RabbitJournal posts for May 2010

Permalink JJ2 Cameo in DarkerSuperSonic's video May 23rd 2010

I didn’t think if it was a good idea to share this with everyone else, but seeing as this video had a reference to JJ2 at 2:10 and 6:33, I don’t have any other choice.

Votes: 0

Permalink My new program May 20th 2010

I am coming out with my newest program

You can have up to 255 diamond/gems

All u hav to do is type in /255g on

and it will give you 255 gems automatically

cool huh?:)

Oh,here is a screenshot


Votes: 1

Permalink Level Contest May 18th 2010

Hi,I think I am gonna make a contest on what is the BEST program for jj2+

The one with the best program for jj2+ wins and…..

I am still thinking of the BIG reward.

Votes: 2

Permalink Important Thing for Levels Making May 6th 2010

How make levels better.
First you must answer on those questions:
1.What currently you want make.
2.What about this level will be…(sorry, my english sux)
3.This is sinlge player, CTf or Battle…If SP it must have story…
4.This level from Pack or its single level?
5.Your experience are good in JCF or no…If no, train on level making your experience…
Ok, now you must feel and think on 110%, because making of level, not easy thing…
First you must feel, FEEL and FEEL, what you want make…Then you must use your brain and answer on some questions:
1.This level will be cool for more people, or it’ll be sucky like first level of newbie…
2.Have this level good tileset?
3.I have some bad tiles which can make level view poor?
4.I showed this level to some my friends for betatesting, or im right what this level is Good…

Every JCS user must know, what he want…
But plz, newbies and bad level makers, Train on your JCS experience, dont make levels for JJ2 in first day, because good levels never will be in first day of JCSer…If you wanna make good levels, view (very good)other levels, look and find some things which like more people…Do levels, do levels, dont upload levels to j2o in first month…And remember: one of importana things: Its betatesting of you and other people…
Plz sorry for my poor english

Thank you for reading my post… -Crazy Rabbit aka DiegoSan

Votes: 5