Review by Master Cheater

27 Apr 2005, 13:02 (edited 16 Aug 06, 08:50 by Cooba)
For: Episode One: The Invasion of Deserto
Level rating: 9.1

Alright.. I haven’t played it all, but I guess here goes something.. XD

The first level, I don’t know the level, but I swear that the tileset could be a small bit better. Even though I recognize it’s a JJ1 conversion, the sands there didn’t need to be.. Outlined, still, it’s a good “Intro-before the Action” type level. The eyecandy isn’t much, but I guess it’s enough not to keep you bored.

Rating: 6/10

The second level, where the enemy killing begins, there’s a lot of uses for the Skeleton guys here, and certainly quite a bit of the Underground mazes, traps, travels and flight that’s needed there, the “Insta-Killing pit” event there is pretty simple to intermediate Jazzers, sometimes uppercuts and speed are needed to access secret high-areas. Which fondle somewhere in the sky, though the placement of some enemies, like directly you get hurt by an enemy once you come onto a platform. It’s rather annoying.. Still, this is a good level for starting out quickly. The eyecandy, as in the background and such is pretty basic, but better than the first level at the very least.

Rating: 7/10

The third level, from what I remember, is that Egyptian like cave, the Temple they have, it’s rather amazing the uses of events are there, but still, the eye-candy lacks it’s appearances in these levels. The enemy placement in here is OK though. It’s rather easy to beat in Easy or Medium mode for an intermediate. However, this doesn’t mean that you should be rejoicing on the difficulty..

Rating: 7.5/10

I ain’t good at remembering levels, but if I guess right, the fourth level is the Underground Temple, now THIS level has a good dosage of eyecandy, the problem here are the crashing Spike-balls in this level, I avoided shooting them as the author requested, freezing them was a good alternative however. The enemy placement is very good in here, however it’s also very tricky to the human eye. Sometimes a purple-bat may just appear out of a layer 3 covered corner, surprising the player and taking away one of his lives.

Rating: 8.5/10

Fifth level, if I remember correctly, is the surface of the Temple again, though it still lacks eye candy, it’s still a strong challange like the Underground Temple level…

Rating: 7/10

Alrighty.. That’s how much I exactly played, if I remember correctly, now based off this rating, I’d give this.. 9.2

[Unacceptable rating (9.2) clearance. Never rate level packs if you haven’t played them to the end. ~Cooba]

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: SuperStencil 2.0 TSF
Level rating: N/A

What good can this do if it can’t be imported into JCS as a tileset?

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Godaikoku Part 1
Level rating: 8.3

Ok, here goes my own review (i am lucky this site doesn’t have a text limit……)

Level 1: Save the Sheep:

Let’s start with the whole storyline itself, the story was good, you start in the old farmer’s house and he asks you to get his 5 red sheep back, pretty basic levels, the music gives it a nice touch though. 7.6

Level 2: Santa’s Stolen Hats!:

This level was also good, but at the peak of the music somewhere, you can hear a bit of a Mario game song used in it, the music was ok, though, getting the hats ain’t a easy thing. Hard to find at times. 8.3

Level 3: Hank wants the 5 heads:

Good level, Jazz/Spaz came and nearly were good enough to become vampires, but to actually become ones, Hank requested them to bring back the 5 heads of the people he murdered, so Jazz/Spaz set off to get the 5 dead people’s heads. 8.5

Level 4: The Snowdust Reloaded:

I say this is nearly the best level i played in the pack, the music is real good, but rescueing the prisoners and finding the keys is hard, one thing though, rescueing the final one made me already forgot where to go. _;,….. The level is REAL nice, finding the keys is nearly as hard or harder than picking up the 5 dead heads in Level 3. 8.9

Level 5: The Casino:

Despite me being tooo lazy to finish this level, i can’t say much, this song is from FF6: The Collesium, kinda funny if you trust me. I’ll probably give this a higher score if i get around to actually finishing the level. 5.0

Rating: let’s see…… Level 1 + Level 2 = 7.0 + Level 3 = 8.4 + Level 4 + Level 5 = 9.5

This game really deserved a high rating.

Edit: Forgot to rate the Level 3… This made the rating go a bit higher though. The pack is still no prob though.[This review has been edited by Master Cheater]

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: devil traps 1 of 3[full version] [re uploaded
Level rating: 1.2

I very strongly agree with the other people of this site, this level doesn’t deserve a rating higher than 1.0 or 1.2…

Unless some n00b who really, REALLY can’t make levels gives it a 10..

Anywho, levels like this just don’t make the Jazz 2 Level section any better, if you could improve a LOT Leole.. The level could be better…
(Unsupported rating removal edit. I didn’t learn a thing about the level from this review, did you? ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: To Much diamond
Level rating: 7

Well… I don’t see actually Eyecandy.. My brain thinks that Eyecandy is only supposed to be in the other layers…

But.. Here goes:


Well the level is pretty basic… Also good and don’t use bees cause they’re ANNOYING also with the generators

Rating: 5.5 (cause of the generatable bees)

Eyecandy: Hmm… Good, just probably something cool could’ve been used in the background

Rating: 6.0

so then

Rating: 8.2

(Extremely odd rating removal. I fail to see how you got 8.2 out of 5.5 and 6.0. Feel free to re-rate this upload. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Unreal Music
Level rating: N/A

Ok… Here goes something… I’ll start with this one:

‘Unreal Crypt’

This music is ok, very good and is not as strange as i probably thought. Nothing too bad there, the sound of some acient drums thing in the background is sure good, very long and real good

Rating: 8.0

‘Shared Dig’

Hmm… Well this is almost the same as Unreal Crypt, plus the drums things are still in the background. There is a piano/space guitar like sound in there, it’s ok…… Wait… I heard this…

Rating: 8.0

‘Hub 3’

Hmm….. At the start… It’s like too quiet, but it starts then a couple of seconds later.. Quite strange if you ask me, i have no intention of flaming, but this song is strange, but good nonetheless…

Rating: 7.5


Ahh….. I think i quite mistaked this one for the first one at the top… But here’s the on-topic part:

It’s good, it uses a flute and also some parts that i recgonize, very good for a castle like theme or for a Jungle Theme (probably gonna be used in World Desolation). So i can that this is just as good as the first two.

Rating: 8.0

Bugs, Problems, Bad stuff: None

Final Score: 9.7

(Rating removal. This is NOT to be rated. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: NWCryst
Level rating: 8.1


Download Reccomandation: EXTREMLY HIGH

(Abused context clearance. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lost Vikings
Level rating: 8.4

Here’s a review by me, so here it goes:

Masked Tiles:

It was put in real good, but a bit bad in some places. Putting the masked tile on the star background was a good option (If ya wanna put the sucker tube thing like in RHB).

But the strange thing was about the Quick Sand, other than that.

Rating: 7.2


Real good, ya even put Tomator on it, the enemies, the vikings. The bomb, the house, almost everything! But except, a few more Tomator animations would be a little better (If ya have TSF, than you’ll be probably ready for a BIGGER tileset! :D)

Rating: 10


Not much there, it was a good try since The Lost Vikings game doesn’t have much layers. Minus the count you didn’t use the real space background from the Lost Vikings game (the one when your in Tomator’s space ship)

Animations: Making them is quite good, but it would’ve been better if you added more running or walking anims for the Lost Vikings and some more of Tomator, and his attack and teleporting.

Also for SOME enemies, the bottom part where the blue and white dots just made my eyes go: _

So don’t try that please..

Rating: 7.5 (cause of the tiles meantioned above, about the blue and white dots thing)

Background: Not much there, the space background is a good touch, but there also could’ve been one more, the one about the space background when your in Tomator’s ship.

Rating: 8.7

Overall: You got a 9.7. from me, can’t wait probably for the next The Lost Vikings Tileset, if it’s gonna come

Aw yea! This review made me a Medium Reviewer![This review has been edited by Master Cheater]

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Triple defeat
Level rating: 8.2

Yes cool! Great!! A decent level! BUT it would’ve been better if added more like 20 levels or so…i like to play levels that are challeging, good eyecandy, good plot and long levels

Good work SuperJazz[This review has been edited by Master Cheater]

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: My newest episode
Level rating: 7.7

Haven’t seen it but can someone make a episode of 50 levels? It gets boring if its too short and i hate boring

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Inner Chaos
Level rating: 8

Hey! Nice!
The level almost looks like a Borg Ship
Really i mean it!

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Future of Jazz
Level rating: 1.8

Don’t worry…..This just how the level is made
I am making the rest
Hey Sk8terboyJJ2
I said it’s only a show what the level looks like! I am continuing the episode![This review has been edited by Master Cheater]

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Single-Player Time!
Level rating: 8.9

Nice!!! Cool!
But the musics scary me and are
creepy…….the levels too
Please if you make a new episode don’t include creppy musics they just scare me

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz jackrabbit-dimension 3
Level rating: 3.4

Originally posted by DanX:
Ok… here we go again

Story: no story? umm… N/A

Tileset use: not so good… Especially the background is made very badly… 5

Desgin: Everything is a bit monotonious… and there’re few places I couldn’t get out from… 4

Eye Candy – well… didn’t notice to much of that… 4

Weapons and Enemies – the balance is maintaned but there’s one place where there’s too many enemies… There’re pickups here and there but perhaps too much of some of them. 6 will be enough

Originality – This is a very average two-level episode… nothing interesting nor original cought my eye… 2

Difficulty – T’was quite easy… 2

Gameplay – gets boring very fast… 2

Replay Value – none what-so-ever – 1

Overall Rating – Practice more and never use that music :) – 3


Hey! Daniel is my real name you know!

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: the Lost World episode
Level rating: 9.1

What can i say??
E.X.T.R.E.M.L.Y C.O.O.L!!!!!
Nice level,but short i give: 50%
Nice Tileset,Very cool i give: 100%
Nice cutscene’s,Nice! i give: 100%
Storyline,It’s nice! i give: 80%
Total:Enough for a 10

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Piramid Puzzle ( race)
Level rating: 7.8

Cool and Nice

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: RollerCoaster Race
Level rating: 7.7


Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lost In Space
Level rating: 1

It’s nice but boring….

(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Agent Jackrabbit
Level rating: 8.7

It’s Very Good but one problem
Whenever i get to the level “The End?”
It quit’s the episode and put’s me in the Jazz 2 Menu….I wonder why?
Can you fix the problem and Update the episode.
Thank You

Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jaws Battle (new Version)
Level rating: 7.3


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