Downloads containing colour.s3m

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ2+ Only: Murder of Chickens Dragusela Battle 6.5 Download file
JJ2+ Only: Codename: AllianceFeatured Download Xtreme Level Makers Multiple 8.4 Download file

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|###| Sample Name                  |
|001| ---- LlamaTekk ----          |
|002|                              |
|003|     Narf Brother             |
|004|                              |
|005|        1996                  |
|006|                              |
|007|                              |
|008| Hope you like this song,     |
|009| it took me about 2 weeks.    |
|010|                              |
|011| Ya, I've ripped lots of      |
|012| these samples so thanx       |
|013| to Skaven, Purple Motion     |
|014| and Necros for making        |
|015| them.                        |
|016|                              |
|017| Phone my BBS if you wanna    |
|018| get in touch                 |
|019| (519)657-5473 (LlamaLand)    |
|020|                              |
|021| Or you can mail me at        |
|022|        |