Haze's Hideout 6th Anniversary

25 May 2005 at 21:52
Haze's Hideout

Haze’s Hideout is six years old, and it’s received yet another redesign. Go check it out!

- Violet CLM


DanYjel on 25 May 2005 at 22:52

/* run logic /*
before it died, it had been alive. or something. and that was well.

Blackraptor on 26 May 2005 at 02:09

“Yet another redesign”

^ You mean in addition to the one posted a few newsposts ago, or implying the same thing?

Violet CLM on 26 May 2005 at 20:06

Dunno, Blacky. Maybe comparing the site to the screenshot of the upcoming revision would help.

FQuist on 26 May 2005 at 20:55

I think this is the longest-running fansite that is still actively maintained.. isn’t it? Can’t be said enough that Haze rocks.

ÄÉæÛÕ on 27 May 2005 at 01:49

I liked the looping background from before it was redesigned. I guess solid gray might be just as good though. It is a good redesign though.

Puffie40 on 3 Jun 2005 at 05:42

Haze’s hideout helped connect me to the Jazz 2 community! I don’t know how, but it did! :P

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