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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Bloxonian Citadel (Non-TSF) Alister Single player 7.4 Download file

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         Bloxonian Citadel / Bloxonian Halloween Pack

It was Christmas, and the Jackrabbits had planned a trip to Bloxonius.
In the lounge of the spaceport Spaz was trying to obtain some bird
bait, while Jazz was trying to persuade Eva that seven suitcases
were more than enough for a three day trip. Suddenly the loudspeakers
fuzzed into life.
  "We aplogise for passengers traveling to Bloxonius, but
communication with the planet has been lost. Please stand by for
further updates."
  Jazz leapt to his feet and made his way to the control tower. Upon
hearing that the last signal form the planet contained a picture of
"A sort of devil-like thing throwing a tantrum" He ordered a private
shuttle and he and his siblings got on board.
  "What about me?" asked Eva.
  "Umm... you stay back here and contact us if anyone tries to take
over the planet," said Lori. Eva sat down amongst her extensive
luggage and began a super sulk.

  When they arrived on bloxonius they knew something was wrong. Maybe
it was all the turtles and lizards, maybe it just was the large
pumpkin-shaped building in the distance. An eerie feeling crept around
them. Spaz became very upset. This planet was the main exporter
of plush Spaz toys. He rushed off towards the turtles, gun blazing.

 Size info:

 Decompressed size: 195 kb

 2 levels:
 level 1: Bloxonius Bunny : 200x64 - 7.48 kb
 level 2: Bloxonian Halloween: 200x64 - 5.92 kb

 2 tile sets:
 Jazz 1: Blocks - Extended (200 tiles) - 24.5 kb
 Jazz 1: Blocks - Halloween (220 tiles) - 27.1 kb

 2 Music files
 Jazz 1: Bloxonius music - 172 kb
 Jazz 1: Candion Music - 130 kb

 And this Read Me.

Created by Toxic Bunny

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