |###| Sample Name                |
|001| View sample info           |001| JSZ JaZz! of               |
|002| for credits...             |002| Totally Insane Music Maker |
|003|                            |003| and X1                     |
|004| Here's a small message:    |004| presents                   |
|005| I tracked this             |005| an epic view on Fanolint   |
|006| not only as inspiration,   |006| with a hard kick, too...   |
|007| but also to shut mouths    |007| -------------------------- |
|008| of everyone who says       |008| _F@n`1n7                   |
|009| my remixes don't do much   |009| -------------------------- |
|010| changes in the tune.       |010| Name inspired by           |
|011| Well, how's NOW?           |011| Linkin Park's              |
|012|                            |012| Reanimation                |
|013| I wanted Danyjel to        |013| -especially Krwlng         |
|014| help with this as he's in  |014|                            |
|015| TIMM now...                |015| Original Fanolint          |
|016| But he said it's completel |016| composed by                |
|017| off-tune and made one      |017| Robert A. Allen            |
|018| himself. And he also       |018| for the game               |
|019| published his one first.   |019| Jazz Jackrabbit            |
|020| I spend much more time     |020| -------------------------- |
|021| on mine...                 |021| (c) TIMM 2005              |
|022|                            |022| (c) Robert A. Allen 1994   |
|023| Was it worth the deal?     |023|                            |
|024| Decide yourself.           |024| Thanks for listening       |
|025|                    "0ANSQL +---+----------------------------+