RabbitJournal posts for December 2014

Permalink New Jazz game by fans . December 29th 2014

Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/220553391295369/1034730049877695/?notif_t=like

brothers I have an idea!
What do you say to all new games jazz ?

Votes: 1

Permalink JJ3DX Walkthrough December 23rd 2014

Source: JJ2 Hungary

As a first sentence, let me wish every Jazzer a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with Jazz Jackrabbit!
Maybe you saw a game called JJ3DX, created by Louis K in the downloads. JJ2 Hungary started a walkthrough about it (don’t worry about the language, it hasn’t got commentary).
So I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas again and enjoy the holiday season! :)

Votes: 0