Geek a Week interviews CliffyB

9 Feb 2012 at 22:59
Epic Community

A guy named Len Peralta just interviewed CliffyB, and you can find the recording here if you’d like a few details about the man behind the legend. Most of it is stuff like Cliffy being a fan of musicals (his current favorite is Wicked) and his secret interest in film directing, but he does mention naming Jazz after a Transformers character. Catchier than being named Wubbo Ockels after Arjan’s dog, I suppose. Anyway, it’s not much, but it’s more lip-service than Cliffy gives in the interview to pretty much any other game he’s made.

P.S. Just to confirm I’m basically getting my news by watching our JJ Twitter sidepanel: Minecraft’s Notch has the following to say about the idea of someone funding CliffyB to make a new Jazz Jackrabbit:
hahahahaha :D :D :D

- Violet CLM


CrimiClown on 16 Feb 2012 at 10:35

Notch = hero

Love & Thunder on 22 Feb 2012 at 22:59

If Notch funded a new Jazz Jackrabbit, the sky would fall, Pigs would fly, and Duke Nu—… Umm… Full stop.

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