Review by Ace UOI

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Inferno Infiltration v4.0
Level rating: 5.1

A baddie excessive attempt at a difficult level.

This level is overflowed with baddies to the point where JJ2 will not function properly. It gave me a fatal error every so often, like when I went to change to low detail. This was frustrating. It wasn’t only overflowed for the game to operate incorrectly, but also so that it wasn`t very much fun. I could tell by using so many baddies it was supposed to be hard, but it was actually quite easy. I would have much preferred some more physical terrain, which made it hard instead of 20 baddies over a space of 8 tiles. Maybe some trigger sceneries would help. The eye candy was also a disappointment. Three of the four background layers didn`t tile and were rather awkward looking during game-play. On layer 2 were the poles w/ skulls, which were too repetitive. A little more space between them could have made it nice. Some of the walking enemies were placed on slopes, or ditches, gullies etc.. where they couldn`t walk. Most of the level was carved out and consisted of little paths between the rocks. This gave it a noobish feel to the layout. There were quite a few open areas, but none of these were taken advantage of with springs and such. One specific point in the level bugged me. There is a spot where there are collapsing sceneries, as often seen in Inferno. But what bothered me, was if you don`t make it across, you fall into a pit of fire with hurt events so you would have to wait until you were killed. It would have been nice if it had dropped to a previous point in the level, and the baddies that you had to redo could be on a generator so that they would have to be killed again. The level also seemed long and redundant. I would have preferred JJTublear to spend the time on maybe another one or two levels to make a pack, instead of a long, drawn out level. All in all, Inferno Infiltration gets a 4.5 for its lack of fun, reliability, creativity, and layout. Not a level to download. [This review has been edited by Genotoxin aka iCeD]