Because all these sarcasm comments without any arguments what is actually good on this map. (Or bad.), I’ll review this. So, yay! First level uploaded, well done! Ok, now the level. Pretty good, small, placements are well, I don’t like the ammo choices, is good for duels, has good eyecandy, the horizontal 1 tiles aren’t good for the structure of this level. That’s it, Small review, didnt want a long review. This is good though.
Amazing. I noticed I had music muted in jj2 so i unmuted it, and boom, my ears got orgasm too. my only complaint is that the “chuj ci dupe” text is missing.
Bravo! Your best level so far! =O
love the warps placement :D
it`s fun to play this after setting a few things in plus
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.