RabbitJournal posts for August 2019

Permalink Jazz Jackrabbit 2 be featured at Marathons! August 30th 2019

Source: JCF thread

Ever wanted to get your fix of watching Jazz Jackrabbit 2 gameplay, but done fast with all the tech and trivia explained live? Well you have not one, but two chances…and most likely even more in the future!

For a marathon coming up very soon, there’s the main campaign to be ran at Speed Stuff 4 Charity 6, happening from the 30th of August to the 2nd of September. And there’s a bid-war whether I get to play Jazz or Lori! Check out when I run here, localised to your own timezone.

Further down the line for October, there’s Speedrun Ragnarok . I’ll be running Lori episodes 1-4, and a brand-new Spaz Tool-assisted-speedrun as a donation incentive. Currently the schedule is only in the average american timezone, but localised times will be added near the beginning of the marathon.

As always – time schedules may shift so be sure to keep an eye on them.

If you want to know all the marathons Jazz gets featured in the future, keep check of this thread – more than just the main campaign!

- TreyLina No Comments - Post Comment

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