Not recommendedQuick Review by Zoro

6 Dec 2009, 03:13
For: Happy day
Level rating: 1.1

oh my god…
Happy night was better than it…

Not recommendedQuick Review by Zoro

6 Dec 2009, 03:12
For: Happy night
Level rating: 1.2

its very bad…
what i can say anymore!
I think you made it in Paint for 3.5 secunds…

Not recommendedReview by Gizmaluke

18 Dec 2004, 14:37
For: Desert Adventure
Level rating: 3.3

Finally cloud maded SP-episode

DESERT DREAM: Gameplay::Not bad…for beginner. Eyecandy:Not bad Event placment:Very bad Enemy placment:Good Tileset used:Your own tileset:P Overall:4.5 UNTITLED: Gameplay:Bad Eyecandy:AAAARRRGGHHH!!!!!!!!!! Event placment:Not bad Enemy placment:Not bad Tileset used:Your own tileset:P Overall:3.2 UNTITLED: Gameplay:Very short level but good.Boss is very cool. Eyecandy:Good I think Event placment:Baaaaaad Enemy placment:Not bad Tileset used:Wow, a spaceship tileset (By cloud:p) Overall:4.5 Untitled: Gameplay:Not bad Eyecandy:Bad Event placment:Not bad Enemy placment.Not bad Tileset used.Made By Cloud Overall:4.5 OVERALL: 4.2 (I think)

Not recommendedReview by PHT

16 Dec 2004, 16:49
For: Desert Adventure
Level rating: 3.3

@ Nobody: Look at the Single player archive: There are plenty of high rated nonTSF SP things there, or if you want something new, play FSP: Rent Collection.

Review for Desert Adventure:

In the first level you wander through a hot desert with some old buildings you must get through and some evil animals. The buildings have no windows and are therefore very dark, but too dark in my opinion. If you’re in a dark room you can still see a little bit. So the lighting should be a bit higher, making it a bit less unfair. After some time aliens beamed me up to their spaceship and the level ended. After that my JJ2 crashed because the next level seems not to be included at all.

The level is not all that creative, wether gameplay-, nor eyecandywise. The dark rooms spend the player a bit different, but that’s all. I liked how the UFO beamed me up at the end though, which was well done.

On the outside the level is fairly easy, while the dark parts are unfair, because you can’t see anything. Made me die once.

The eyecandy is fairly dull. The tileset used seems to be from the same author as the level, but it’s not very good at all. There are some tiny 2D graphics, a weird looking background, and that was it. Really needs some work.

There’s no story at all, there’s no reason why the player is in a desert and so you go on, until aliens capture you. Needs work too.

Overall this level pack is first of all not fully playable, because the author forgot to put in the second level. What I’ve played was fairly dull, reasons for that are found in the above sections.

As only the first level is playable and the rest isn’t, I must sadly give this a 2.5

Review by Nobody

15 Dec 2004, 09:49
For: Desert Adventure
Level rating: 3.3

Do you know anyone who makes v1.23 single player level packs? I can’t find a place to buy TSF version of JJ2

Review by Ðx

13 Dec 2004, 19:27
For: Desert Adventure
Level rating: 3.3


Review by cooba

13 Dec 2004, 19:15
For: Desert Adventure
Level rating: 3.3

What level is the first?

Review by Jarno vos

24 Nov 2004, 14:46
For: SPace
Level rating: 1.2

Bad File
Bad Eyecandy
Bad Test Level
Unnamed Test Level
You’re A Bad User

Not recommendedReview by Gizmaluke

13 Nov 2004, 10:48
For: SPace
Level rating: 1.2

Cloud strikes again with new tileset.
This time this “SPace” tileset looks like neonius.(But neonius is much much
better)There is only some spaceship, masked, and background tiles. Name is aldeready usedso BETTER SWITCH THAT NAME OR I EAT YOU thank you

Review by DarkSonic

13 Nov 2004, 10:42
For: SPace
Level rating: 1.2

There is already a tileset named Space. You should rename your tileset to something else.

Not recommendedReview by Violet CLM

5 Nov 2004, 06:50
For: Town of halloween
Level rating: 2.2

No. I mean, no. This shows very little effort. The entire tileset uses maybe eight colors, seven of which are shades of gray. There is no real attempt at shading, and if you look at the example level, you’ll notice that several of the background layers use the exact same colors without even having outlines. The main problem is that there is only one tile for ground. There are also slope tiles, which are a different color, and don’t work with the ground. Most of the tileset is devoted to random eyecandy effects, like painfully flashing pumpkin faces (without even rounded edges), graves, and things I can’t really identify but would qualify as wells in some strange alternate universe. The best parts are probably the gate tiles, which use one color and are somewhat undetailed, but get away with it anyway. Masking is fine.
In essence, this tileset isn’t all that good. It needs more colors, more shading, and I think it would be good if the scale was upped to about 150%. The gates and stuff would look better and scarier if they were bigger than Jazz. (Jazz seems to do quite well in environments that are bigger than him – see Nature’s Ruins for example) It would also be nice if the tileset had more colors than gray. Gray gets really boring really quickly, and in all honesty, isn’t very scary. Take a look at Darkened Landscape for a better example of a Halloween color scheme.
Finally, this tileset is inferior to anything Disguise has ever made. Go figure.

RecommendedReview by Violet CLM

5 Nov 2004, 06:21
For: Happ birftdhay jazz
Level rating: 3.9

This unusually engrish celebratory level is unquestionably intended to announce some sort of “Ten V’th Birthday” for Jazz, but precisely what numeral Ten.V is designed to represent is left unfortunately unclear. Jazz’s main birthday transpired several months previous to the present day, and the 10(.v?)th anniversary of HH94 and Jazz CD is not due for another twenty-four days. Thus, what possible meaning can be derived from the unappealing birthday known as 10.v? Perhaps that my language in this paragraph has been really annoying?

Anyway, in summary, I have no idea what this is the 10th birthday of. Maybe the author started playing Jazz ten years ago? That would be kind of cool. Let’s review the level.
Based on the level description and the end boss, this is a Single Player level, but it’s kind of hard to tell as there are no enemies of any kind. There are, in fact, only two real dangers. There’s a single three-tile-wide-pit-of-spikes which can be avoided with ease, and a drop to the bottom of the level which you are quite likely to fall into. You see, you are running along a small platform, and must fall off onto another small platform right below. If you miss the platform, you hit the bottom of the level. This is really poor planning, as there’s no indication that the author meant for this to happen.
Of course, now that I’ve said that, I find myself wondering exactly what the author did mean to happen. The level seems to be a simple romp through a brightly colored tribute to Jazz. The tileset choice is pretty good for that intention – “Jazz Paradise”, featuring fireworks, palm trees, pictures of Jazz, and various party stuff – but it would have been even cooler to see a tileset featuring pictures of Jazz’s more memorable adventures, plus really cool pictures of everyone. “Jazz’s greatest hits”, if you will. Unfortunately, I have no right to expect that from some as new to J2O as Cloud is, and I am left with a hop-skip-jump through Jazz Paradise. Which isn’t a bad thing, but isn’t perfect, either.
The main reason I’m not sure I like this non-difficult level is that without obstacles of any sort, the level becomes boring. I was unable to come up with any reason I was there. Devan appears at the end, controlling a Jazz clone (nice touch… pity they don’t work very well), which seems to give the impression of a plot. Where is the plot in the rest of the level? Actually, where was anything? There were no goodies, no cool stuff like springs or vines, pretty much no anything except for pinball events and warps. The warps don’t even work all that well – they all have the same WarpID.
Pretty much all that’s left to talk about for this level is the eyecandy. It’s not bad. More could probably have been done with the tileset – I’m not entirely sure who this “J A Z S” is, though we all seem to love him – but the author uses a large number of the available tiles, and most of the time there are no real errors. Some places look downright ugly – the area right after the belts, for example – while others manage to look quite nice. I still am not totally enthralled with the tileset, but it’s used fairly well. (Are the background layers stolen? They look like they might be.)
So, in summary…

PROS: Level is kind of fun if you have the right sort of brain, and the eyecandy’s not all that bad. It is also a good level for someone who seems new in the field.
CONS: Kind of boring, and the lack of plot confuses me. A few too many event use errors.
RATING: 3.9 should work. I may come back and change it later, as this level is something of a mixed bag. Add enemies, goodies and random objects and this level should be much better.

(It came to my attention on my second play through that the bottomless pit area I mentioned actually involves belts. You are supposed to stand still and let the belts carry you around safely. Still, the belts are way too slow, don’t work quite right, and you can fall off easily. Too bad.)

Review by Nobody

30 Oct 2004, 12:14
For: Happy night
Level rating: 1.2

There’s something wrong with this. It’s not for JJ2 1.23. I think it’s for the TSF version since it didn’t work on my JJ2. The tileset was just plain empty and had nothing in it. The level crashed my JCS.

Review by Gizmaluke

27 Oct 2004, 15:06
For: Happy day
Level rating: 1.1

I don’t really know what to say about this. There is only stubid looking cloud and some block tiles.(The block tiles rock)Afterall this tileset get 1.5
And I know this is your first tileset ;)

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