Wow! This is a great race pack.
If you don’t count the puzzle of the wierd, because you can get stuck there.
AND in that place with the blinking foreground tiles, you sometimes fall out and I once accidentally somehow got OVER the whole thing and missed two laps.
MEZ rules, good tileset choise!
This tileset is good enough to fi into the same rating levels as for Disguise and Agama. Was it REALLY your first tileset…wow!
These levels are really funny, with a good story and everything. Good idea with the carrot signs… the 7:th level, where you had to stop the baddies had a good idea but was booooring! Anyway, download recommendation for all those rabbits who like SP levels (and for all those who don’t like them too).
What? This superb tileset has got a average rating of only 9.1? Deserves better!
PS: May I use some of your tilesets in a project I’m working on?
Good! I loved the original Marbelara and this conversion is really good, one of the best conversions around!
PS: Could I use some of your tilesets for a project I am working on?
PPS: Please make conversions of Fanolint, Orbitus and Megairbase. I would be happy.
You know, this tileset is great!
I think you are a as good converter as CelL and Violet CLM
PS: I think you use the rocket turtle together with the area ID. I’m not sure cause I’m a newbie.
What?? I’m first to rate this? Well, let’s get going.
Layer 4 graphics: 6
Backround: 6.7
Useability: 8
Tile placing:7.3
I felt a little unsure about downloading this ‘cause it wasn’t rated, but i don’t regret downloading. Just put a longer example level next time, OK?
BTW, I am a finn too, and I don’t think you always know who is a finn. But I think Blade is.
[This review has been edited by Mike]
Really good looking and everything, but you lose 0.5 point for not masking those golden crystals. Don’t care about it though. A must-get for all who like JJ1-conversions!
Well, this wasn’t a that bad tileset but i got stuck everywhere so I remove 1 point for bad masking. Even in your example level i got stuck IN THE DOLPHIN!!!
Well done. I really liked this easy-used tileset. Plenty of eyecandy
Good Disguise! Looks realistic and makes good levels. Make more tilesets like this. You who read this—-
Well, I guess it’s hard to make a tileset of the BOOORING Ceramicus, but were there really this few tiles in the JJ1 levels?
Tileset was great! I really liked it!
But some odd was with the example level; I couldn’t get the keys or pull the switch in the beginning. But this is a tileset so I do not rate the example level (would’ve dropped the rating to 8).
(Thank you very much for not rating the level. Unthank you for not reviewing the tileset. Rating removal. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Good. But a bit too easy- I’m a newbie, but i survived WITHOUT DYING. That’s what kept it from a 10.
YES! At least a good, hard episode for us newbies to train on. I especially liked the cave level and that spike trap. How did you make that goose run? I think you used a belt left. VERY GOOD!
I think this level is good but it’s a bit too short and it should have more levels following up. WE WANT MORE BEES!
Ps. This is my first review. Hope you like it!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.