Review by Ischa

19 Jul 2007, 07:16
For: Frog Race
Level rating: 6.8

Rating Frog Race

To start:
Frog races are slow and boring? I agree with you. But this frog race is the best one I’ve ever seen!

Eyecandy: (20 pts)
Well… a bit normal. There is nothing special. It’s just like the classical JJ2 Diamondus-levels: trees in the background, diamonds in the walls… and those reddish brown ones are ugly!
Result: 11 pts

Gameplay: (20 pts)
Like I said in ‘To start’ this frog race is the best one ever. It’s the first frog race which isn’t slow. There is also an assembly line which is new into Diamondus-levels. I’ve never seen that before. There are also multiple routes. But it is furthermore nothing special. Just find Eva at the start/finish line and complete your lap. There is not so much special, but it is good.
Result: 14 pts

Obstacle placement: (10 pts)
There are springs to make it harder, but that’s all.
Result: 5 pts

Ammo placement: (10 pts)
If you play a level as a frog, you don’t need ammo, so there is no ammo in this level.
Result: N/A

Total points: 30
Maximum number of points: 60-10(ammo placement)=*50*
Calculating: 30/50*9+1=*6,4*
Mark: 6,4
Download recommendation: N/A

Review by Sacrush

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Falkenstein's Lab Battle
Level rating: 5.8

OMG here is my review!!

Fine!!! There are no tilebugs and a good background and foreground.

Ammo placement:
Fine!!! There is ammo in the level not much though.

BAD!!! It`s annoying all those springs suckertube`s and h-poles. It still fells like a race level you can`t call this a battle. O Warps weird placed to.
I agree with Labrat kid that it is difficult to go where i wan`t to go.

Remove al those annoying springs and make the layout better than it`s a pretty good battle. A 5.2

Review by Dago

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Frog Race
Level rating: 6.8

An oldie. But a very original idea indeed. I downloaded it a while ago from Birdman’s nest. I enjoyed it a lot but it only really worked decently for 2-player split-screen mode. Onto the review drumroll:

Frog Race

Gameplay: Good, nice for a race level.
Eyecandy: Mediocre. I really didn’t like the belt part. It looked kinda weird with the tiles going all weird. Also the trees looked odd. Kinda ugly because the tops were joined badly.
Obsticle Placement: Standard.
Pickups Placement: N/A… you’re a frog you foo! :P
Length: A little too short. But when you’re frogs I guess you move a lot slower. So guess it’s fairly good.
Overall: A fairly good race level by Birdman. With a very original idea. 7/10 from me. A job well done.

Review by Dago

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Falkenstein's Castle
Level rating: 6.8

Ooooooooh! I remember this level. I was having so much trouble on it, me being 5 back then and all. Well, onto the review:

Castle Falkenstein

Okay, despite the fact that this is the first level of the pack I still think that this is the slight better of the two. It provides a challenge, and is very original.

Gameplay: Great, that’s all I have to say. :P
Eyecandy: Okay, it would get a higher grade if the background wasn’t ripped from the castle levels made by epic.
Enemy Placement: Great, a lot of hidden enemies that just pop out of nowhere.
Pickups Placement: Good, a nice variety placed fairly well.
Length: Okay, it has mediocre length.
Difficulty: Average/Hard.
Overall: Good, provides a challenge and has decent eyecandy too. 7.2/10

Falkenstein’s Dungeon

This isn’t as good as the first level, but is still fairly good. It is just as hard and challenging as the first level, but the eyecandy just isn’t the same. =\ This level is very similar to the first level, Castle Falkenstein. Well, here’s the review:

Gameplay: Great! Just as good as the first level. :)
Eyecandy: Mediocre. A little tilebugs here and there but it still makes the grade.
Enemy Placement: Good, still just as good as the first level.
Pickups Placement: Good, a lot of secrets as well.
Length: A little too short. This is what really pulled this level down.
Difficulty: Average/Hard.
Overall: A little too short but overall it isn’t bad. 6/10.

The overall rating for both these levels from me is 6.6, but just because I’m a nice guy I’ll round it up to 6.7. Nice job.

[This review has been edited by Dago]

Review by JelZe

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Falkenstein's Castle
Level rating: 6.8

Ok, why hasn’t any onereviewed this yet? Too lazy, or is this just too hard? O well…

I may sound biased like this: even without looking at the level, I strongly recommend downloading this. Why? It’s a Golden Oldie of the Jazz 2 City era, it’s a history lesson for the newbies and a piece of history for the “oldies” (that includes me ;p) Now, on to the review. since it’s two levels, I’ll be brief :P

Castle Falkenstein

This level’s a challenge. Using the castle 1 set (and Tubelectric music, which somehow somewhat fits the nature of this level), this level will drive the impatient to insanity :p This isn’t a straight forward level at all, lemme warn ya. Your first “mission” is to find all 20 coins to enter the bonus warp. Easier said than done, with the traps around: spring, spiked pits and hidden enemies. Even worse: you’ll have to backtrack once you find the trigger crate to the last coins. The second part is more of a doozy: find a way down the bridge and to the exit (Hint: try shooting). That part more filled with bonusses for willing :P

Nothing to complain about: eye candy is good, lay-out great… A reason for concern is that room with the last coins mentioned earlier. That is room is accessible, via triggers (part 1) or the one way bridge (part 2). And here’s the problem: when you lose a life, all triggers, goodies, etc. are reset Should you get into that room, there’s no way you can get out once you’ve entered part 2. Shamefull, and it could have easily been avoided by removing that one-way bridge.

Overall, short but challenging, and makes finishing the level worth it.

Rating: 7 (-.5 for that room)

Falkenstein’s Dungeon

More of same thing :p No looking for coins tho: Just find your way to the end of the level. Of course this level has a boss: the SchwartzenGuard with an added challenge: spiked pits :P

Of course no level is pefect: faulty next level setting when played in TSF (labrat2.j2l). I’ll let this one slide tho, since when this level was made the players were “young and foolish” :p

Rating: 6

A blast from the past, which everyone should see. This level is old, but still fun :)

Final rating (J2O): (7 + 6) / 2 + .5 (brownie points :P) = 7
Final rating (J2C): two stars

- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3[This review has been edited by JelZe]

Review by ~[GpW]NinjA

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Frog Race
Level rating: 6.8

The level, it’s an original idea, but the slowness is annoying.

The eyecandy is OK.

And that’s all.


This was the first race level I ever downloaded, in either 1999 or 2000.

Mikee, you probably got it from Birdman’s Nest, his site, which was the first JJ2 site I ever went to besides The Daily Carrot.

Review by Snotticus

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Frog Race
Level rating: 6.8

It’s a good level, but the eyecandy is not-so-good. Good obstacles. I know the password to your levels, I don’t make them so easy to guess. O.o; I accidently pressed enter while opening your level.

(Unsupported rating removal edit. As a note, a blank password often means the author later chose not to have one, as JCS does not support actual password removal. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Falkenstein's Lab Battle
Level rating: 5.8

Another interesting level.

Gameplay – Okay
The sucker tubes annoy me. I kept accidently touching them when trying to innocently navigate the level, and it made it hard to get to where I wanted to get. I’m also anti-deadends in battle / CTF levels, unless it’s strategically done. Another thing I dislike is the spring that has a long delay on it. That disrupts the flow. Overall, the gameplay is decent, but confusing.
Layout – Bad
Ugh, so confusing… I all ways get lost, and the springs and sucker tubes annoy me. It’s interesting, but it’s just annoying and confusing.
Eyecandy – Good
Well, here’s the good part of the level. The eyecandy is fairly good. There is a foreground with some pipes, and some background layers with background stuff. There is some stuff in the sprite layer, too, making the eyecandy look overall pretty nice here.
Ammo placement – Good
Good ammo placement, I guess. It’s original. Rather then rectangles of ammo, there are some straight lines of ammo near the ceilings of the level. There is only one powerup that I counted, which is a well hid bouncer powerup.
Overall – Okay / good
Download reccomendation – Not really. It’s your choice.
Host this often – Probably not.

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Frog Race
Level rating: 6.8

Interesting. Unfortunately, people have higher standards among levels now.

Gameplay – Good
The gameplay is good, for a frog race…. frog races are very slow moving, and they get very boring, especially because they can only be played in splitscreen. You should make your races so you get a coin every time you finish a lap, and then when you have three coins, you are warped to a room with gems so you can win the level. Or, you could do it with trigger zones, which is a bit more complicated. I understand that back in that day, nobody really thought up of those ideas, which is okay. Anyway, there are multiple routes for completing this level, which is also all ways good in races. They both seem to let me complete them with the same amount of effort, which, unfortunately, isn’t much. At the end of the laps, you find Eva, who kisses you, allowing you to complete a lap. Pretty standard race, really.

Eyecandy – Good
Not bad at all. Diamonds in the walls, trees, grass eyecandy, a background, etc. I would like to complain about some of the trees, though, especially the reddish brown ones. They look rather ugly. The eyecandy is overall pretty good for a level of it’s time.

Size – Bad
It’s too small. Frog races don’t need to be very big, because frogs can’t move fast, but this is still a little too small for my liking.

Ammo placement – N/A
No shooting = no ammo.

Biasing – N/A
No Jazz/Spaz = no biasing.

Overall – Good
This would be fun to play in splitscreen, but it just wouldn’t work online.

Download reccomendation – If you’re like DX DC and you play splitscreen a lot offline. Otherwise, leave this alone.

Host this often – No, because it’s not playable online.

6.9, rounded up to 7.0.

No, DX DC, this is 5 years old. He made it well before you.[This review has been edited by labratkid]

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Frog Race
Level rating: 6.8

This is amazing. When did you join this site? Because I downloaded it from a private website. I also downloaded your Falkenstien things.

Review by Birdman

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Frog Race
Level rating: 6.8

I created this level in 1998!! I got full marks on Jazz2City with it…. This is THE original Frog Race. Before ANYONE had ever thought of making a race as a Frog. I Stand firmly and squarely behind my level. [besides the zipfile has a different name, so there’s no issue!][This review has been edited by Birdman]

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