Downloads containing nlm02.mod

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: NLM April 2005 Nameless Level Makers Capture the flag 6.5 Download file

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|##| Sample Name            |
|01| caverns                |
|02| by melf/westower       |
|03| (until i change my     |
|04| name)  8)              |
|05| here's another one     |
|06| i threw together       |
|07| a while ago...         |
|08| any comments are       |
|09| appreciated... if you  |
|10| have e-mail, send to   |
|11| mclellan               |
|12|   |
|13| or write me at         |
|14| matt mclellan          |
|15| 2123 grant rd.         |
|16| regina, sk             |
|17| canada                 |
|18| s4s 5c9                |
|19|                        |
|20| see you in the next    |
|21| mod...  8)             |
|22|                        |
|23|                        |
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