28 Oct 2008 at 21:49

Favourite Town House Venue?:
Allen’s Groceries 9 votes (10%)
Brussee’s Bistro 7 votes (8%)
Clifford Terrace 5 votes (6%)
Dodrill Optical 5 votes (6%)
MacLellan’s Pub & Grill 7 votes (8%)
Michiel’s Arcade 8 votes (9%)
Nick’s Cafe 26 votes (30%)
The Manhole 19 votes (22%)
Total votes: 86

In the light of the Domination Level Contest ending successfully, and the Domination gametype itself becoming more than just a seasonal trend, a question appears: What should be the next JJ2+ gamemode?

- cooba


PT32 on 28 Oct 2008 at 21:49

Ground force. Definitely.

CrimiClown on 29 Oct 2008 at 13:31

Hotel. With options to turn on and off whether or not you lose coins on death.

No need for unreliable players to count your bank money. :)

Slaz on 29 Oct 2008 at 19:04

Ground Force is kind of cool at times of boredom, but it works good enough in Treasure Hunt mode to go with that, in my opinion.. Thus I voted for Onslaught instead, my favorite gamemode in UT2004/UT3.

Newspaz on 30 Oct 2008 at 15:17

It should be the bullying mode. Everyone gets a 100 gems and the first one to lose them gets banned for the time being.

plunK on 30 Oct 2008 at 21:39

i am good with the onlsaught prop as well. It would be quite interesting

FawFul on 31 Oct 2008 at 14:52

very nice to put UT things on j2o.. can someone explain me what onslaught is? nor what it going to be like.. (what to do)?

Zylo on 31 Oct 2008 at 22:01

Hotels are my favorite type of level.

plunK on 31 Oct 2008 at 22:57

Onslaught is similar to domination, but the domination points are linked in a network, each team starts with one and the rest begin nuetral. From there you can only capture cp’s that are connected to yours. to take over another teams you must destory(it has around 10 to 25 hearts) theirs then capture it. When you have a network connected to their starter cp, then you destroy that. 2 points if within the time limit, 1 in overtime(overtime slowly drains each base)

PurpleJazz on 1 Nov 2008 at 09:40

Would have voted Assassination, but since it is not an option on this list I voted for Onslaught instead.

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