Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Diamondus Drive (with a tiny bit of Pezrock)
Level rating: 8.2

I will as soon as a “Music” selection will be available in the “Type” position of re-uploading.

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: JJ1 Boss MIDI
Level rating: 7.6

It’s quite okay, but I’d prefer the guitar to be a bit higher and use gunshot instead of orchestra hit. I’ll try to give a rating and bigger review later.

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Jazz Jackrabbit 1 menusong REMIX
Level rating: 8.1

OK, so what we have here can be called a remix. Yes, not just stupid sample changing, or adding two patterns, this is an actual remix. Although I don’t know what kind of a remix this is… We have more channels, more samples, old ones are replaced (all of them). It’s really a piece of hard work. The problem is… it sounds “empty”. Maybe the percussion samples are too short, or the new trumpet has a too drastic ending, but it sounds like a channel or two are missing. Besides that, everything else is very good… Maybe all that goodness isn’t combined well? Anyway, as for your first work, I will rate this 7.5. Just keep on practicing, and I hope your next work will be astonishing!

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Rabbit Wars
Level rating: 6.5

Unfortunately I can’t rate the game, because it crashes way too often. Despite that, I like it.

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Technoir (NOT jj1)
Level rating: 8.3

TECHNOIR — bathed in a choking red atmosphere, this planet has NO plant life upon it. In fact, the turtles are the only organic creatures here. They have secured their areas with tanks, missiles, and floating mines. Be very careful, it’s a war zone out there!
-Jazz1 helpfile

“Argh!” That was what I first said when I noticed this download on the list. The reason is that I wanted to make a Technoir remake! >( Well, probably it looks very unfinished or so…
First off, I must say that your tileset drawing style is something beetween Disguise and Nick Stadler. Probably because part of the tileset is made completely with PSP effects, while the other part is drawn with standard MS Paint tools. I have nothing against Paint, as long as it is used to its limits… Something I can’t see in this tileset. I especially dislike the new bird totem (UgH!) and those dragon faces (I think they’re based upon turtle heads in Marbelara… but they just don’t fit in Technoir!). And where is the “EPIC” label on the containers?! Epic roxx! Epic rulz! Epic shall not be removed from tileset created originally by their staff! :P
The masking… Well, I got stuck once in the example level by simply going forward. That’s bad. Points down for that. There are some mask infos, almost all are just for levelmaking support, but there are a few interesting ones on the bottom of tileset.
The worst thing in NOKA’s remake is that IT ISN’T TECHNOIR. Where’s that war zone? Here we have just some sort of pink city with a few containers and pipes. What the heck is it? Certainly not Technoir. Even the sky is purple. The two palette mofifies do look good, but once again they just can’t be Technoir. While Nick was able to play a bit with his remakes (for example, the hi-fi background in new Tubelectric) without a harm, here we have an example of over-doing. Better luck next time, NOKA. It’s a good tileset, but it just doesn’t have enough in common with Technoir.

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Reactor Core
Level rating: 8.1

Hmmmm, so that’s why AcId hasn’t replied so long… now it’s time for my revenge! Mwahaha, I’m reviewing it!
First off, I’d like to say that I was lucky to play a game called “Metroid Fusion”. It was a science fiction survival horror made as a platformer game. It really scared the guts out of me. Why I’m mentionin it? Because AcId’s tileset looks much like the ones from MF. The dark background is indeed better than all other ones, since it fits a lot and makes a spooky feeling. The weird plants are also well done… I can’t swear, but this tileset might help with making a Jazz2 level that would be TRULY scary. It’s hard, ‘cause the game sounds and enemies are very cartoony, but I still believe it’s possible. Some day, I’ll try (and that day will be the beggining of Devil Dash Episode 5 ;)).
I should also mention, that the masking is excellent, as well as the pallette. But the best thing is this feeling, when I played the example levels… You all should download it and see!

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: JJ1: Megairbase
Level rating: 8.1

This levelpack is just standard. Although both levels use the same tileset, they’re very different. The first one is a very simple level, where you just jump, run, collect goodies and shoot enemies. It has a bit of the good ol’ Jazz1 feeling. The second level is something like the Twin MegaBattleships. You travel though different spaceships connected by suckertubes. This one is a bit more complicated, as you have to gain access to some areas with computers. The rest is much like in the first level, but harder. Like someone mentioned, the boss sometimes falls off the spaceship.
The eyecandy is good. In the first level, it’s just standard, good work, but the way second level looks is very interesting, but I swear I’ve seen it many times before (Satan made a spaceship level once in his levelpack, it was quite similar). The spaceships in background look good too, it’s even cool to see Devan passing by (even if he’s not covered by anything, so he should simply explode in outer space).
This levelpack isn’t something special, just good work. However, you can spend a few minutes with it without a bad feeling.

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: JJ1Turtemple
Level rating: 8.9

Oh, another NOKA’s conversion. It looks like I forgot to write a review for TUbelectric one, but now it’s too late, so just don’t mind and let me continue. Hey, what are you doing with this cursor… DON’T TOUCH THE BACK BUTTON BEFORE YOU FINISH READING! Hey, don’t get so nervous… OK, please, now, can I go on?
OK, so we have all the tiles here. I think so, because I haven’t played the 4th JJ1 episode too often (for some odd reason, I don’t especially like it… 3rd is the best, guess why :P), but I must say that everything I remember is here. The eyecandy is somewhat improved, because those skulls look much like JJ2. We have even more additional tiles, like palms, pole (which doesn’t work too much though) and more stuff I forgot about. There’s also everything for the events: hooks, vines, sucker tubes… but the tubes don’t look much like tubes at all. They could have been made from two parts. The one in layer 3 would be in a shape of “(“, and the one in layer 4 would be in a shape of “)”, so we could get good ribs.
Once again NOKA has used the “Now Approaching” screenie. It looks like he used my hint and inserted some green stars, which look quite good. Too bad they aren’t animated, but if they were, that would be a problem for the JJ2 (or not, since there aren’t many animations in Turtemple). Anyway, I think NOKA still tries to experiment with it and so we have new features in each of his conversions.
The colors look good. I think that nothing changed. It looks like NOKA used the Jazz2 palette, since the sprite colors change in the other versions of the tileset. New Turtemple looks the best of all the switched ones, and Turtemple Weird is… weird (wow, unexpectable, isn’t it?!). I don’t think that the edited versions will be popular. I still think that your best edit was the Ceramicus one.
Like always NOKA gives us a good conversion. But it looks like he spends less time with the following new ones. Diamondus, Ceramicus – when I saw them, I knew you really worked hard on them. This is a good conversion, but it could’ve been much better, if you only let some more time for yourself to think of something new you could use in it. I wish that your next conversion will stun me at the first glimpse. I believe it’s possible (don’t worry, you won’t have to pay for the recovery ;)).
OK, I’m done, you can leave… If you want to. Or wait. Did you download it? Download it! Now! Do not dare to leave without checking this out!

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: JJ1Ceramicus
Level rating: 8.6

Another great conversion by NOKA. Let’s review it, shall we?

Ceramicus was the most sucky planet in JJ1. I didn’t enjoy playing it’s levels, nor did I like the way it looks. But against all that, NOKA has decided to convert this tileset. Well, it was already converted once by CelL, but he did only the basic stuff and even that wasn’t too good (the colors were a bit strange). What he did would be a shame, BUT he managed to make it great thanks to all the additional tiles! He has made a sky (maybe this changes the look of planet, but you can also use the original background), a background eyecandy (very good, but one of the vase colors must have gone invisible so that it has a color of the grey ground) and has made the furthest background layer 4 compatible. He also made all the JJ2 event stuff – poles, hooks, blocks and many more. We can also see some nice bonuses, like the “Now approaching” (keep it up!) or the JJ1 in-game bar.

The masks once again are perfect – you can only get stuck if you really want to. All the added stuff is also greatly masked. I did not search for hidden mask texts, but they never change my ratings, so don’t mind.

This conversion is a R0X0R. If you convert a planet that really needs it, for example, Fanolint (you all expected me to say that, didn’t you? :D), and you do it the same way as you did with Ceramicus, you’ll get a 10 from me and I will start a new NOKA religion. So thumbsup for NOKA!

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: JJ1Diamondus(v1.1!)
Level rating: 9

This tileset is one of the best conversions I ever seen. And I see it’s also your first one.

No tiles are missing. Every single tile of original Diamondus has been included, which means also the weird bird god from Birdland (who comes back in JJ2 Labrat tileset… is there any entrance to the Labrat3.j2l in Labrat2.j2l? I think not, because I haven’t found it even in the JCS). Also, lots of new tiles have been added. Vines, hooks, sucker tubes, background and even a poster with Devan, which is quite cool, except for the font. Another nifty addition is the “Now approaching” screenie. Too bad you used some other font and didn’t make any stars…

The masks are just the way they should be. Maybe even better, because actually the “Rabbits stink” sign was masked in JJ1. The new stuff is also well masked.

There is also an evening and night verion. The evening is OK, but the night rather confuses me. I still can’t make up my mind, is it too light or not? Oh well, at least there are whole three versions of this tileset. This doesn’t occur often.

Now, overall: this is a very good conversion, near to perfect. And that’s how I rate it. You can beat Violet CLM really soon… and this can be sooner than I can think, since I just noticed another conversion of yours on J2O… gotta go downloading. And reviewing, of course. Because I love collecting JJ1 conversions!

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: JazzForce 1.1[c]
Level rating: N/A

I just knew that something like that will be uploaded. :)

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Winter Thunderland
Level rating: 7.6

Quite good. It is partly based on the JJ2 Tubelectric, but basically it’s the old one. Like Haze said, the bass is a bit dull. It makes some climax, but later, when all the channels are filled, it’s barely hearable. But a + for you is that you used the MP3 convert ending – something what we at TIMM discovered lately. After listening to this, I’d like to see a wintery Tubelectric tileset change… OK, let’s make the final verdict. I say it’s not much of a remix, more an instrument change, but what you have done, sounds good. When I say good, I don’t talk about repeatity – it’s a problem of Tubelectric, gotta say, but still, a little of imagination and you could make it less repeative. But since this is your second Jazzy track, and first remix of ‘em, I give you a hard 7. Now, I hope that you are not done, ‘cause we haven’t got any competition on J2O for us since I and AcId formed a team… By the way, maybe he’ll show up to review this, too.

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Medivo Remix (of the original Medivo)
Level rating: 7.2

Actually, it can be ANY Jazz remix. (PA)

(Personal attack removal edit. You receive a subwarning for this offense. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Oops, sorry! I promise I won’t do that again!

Dx dc: Yeah, I wonder why people say how do they like these remixes but don’t rate them… Maybe they are unsure in their decisions?[This review has been edited by JSZ Jazz]

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Fruity Landscapes
Level rating: 8.4

Yay! I have WWP (which is almost like WA) and I see the similarity. There’s many different fruits: strawberrys, oranges, lemons, limes, grapes and many other. You may say: “it must be similar to Carrotus”. And I say no! It looks quite different, especially that on Carrotus there are only vegetables. :) The masking is okay, I see no strange stuff. It’s very well thought, remember that everything in Worms except for background is solid. Finally Scion made a textured background (thanks to me :D) and it looks very smooth. Overall it’s maybe not as good as Agama’s tilesets, but it beats Blade by far! (I think so…)

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: JCS 94 v1.01
Level rating: N/A

Powerful! This thingie has got MUCH more stuff than Jazz2 JCS. However, this makes it way hard, so it will be even worse than learning Jazz2 JCS again from the very beginning. Anyway, I hope that there will be some mad skilled people who will start making Jazz1 levels… Don’t look at me, I’m busy enough. :D

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Jazz Crossword Puzzle (do NOT rate) (reuploaded)
Level rating: N/A

Yeah, very hard. And some questions are hard to understand, for example question 1.

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Carrogun
Level rating: 7.1

Yes, yes. There’s a lot of toaster, and the seeker power-up is too easy to get (easier than RF). Anyway it’s a quite big level and well thought.

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: JJ1: Industrius
Level rating: 8

I can’t find any tiles missing. The colors are allright, nothing looks bad. The author even included poles and vines, but I think this should be a standard, so let’s say – nothing special (but it would be much worse without them). The only big minus is the background. Say, why did he use the one from Noogy’s example in JCS? The simple non-textured sky from JJ1 would be enough, and I would be very satisfied with one textured and close to original (like in Violet’s tilesets). Even so, this is a quite good conversion, and every JJ1 tileset collector (like me :)) should have it.

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: JJ1 Scraparap
Level rating: 9.2

Oh just thank you Violet. First you made the best Candion tileset with totally new tile order, and changing tileset in one of DD levels was a nightmare. Now, this is your second tileset with new tile order – and heck, I have a Scraparap level in DD too. Just my luck. :)

Anyway, just another great conversion of you. Keep it up… if I’ll manage to stay alive. ;)

Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: JJ1 Dreempipes
Level rating: 8.8

Once again, a great conversion of yours, Violet. I see you are first to make Dreempipes conversion, so I increase my rating by 0.2. Good work and keep on converting!

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