Review by Radium

13 Oct 2005, 20:39
For: Sparkz
Level rating: 7.7

Wow, that’s a reason to stop if I ever heard one.

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: A funny game with Spaz and Carrots.
Level rating: 3.7

A game with an interesting enough while simple concept. It would’ve been better with a title screen or explanation, but it’s still easy to figure out. The only problem is that it doesn’t get harder; once you find out how to play you pretty much can’t lose. It would’ve been better if the carrots sped up.

N/A rating. I usually just copy other people’s ratings, and there are none here.

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The_Black_Krazz_Episode
Level rating: N/A

“Don’t rate because it’s not my best” is not a valid excuse.

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hit Jazzs head (game)
Level rating: 2.6

This is a modification of the “Hit the Ball” example game that comes with Game Maker 4. Be sure to state that in the “other authors” section or description.

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Pac Jazz (game)
Level rating: 3.2

This is a modification of the Pac Man example that came with Game Maker 4. Be sure to state that in “other authors” or the description area.

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rabbits Armageddon
Level rating: 5.2

Licking worms is bad.

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Timed Treasure Hunt
Level rating: 4.8

TSF ):

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Future
Level rating: 8.4

It may not be “10” good, but it’s REAL good.

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Commander Keen 5 : Set One
Level rating: 7.7

Alright set, but it’s blocky (you could’ve made it smaller or ran it through a special program) and you don’t have any layer3 tile to cover the front of the holes. And there’s a lot of blank tiles.

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Training Level!
Level rating: 1

1.2. You can’t give this the same rating as Volrad’s Cool Treasure Jungle; this is ten times better than that.

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Voldard's Cool Treasure Jungle
Level rating: 1

… I give you 1 for effort.

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Reach the gem - beta 1.0
Level rating: 5.5

You notice that Danyjel said nothing but bad things about the level, then said “congradulations” and gave it an eight?

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Alien Carnage: Office Block
Level rating: 7.2

I’m not sure if you’re supposed to rate conversions… if not an admin can own this.

The conversion is good, much better than the other AC conversion. Looks good, masked well, blah blah blah. A 7.2 or something because it’s well converted, but it’s not really yours. And you have to use a lot of layers to make it look good, which is a big drawback.[This review has been edited by Radium]

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Instagib lvls
Level rating: 1.1

Labrat, why such a low rating?

These wonderful levels redifine the basis of level design. The levels are too good to be normal, 1.23 levels, so they are actually one hundredth BETTER! The author was nice enough not to make us look at a background, or any layer besides layer 4 for that matter. These levels are huge; 8 tiles (yes, tiles!) high and 8 tiles (yes, also tiles!) wide. One level even had an EVENT, and not just any event, a seeker powerup! The levels use TONS of the tilesets’ tiles, most used SIX (yes, you heard right – 6!) and one wonderful level even used 2! Overall, I give this a 9 and reccomend download.[This review has been edited by Radium]

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: chensu figting pasword= jj2
Level rating: 6.3

This is a good level, but it has some definate drawbacks. I’ll do pro/con thing.
Frostbiter powerup not accessable
Good weapon placement
Good level design
Fairly good gameplay

No music
No layer use
No textured background

Total: 6, a good battle level with some small problems.

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Lava Cave
Level rating: 7.6

This level is very fun to play. Especially at the start, where you have to fight lots of birds using TNT. I’m taking a point off, though, because of there’s no next level and the tiles don’t all match up. If you have vision problems, you should get glasses or have someone else test your levels for bugs.

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JCS Extra Stuff
Level rating: 6.4

I nice documentary on SCEs(I think that’s the name). A few I didn’t know in there, though I couldn’t get the Early Electroblaster to work (nothing shows up).

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Conundrum
Level rating: N/A

Which part is glitched?

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Evil Clones - add-on (fixed)
Level rating: 7.6

Well first off, I admit that I didn’t finish the whole thing. I jjnxted through a good bit of it, but I didn’t feel like getting a gameover on the third level =P. I’ll keep that in mind when I score it.
The pack starts with running through some text, explaining the storyline. Apparently, there was a nuclear war and earth’s population could no longer reproduce, causing them to resort to cloning. Then some person who I assume is bad puts evil stuff in the magic cloning machine, so you “get a message from God” telling you to save the world or something.
The tilesets aren’t used very good, but the levels are well made and fun to play. They focus on puzzles and mazes more than classic “run and shoot”. Save points are well placed, though weapons are scarce. The scarcity of weapons is partially what makes it fun, though. Layers aren’t incredibly impressive, but the author ovbiously knew what he was doing.
It’s true that the pack is long; you won’t beat it in an hour. I estimate it would take the avrage-professional player 2-5 hours to complete.
My biggest complaint is the cursing*cough*, I mean mature taunts. Those so called “Mature taunts” actually have meanings as real words, and the author ovbiously didn’t know what they meant. There’s not really anything mature about it, as a “mature” person would know how to use the words properly. The pack is good, but the improper use of words really can drag a good thing down. It’s like if the Lord Of The Rings movie paused halfway through to watch a four year old blow bubbles out of his nose =P.
Overall, I’d say six and two tenths. The author is a good level designer who thinks cursing like a ten year old is cool.

Oh, and about the comment on Limp Bizkit: That’s why nobody with an I.Q. over 16 listens to them.[This review has been edited by Radium]

Review by Radium

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: LG2: Story
Level rating: N/A

OH MY GOSH THIS IS THE BESTEST THING I EVER READ. DOWNLOAD RECOMENDED. I GIVE IT A WHOLE ZERO OUT OF TEN. Actually, this should’ve been posted on the JCF, not as a level/tileset.

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