Quakenet Breaks Yet Another Record

1 Sep 2003 at 11:10

The IRC server which #jj2 is hosted on has broken the user record with a whopping 200,000 simultaneous users.
From the QuakeNet page:
“QuakeNet reaches 200,000 Concurrent Users
31/08/2003 – QuakeNet, tonight consolidated it’s position as the world’s largest chat network, with more than 200,000 people connected concurrently. The actual user peak eventually reached 201,401 users, 1401 users more than the 200,000 user mark.
QuakeNet, which has more than 400,000 registered users, is home to the largest and most dynamic communities in the world, and currently has approximately 50 chat servers installed at major ISP’s across Europe and the US. “

This means that little #jj2 is in the middle of the world’s largest IRC network.
You can read more about the record-breaking here.

- ShadowGPW


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