Update on Blade's bloggings

17 Nov 2007 at 20:38
Strange Tales of Blade

The new posts on Blade’s blog bring a few interesting things. While the blog has been around since April, its primary destiny of being a tileset development blog starts just now.

To date there are 23 diary entries. These 23 entries accompany 19 pictures or screenshots from the development process, so you will have lots to see. Today I translate you entries 1 to 2, and some days after 3 and 4. The fifth entry comes with the first Dungeon gameplay screenshot there is. From that point all of the entries will be added to this blog separately.

It’s also worth noting that the tileset is no longer known as Castle of Cadavers. Its new (code)name, Dungeon, describes the tileset a bit better, as supposed.

Meanwhile, EvilMike’s blog is still longing for an update…!

- cooba


EvilMike on 24 Nov 2007 at 11:55

once exams are over I’ll update it again!

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