Featured Download!

2 Nov 2006 at 20:55

Featured Download for October

Today one of the admins asked me if I could post a Featured Download each month. I accepted, so I got the job. And because I don’t like to post things late, I’m going to post something immediately.

Let’s start off by saying that this month was a month with quite some tilesets/tileset conversions. And the Featured Download of this month is a pack with tileset conversions, uploaded in two parts.

The Featured Download of this month is the JJ2 conversion pack(part 1 and part 2) by NOKA. I heard he was making new versions of these, but at the moment we have to do it with these. Other nice uploads this month are Zodiac by Chiyu and The Highlands by Olsen, but these conversions were better in my opinion.

This conversion pack contains 6 different versions of Tube Electric and Labrat, and 5 versions of Letni. The Tube Electric conversions have 950 tiles and more eye candy than the original version. Flashing lights, new bricks, a normal sky as background and new eye candy in different colours(like the yellow ground tiles in the original version of Tube Electric) Personally I like the first version of this conversion the most.

The Letni conversions have tiles the Tube Electric version also has. But it’s the best Letni conversion so far. I have seen one level with this tileset other than the example level, and that level used the tileset really well. But to not go off-topic, I’ll just say that I like the conversions of Letni.

The Labrat conversions don’t have lots of new tiles, they have less tiles than Labrat 1 but more than Labrat 1 Night and Labrat 3. 3 other conversions have been included, and I probably like 4 the most. 6 has weird colours in my opinion.

Overall, these conversions are really nice. I immediately used one of the Tube Electric conversions. If there will be new conversions, I’ll probably edit this review. I think that we might expect new conversions by NOKA sometime.

This was my first Featured Download. Until next month!

- DarkSonic


cooba on 2 Nov 2006 at 20:59


Sacrush on 2 Nov 2006 at 21:42

Good luck with your position DS. And a well deserved featured download of the month.

n00b on 2 Nov 2006 at 21:54

Despite the fact I agree with you, someone here has to be the devil’s advocate:

Why did you have to be so stereotypical in your choosing? Why not go for the underdog?

Tik on 2 Nov 2006 at 22:48

I want to throw some attention towards another october download: Hungry of Truth by Gus is quite an entertaining sp level pack. I’d like to see some more reviews of it too.


NOKA on 3 Nov 2006 at 11:40

“The Labrat conversions don’t have lots of new tiles, they have less tiles than Labrat 1 but more than Labrat 1 Night and Labrat 3.”

lol.. If you are counting about 140 empty and unused tiles in that tileset (labrat1, original one).

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