RabbitJournal posts for June 2013

Permalink Zazz June 12th 2013

Source: Sonic Retro

The Sonic series has a new character named Zazz, but it looks like the opportunity to riff off of Zoonik has been lost.

Votes: 1

Permalink Adventures of Waldog June 7th 2013

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGjGRb8Z-Jk

In 2006 A handheld was released called the VG POCKET CABLET which included 50 games!

What has this to do with Jazzjackrabbit? Nothing with the exception that one of the games called ‘‘Adventures of Walldog’‘ has graphics ripped from Carrotus.

Just something cool I found on youtube. Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=DGjGRb8Z-Jk#t=264s

Votes: 1 (admin approved!)