Articles and level reviews

3 Jan 2002 at 21:46

For a long time I have been noticing that people sometimes post poorly made articles and level reviews. When this happens, the level author is usually dissapointed with the review, or in the case of an article, it is simply deleted from the database. I (and other admins) are tired of seeing this happen, so I am going to state a few guidelines that I think all of you should follow. If you already follow these, good job.

First off, any article that is extremely short (usually less than two paragraphs long) and/or pointless will be removed. If you write an especially long or usefull article, a news post will probably be made so more people can read it.

Secondly, it would be good if you could post well written and thoughtful level reviews instead of some one-sentence review that a 6 year-old can write like “This level is good” or “I like this level because it is good” or “Cool level. Cool stuff is cool because it is good”. Try to make a review that actually describes what is good and bad about a level.

Hopefully these guidelines are reasonable. If you chose not to follow them, I can’t really do much about it. It would make the site a better place to visit if everybody was to follow them though.

- EvilMike


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