Downloads containing furpatchgen.cpp

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JJ2 Fur&Name Registry... Molten Rabbit Utility N/A Download file

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// JJ2 Fur Patch Generator coded by Neurotic[iT]
// Include some libraries to gain access to certain functions.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

//Declare the obligatory main function.
int main()
// Create the variables
string gamever;
string playername;
string colour1;
string colour2;
string colour3;
string colour4;
string playerchar;
string playercharhex;
string patchdata;
string patchdata2;
string patchdata3;

//Introduce the program.
cout << "Welcome to the JJ2 Fur and Name Patch Generator.";

// Request the Version, Name, and Character and store in the appropriate variables.
cout << "\nVersion:";
cin >> gamever;

cout << "Name:";
cin >> playername;

cout << "Character:";
cin >> playerchar;

//Detect the selected character and load the appropriate hex value to the playercharhex variable. Also prompt for fur colours and store in variables.
if ( playerchar == "spaz" )
playercharhex = "59,00,00,00";

cout << "Main colour:";
cin >> colour1;

cout << "Belly colour:";
cin >> colour2;

cout << "Gun colour:";
cin >> colour3;

cout << "Shoe and armband colour:";
cin >> colour4;
else if ( playerchar == "jazz" )
playercharhex = "55,00,00,00";

cout << "Main colour:";
cin >> colour1;

cout << "Gun colour:";
cin >> colour3;

cout << "Headband colour:";
cin >> colour2;

cout << "Armband colour:";
cin >> colour4;

//Start preparing to write the patch.
patchdata = "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00";
//Write the appropriate second line for the selected version.
if ( gamever == "jj2" )
patchdata.append("\n[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Epic MegaGames\\Jazz Jackrabbit 2\\1.23\\Player0]");
else if( gamever == "tsf" )
patchdata.append("\n[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Epic MegaGames\\Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Secret Files\\1.24\\Player0]");
//Prepare the rest of the patch file.

patchdata2 = "\n\"Color\"=hex:";

patchdata3 = "\n\"Char\"=hex:";

//Set the output file, and output the collected data in the correct format.
ofstream furPatch("furpatch.reg");
furPatch << patchdata << playername << "\"" << patchdata2 << colour1 << "," << colour2 << "," << colour3 << "," << colour4 << patchdata3 << playercharhex << "\n\n";
//Close the output file.

//Indicate a successful run of the program.
return 0;